Today the train is heading back to the land of O H I O to pickup Oceanic815, but by judging his avatar it would be safe to say this is no buckeye fan. Oceanic815 is single with no kids 'Cheers' that has been a dipper for almost a decade.
Here is what he had to say, "I think that the hardest part and where KTC was helpful was that someone was doing it too and was aware that I wasn't supposed to be. Accountability on this site is actually rather striking for me, as for a long time friends, family and everyone else could not get me to do it, but having this site made a huge difference. Plus I think you have to be in the right place and some of the wisdom of other dippers who are tired and fed up with it controlling them helps move you along to the place where you can hear that advice. I think along with that the roll call makes you make your choice for the day and the rest is easy after you start doing it a few times. Along with that is the sense of support in people looking out for each other and knowing where to come in the case of an impending cave. I will be staying for the next 100 days for sure and hope that I can be better about posting earlier in the day despite a crazy work schedule."
Welcome aboard the train Oceanic815!!!