Author Topic: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit  (Read 1467 times)

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2015, 12:32:00 PM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Bold, congrats on your 100 days!
Wasn't easy, and you've still got challenges, but you've shown how strong your quit is all along. From that first time in live chat, i knew you were in this for the long haul.

I quit with you brother. Today and all the +1s.
Congratulations Bold! You got the tools and resources use them for continued success!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2015, 12:09:00 PM »
Bold, congrats on your 100 days!
Wasn't easy, and you've still got challenges, but you've shown how strong your quit is all along. From that first time in live chat, i knew you were in this for the long haul.

I quit with you brother. Today and all the +1s.
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2015, 09:54:00 PM »

First thing, remember that posting roll EARLY, Every Morning takes the option to use off the table (assuming you have integrity). Second, no matter what your brain is telling you, remember that nicotine withdrawal has NEVER killed anyone (it just seems like it). Third, build your web of accountability by exchanging digits with as many fellow quitters as you deem necessary (I have over 80 in my phone). Fourth, read as much as you can about why this addiction is so friggin' pervasive.....

You can do this. Many others before you have shown the way....follow the path. I quit with you today.

Offline pab1964

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »
Bold my brother you have some badass quitters already on board with you! Do your part, post roll and stay involved and I guarantee you these bad boys will be there when you need them! Damn good job, takes balls to join and win daily at this shit! Proud of you! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline BazookaJoe

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2015, 03:09:00 PM »
Another good thing to do is to continually revisit your intro and write down what you're thinking. Scroll through the intros and read the ones that have more than 15 pages to get a good feel for the emotional and psychological roller coaster you've just boarded. As you will see, it gets better as you work through the fog and the suck and rack up +1s.

Offline schaef418

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2015, 10:36:00 AM »
You have quite a bit of reading to do....start with this here:

1. Be sure to visit the WELCOME CENTER for what you need to know.
2. Stop by Introductions and tell us something about yourself.
3. Knowing what to expect is found here and here .
4. Print this Contract to give up... ; put it in your wallet and commit to signing it before you can take another dip.
5. Read about Tom and Jenny Kern , It will be a tough read, but do it. Start from the beginning
6. Unsure how to Post Roll? Click here -- How to post roll.
7. For inspiration stop by Words of Wisdom, HOF Speeches, and the Hall of Legends
8. Here are some Suggested Site Settings for KTC.

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2015, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: bold0057
Finally figured it out, posted roll thanks a lot for all the support guys!
Fucking right! Quit on! Quit with you today bold

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2015, 10:28:00 AM »
Finally figured it out, posted roll thanks a lot for all the support guys!

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2015, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: bold0057
Thanks basshaug, as I'm sure you know through your experience this has helped me a ton right now. I haven't gotten accustomed to this whole site yet but appreciate the info on roll, I will definitely be posting to roll as I'm 100% done with this s*$!
I have seen you lurking in the Nov15 quit group yesterday and today... 'ninja'

Pull the trigger and quit with your November brothers. Get on the roll and get some accountability!

Honor your word "I will definitely be posting to roll as I'm 100% done with this s*$!"

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2015, 06:51:00 PM »
Quote from: mat849
Quote from: bold0057
Thanks basshaug, as I'm sure you know through your experience this has helped me a ton right now. I haven't gotten accustomed to this whole site yet but appreciate the info on roll, I will definitely be posting to roll as I'm 100% done with this s*$!
Glad to have you on board. Some great advice being thrown your way in here. Get on over to Nov 15 and post that promise, then just keep your word to not use nic today.

The suck is what it is. I was on this site constantly for at least a month. It was my life line several times when I thought I couldn't breathe without a big lip full of that shit. I chose to honor my word one day at a time (odaat). I'm glad I did. It is worth it!
We would love to see you on roll call tonight. If not tonight, first thing in the morning. Come quit with us Novembirds (New Name TBD).

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2015, 06:21:00 PM »
Quote from: bold0057
Thanks basshaug, as I'm sure you know through your experience this has helped me a ton right now. I haven't gotten accustomed to this whole site yet but appreciate the info on roll, I will definitely be posting to roll as I'm 100% done with this s*$!
Glad to have you on board. Some great advice being thrown your way in here. Get on over to Nov 15 and post that promise, then just keep your word to not use nic today.

The suck is what it is. I was on this site constantly for at least a month. It was my life line several times when I thought I couldn't breathe without a big lip full of that shit. I chose to honor my word one day at a time (odaat). I'm glad I did. It is worth it!
Quit date 08/22/14
HOF 11/29/14


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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2015, 02:29:00 PM »
Here's your quit group. topic/11248831/3/?x=90#new

Go quote the most recent roll post (that the one with all the screen names on it) and follow the roll posting instructions. Get on roll now! Make your promise and meet your quit brothers that you will endure this journey with.

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2015, 02:20:00 PM »
2 cans a day? That's about the same amount of nicotine you get from smoking 4-5 packs of cigarettes a day. That beautiful irreplaceable brain of yours has suddenly found itself without high doses of nicotine in the longest of time and must now replace the nicotine with the proper neurotransmitters. That's going to take a few weeks, so be patient and determined and believe.

And I highly recommend increasing your exercise every day. If you don't exercie then start walking 30 minutes a day, if you do exercise then increase the duration or frequency.

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2015, 12:50:00 PM »
I'll quit with you today Bold. Great choice to come here and get your life back. If you follow the formula, you will never find yourself sneaking off to have a love affair with a can of cancer ever again. That being said, quit one day at a time (ODAAT). Stick it out the first few days. They will not be fun, but neither is chemo. Post roll, stick to that promise, and read everything you can on the site. It will help you immensely to understand not only what we do here, but why we do it. It boils down to one simple word: freedom.

"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

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Re: New Poster - Day 3 of Quit
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 12:32:00 PM »
Quote from: bold0057
Thanks basshaug, as I'm sure you know through your experience this has helped me a ton right now. I haven't gotten accustomed to this whole site yet but appreciate the info on roll, I will definitely be posting to roll as I'm 100% done with this s*$!
Great decision! Check out the welcome center link I posted up there, and then your quit group is November 2015. You can find that through the quit groups link.

You will never regret quitting. It sounds like you have embraced the fact that nicotine hasnt ever done anything good for you, thats great. Learn to hate that shit.

Drink a ton of water. It helps with craves and flushing all of the crap out of your system. READ, there is an endless amount of awesome information and stories on this forum. Welcome aboard Bold