Author Topic: My first day  (Read 1390 times)

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Offline Jerk11

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Re: My first day
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2015, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Flaw
Quote from: Natro
Quote from: Skatulla
Quote from: Drewdrew
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
Thanks for the speedy reply, my little brother is in the ARMY (ft. Drum, NY [13F MOS])
Read up in the welcome center and get some info. Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
haha...sorry about the Airforce and the Army, Go Marines!

As for the vape, get rid of that shit. It's only going to bring back the old memories of nicotine and it's going to be that much harder to quit. Get fake chew. That shit helped me quit early on.
The fake stuff really, really does help. Smokey Mountain is sold at most Walmart stores and there are a plethora of other alternatives listed on KTC that are good- I was a Skoal Mint guy so I went with the Hooch Rough Cut Mint, but had to buy online-- really helps for craves and the oral fixation. Good luck and PM me if you want another contact.

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Re: My first day
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2015, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Skatulla
Howdy, been dipping around 4 years (consistently) now, started out in college when I was too broke to pay for smokes so I tried dip, didn't fancy it at first and quit. A year later when I was Enlisting into the Air Force I knew my cardio needed work so I decided to dip instead of smoke cigarettes for my nic fix, hoping that it would help my running. Once I got out of basic I fell into the trap of using again one drunken night off base, and pretty much since then I've been using. I was required to work inside of a 'secure facility' where there wasn't even any windows, so OTJ dipping was the only way to get a fix, no vape or smokes allowed.

A couple of days ago I saw a red bump on my tongue and freaked, right then and there I flushed my shit and spent hours googleing for mouth cancer pictures, and eventually stumbling upon this site. I'm giving it 14 days to go away or I'm getting my dentist to check it out. I never really contemplated all these years that I could be a cancer victim at 24, I kept telling myself I'd quit years down the road, but that time never came. So here I am 124 hours without a dip and roughly 1 hour without nicotine (vape), the cancer scared me enough to stay away from dip for the rest of my life, I'm just hoping I can stay away from nicotine for good.
Thanks young man for risking your life for mine in this crazy ass world we live in! Get in here! Let's start the healing process and as far as the red bump goes, probably be gone couple days. Don't mean you can start back its an early warning sign to stop! Young man there's a whole lot more in life than sticking poison in your mouth, no different than sticking needle in your arm,were all addicts wanting same thing you are,help getting off this shit! Stay quit! Post roll EDD! Read and listen to these badass quitters!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline flrednek28

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Re: My first day
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2015, 07:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Flaw
Quote from: Natro
Quote from: Skatulla
Quote from: Drewdrew
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
Thanks for the speedy reply, my little brother is in the ARMY (ft. Drum, NY [13F MOS])
Read up in the welcome center and get some info. Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
haha...sorry about the Airforce and the Army, Go Marines!

As for the vape, get rid of that shit. It's only going to bring back the old memories of nicotine and it's going to be that much harder to quit. Get fake chew. That shit helped me quit early on.
Hey Skat, I started in the Air Force, I smoked, I was a crew chief and could not smoke on flight line, so started chewin/ dippin, and here I am 24 yrs later, glad you made the decision much earlier than I did. Good for you and stay Quit!

Offline Flaw

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Re: My first day
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2015, 02:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Natro
Quote from: Skatulla
Quote from: Drewdrew
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
Thanks for the speedy reply, my little brother is in the ARMY (ft. Drum, NY [13F MOS])
Read up in the welcome center and get some info. Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
haha...sorry about the Airforce and the Army, Go Marines!

As for the vape, get rid of that shit. It's only going to bring back the old memories of nicotine and it's going to be that much harder to quit. Get fake chew. That shit helped me quit early on.

Offline Derk40

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Re: My first day
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2015, 09:05:00 AM »
Great decision. Make sure you throw away all of your vapor garbage. I mean get rid of all of the accessories. All of it. You don't need any of that around you. You can do this.
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Offline jwright

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Re: My first day
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2015, 06:25:00 AM »
Treat every day like your day one and just make that promise that you will quit for today, soon you will be in control of your addiction on a daily basis with the help of your friends here. You can do this, coming here was the best thing you could have done.
"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."

-Benjamin Franklin


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Offline Ginet

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Re: My first day
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2015, 01:29:00 AM »
Congrats on a great decision. Day one. Best day of my life. I love day one. Now, quitting is simple. Post roll, Keep your word. Don't put that shit in your mouth. I didn't say it was easy. Remember - ALL nicotine is your enemy. No cape (God I hate them) no gum, no patch, no cigar etc. NONE. Quit is having no nicotine, not trading one delivery system for another.

Come here to rage or try chat. We get it. We are all addicts.

Remember to quit for just today. You will worry about tomorrow when it gets here. Don't rush to tomorrow either. You took a chance when using that you may not make it to tomorrow so enjoy today. You are quit and that is a good day!

I'll be here quitting like a girl cuz I already gave my word. Are you gonna do it again today?

Ginet day 393 LF
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
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Offline Menace

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Re: My first day
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2015, 10:54:00 PM »
Day #1 - Your first step to freedom brother. Quitting now is the best thing you can do for the rest of your life, take it from those of us that waited until 40's or 50's to figure it out. You'll have saved enough coin by the time you are 40 years of age to go buy yourself a beautiful new car or truck or put a nice deposit down on a new home. You'll have also spent much more time living rather then worrying about when you can get your next fix. I'll give you a couple thoughts I like to pass on. First remember you are an addict and this is not a habit. That is an important fact some of us took a long time to figure out. Second posting roll is your life line, the link to success. It can seem silly at first but trust me when I tell you it is the difference between success and failure here at KTC and there are plenty of examples of both. Welcome aboard the train.....quit with you today!

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Offline Natro

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Re: My first day
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2015, 07:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Skatulla
Quote from: Natro
Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
I've been 100% nic free since I created my account (decided to quit when my little 8oz vape juce ran out) got me threw my first 5 days without a dip. Already posted roll, and am currently reading everything I can get my hands on until my game (fallout 4) installs from steam so I can just zone out as much as possible for my first 3 days when I'm home. Thx.
Nice, I saw you posted, good job. Grab some gum, seeds, fake dip, candy, whatever you need to get through. Water helps a ton. If you walk by the pisser and don't stop, drink more. Get to know the guys in your group, exchange numbers and get to quitting. Congrats.
Proud January 2015 "Shell"er
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Offline Jeff W.

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Re: My first day
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2015, 07:42:00 PM »
Yep it's time to kick the nic bitch to the curb and give her a curb stomp for good measure. You can do this, and this community can help. Once you've made that crucial decision, go post a Day 1 in your quit group's roll.

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Re: My first day
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2015, 07:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Skatulla
I'm just hoping I can stay away from nicotine for good.
No hoping or trying here bro... Just doing.

If you've made the decision and truly owned it... Nothing will shake you. It won't always be easy but, man, it's worth it. You'll be surrounded by people doing the same thing. Follow the path and heed the advice. Freedom is yours for the taking... It's pretty damn cool.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Skatulla

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Re: My first day
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2015, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Natro
Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
I've been 100% nic free since I created my account (decided to quit when my little 8oz vape juce ran out) got me threw my first 5 days without a dip. Already posted roll, and am currently reading everything I can get my hands on until my game (fallout: new vegas) installs from steam so I can just zone out as much as possible for my first 3 days when I'm home. Thx.

edit: typo

Offline Natro

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Re: My first day
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Skatulla
Quote from: Drewdrew
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
Thanks for the speedy reply, my little brother is in the ARMY (ft. Drum, NY [13F MOS])
Read up in the welcome center and get some info. Drew is right we can help you but you have to be free of ALL forms of nicotine. That includes the vape. So pitch the vape, learn how to post roll (welcome center) and head over to the May pre HOF quit group. Post roll and your off like a prom dress. Congrats..
Proud January 2015 "Shell"er
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Offline Skatulla

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Re: My first day
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 07:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Drewdrew
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
Thanks for the speedy reply, my little brother is in the ARMY (ft. Drum, NY [13F MOS])

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Re: My first day
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 06:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Skatulla
Howdy, been dipping around 4 years (consistently) now, started out in college when I was too broke to pay for smokes so I tried dip, didn't fancy it at first and quit. A year later when I was Enlisting into the Air Force I knew my cardio needed work so I decided to dip instead of smoke cigarettes for my nic fix, hoping that it would help my running. Once I got out of basic I fell into the trap of using again one drunken night off base, and pretty much since then I've been using. I was required to work inside of a 'secure facility' where there wasn't even any windows, so OTJ dipping was the only way to get a fix, no vape or smokes allowed.

A couple of days ago I saw a red bump on my tongue and freaked, right then and there I flushed my shit and spent hours googleing for mouth cancer pictures, and eventually stumbling upon this site. I'm giving it 14 days to go away or I'm getting my dentist to check it out. I never really contemplated all these years that I could be a cancer victim at 24, I kept telling myself I'd quit years down the road, but that time never came. So here I am 124 hours without a dip and roughly 1 hour without nicotine (vape), the cancer scared me enough to stay away from dip for the rest of my life, I'm just hoping I can stay away from nicotine for good.
I love this story bro, and sorry about the Air Force thing, Go Army! As for the vape, pitch it man. It has the poison that keeps getting you hooked. We really want to help and support, and will, if you cut the micotine completely.
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