@GrevousAngel @candoit @TucoÂ’s Grill @slug.go @Scowick65 @doc2quit4good
Fuck you!
Feel free to delete my account, I will not be back around with people like you present.
Do people go to AA and get told basically to fuck off? No… it’s called a “SUPPORT” group for a reason. They have people to walk through the process with them knowing that even if they stumble they will be embraced and made better because of it. Waiting to “Tear you a new one” or is bullshit and not supportive at all to someone that truly is at a point where they wanted to seek help and be part of a community to quit. But that community is full of a bunch of ass heads. I’ll find support and a group somewhere else where people actually give a shit about the person behind posting then trying to one up and be the big man on campus stroking their ego. Glad I took the time to write out a message that meant something to me and you guys were just dicks about it. Damn my bad for not reading every fucking post on the forum and remember every rule… ever heard manners and being polite? I mean you must have just been perfect and the first time you quit went perfectly….. never had any issues at all and the first time you though of quitting… it just happened. I bet that you just woke up one day and decided today is the day. Glad you remember what it’s like to be the one getting over an addiction and your decision day. Glad you remember how much it meant to have someone by your side fighting with you then trying to find any reason to tear you down.
Why IÂ’m back is because I stumbled and for a long time felt ashamed to come back because I was having trouble again. That I failed the guys I was part of in the group but I am done with nicotine and don't give a crap what you guys think. IÂ’ve already made the decision no matter what pain comes from quitting, iÂ’m done. My bad for wanting to have some meaning behind it in 4 days and something that I could remember on my birthday of 10,000 days. PLENTY of website with tips for quitting smoking suggest planning a quit date and sticking to that. Well that's what I'm doing...
@all the rest of you that are supportive and making it day by dayÂ… keep going youÂ’re an inspiration to me. IÂ’ll be right along with you but sorry call me emotional, I donÂ’t like to be associated with a bunch of assholes. So my roll will not be posted here.
Stay Quit
Extricate yourself from your shitty, counterproductive, addict thinking. Stop making nonsense plans, and start doing this shit today. Right now. No excuses.
You shit on KTC by coming here once and then caving. You shit on us again when you posted your sorry plan in the middle of our roll call without actually posting roll. You shit on our rug, and yet you want us to apologize?
If you came here to have your balls coddled with velveteen gloves while you "try" to quit again, then this is not the place for you. Not a single person will beg you to stay since your present lack of fortitude, integrity, and accountability will not mesh with how we Quit here.
"Here's to the next 10,000 days!" What the fuck does that even mean?
We quit today, one day at a time. None of this 10,000 day bullshit.
Fix your mindset. As in, completely. Then try again.