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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2016, 11:35:00 PM »
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2016, 04:36:00 PM »
Hey JSevans - You realize that today was your original planned quit date right? Instead you are now 6 days into your quit!!!! That is Bad Ass! Now make sure you have a plan for the weekend, stay away from tempting situations and go easy on the alcohol. If you need anything I'm just a PM away.
Unlike quitting products, total adherence to a personal commitment to not violate the law of addiction provides a 100% guarantee of success. Although obedience may not always be easy, the law is clear, concise and simple - no nicotine today, not one puff, dip or chew!

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2016, 12:53:00 PM »
Nice work, what a great head start for your original "quit date"! Friends are the toughest part, I've got a couple that I ve been to hell and back with and it is tough when they put that can of Cope in front of you. I've learned to tell them, I know myself well enough to know I cant have just one dip, or even one can.

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2016, 11:18:00 AM »
Moving on to day 5. Things seem to be getting easier. I've passed several test that I knew I would be facing eventually during my quit. For example, on Monday May 2, 2016 I was offered a chew by a co-worker. Not only did he just offer me a chew he placed the can down on my work desk, opened it up, and asked me if I wanted one. I admittedly did say "yes" but followed through with "but I don't need one". He then picked the can up and placed it right under my nose, Coppenhagen Mint, and admittedly it smelled good and admittedly I did think of having one but luckily for me I had already made my promise on here for that day and I am happy to say I kept it. I have followed a lot of the advice on here, drinking lots of water, exercising, and finding ways to avoid my triggers as much as possible. Even doing those things I still found that I had the occasional headaches, a lack of motivation at work, and seemed to be somewhat depressed during my time awake. Anyways I am happy to be at the 5 day mark. It's a small victory but one I am generally proud of. It's 5 days away from all the following chemicals found in snuff.

(#149; Polonium 210 (nuclear waste)
#149; N-Nitrosamines (cancer-causing)
#149; Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
#149; Nicotine (addictive drug)
#149; Cadmium (used in batteries and nuclear reactor shields)
#149; Cyanide (poisonous compound)
#149; Arsenic (poinsonous metallic element)
#149; Benzene (used in insecticides and motor fuels)
#149; Lead (nerve poison)

Which means that's 5 less days my body has had to deal with that junk. Which means I am 5 days healthier then I had been. LOL. I cannot thank you guys enough for the support you have given me this far. Keep on quitting on!
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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2016, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: jsevans87
Officially past the 24 hour mark. Even made it through the 8 hour shift at work in the patrol car and in the office without the nic. I thought about it a lot. I wanted a rip of the old "Skoal" quite often. Even yesterday I told my wife I had a few regrets about flushing the can but that I knew it's what had to be done. Today I was fortunate enough to work with another guy who doesn't chew or at least not often, though i have seen him do it on rare occasions. Unfortunately not every shift will be that easy and I'll have the torture of watching others indulge in the bad habit of chewing. I hope by the time that comes around I am well into my quit days. However, following the true and wise advice of this site and taking it one day at a time I'll tackle that issue when it arises. I've been using Smokey Mountain herbal snuff - non tobacco - to help aid me in these first hours of quit. It's kept me at bay, at least it has replaced the habit of sticking Skoal in my lip and spitting with a much healthier alternative. Now it's just waiting out the effects of withdrawal from the nicotine. Looking forward to the next 24 hours of quit.

Keep on quitting on fellow quitters! As always thanks for your support and stories of success. I used them often throughout my day checking this site often when I had the urge to want to dip!
I'm a 35 year addict and I've been quit for 239 days. If I can do this you can do this. Lean on your quit group and read everything that you can here. The suck takes a while to get through but one thing is for certain - you will never hear anyone say that they regret quitting.

I quit with you today!

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2016, 07:47:00 PM »
Weaning is the wrong thing to do. Throw the rat poison away and go post roll in the August group. Weaning just makes it easy to find an excuse for another dip.

Offline mattlock

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2016, 04:48:00 PM »
Quote from: jsevans87
Officially past the 24 hour mark. Even made it through the 8 hour shift at work in the patrol car and in the office without the nic. I thought about it a lot. I wanted a rip of the old "Skoal" quite often. Even yesterday I told my wife I had a few regrets about flushing the can but that I knew it's what had to be done. Today I was fortunate enough to work with another guy who doesn't chew or at least not often, though i have seen him do it on rare occasions. Unfortunately not every shift will be that easy and I'll have the torture of watching others indulge in the bad habit of chewing. I hope by the time that comes around I am well into my quit days. However, following the true and wise advice of this site and taking it one day at a time I'll tackle that issue when it arises. I've been using Smokey Mountain herbal snuff - non tobacco - to help aid me in these first hours of quit. It's kept me at bay, at least it has replaced the habit of sticking Skoal in my lip and spitting with a much healthier alternative. Now it's just waiting out the effects of withdrawal from the nicotine. Looking forward to the next 24 hours of quit.

Keep on quitting on fellow quitters! As always thanks for your support and stories of success. I used them often throughout my day checking this site often when I had the urge to want to dip!
Justin, this is great start man. One win at a time, 24 hours at a time. You post roll and be a man of your word for 24 hours and you got this licked. A couple things for your post above you may want to address. Chewing is not a bad habit, even for those that don't share our addiction yet. Is huffing paint a bad habit or is slowly killing yourself? For those of us that are addicted it will never be anything other than that, an addiction. It's not curable and you can't have just one even if you get it a different way whether it's patches, smoking, cigars, vaping. Once you realize that the game will change. For me, it made me hate nicotine in all forms. Don't get me wrong, it's still tempting and I still get the addict in me saying "go ahead, you are strong enough to have just one", but I know enough to realize it's a lie and that's just the addict trying to sell me back into slavery. Screw that. Once I had that mentality, it was much easier to deal with those around me satisfying their own addictions. Realizing that I control my quit and anyone else's actions have no bearing on it is pretty liberating. If you need anything we are all just a PM or a a text away. Quit on and I am proud to quit with you for today.
Unlike quitting products, total adherence to a personal commitment to not violate the law of addiction provides a 100% guarantee of success. Although obedience may not always be easy, the law is clear, concise and simple - no nicotine today, not one puff, dip or chew!

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Offline jsevans87

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2016, 04:04:00 PM »
Officially past the 24 hour mark. Even made it through the 8 hour shift at work in the patrol car and in the office without the nic. I thought about it a lot. I wanted a rip of the old "Skoal" quite often. Even yesterday I told my wife I had a few regrets about flushing the can but that I knew it's what had to be done. Today I was fortunate enough to work with another guy who doesn't chew or at least not often, though i have seen him do it on rare occasions. Unfortunately not every shift will be that easy and I'll have the torture of watching others indulge in the bad habit of chewing. I hope by the time that comes around I am well into my quit days. However, following the true and wise advice of this site and taking it one day at a time I'll tackle that issue when it arises. I've been using Smokey Mountain herbal snuff - non tobacco - to help aid me in these first hours of quit. It's kept me at bay, at least it has replaced the habit of sticking Skoal in my lip and spitting with a much healthier alternative. Now it's just waiting out the effects of withdrawal from the nicotine. Looking forward to the next 24 hours of quit.

Keep on quitting on fellow quitters! As always thanks for your support and stories of success. I used them often throughout my day checking this site often when I had the urge to want to dip!
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then... find the way."
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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2016, 10:57:00 AM »
You did it proper man! Throwing that can now instead of waiting for the day that never comes. Now you have to fight like a MF'er for the first few days to get through the fog  the suck! (Its what we call the first 3-4 days here at KTC) Come here often, read the stories, hit up the chat room etc.....Drink lots of water, chew gum or seeds or fireballs helped me, anything but he weed! You have to have the attitude that this is life or death man, cuz it is! Post roll daily its the life blood of a solid quit! Welcome to the asylum!

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2016, 09:23:00 AM »
Welcome to the KTC Justin!

I am on Day 6 and you truly must take it one day at a time (ODAAT). Post roll as early as you can EVERYDAY, be a man of your word and use the awesome support from this site to stay quit. I will send a PM with my number.

Peace brother.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
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29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
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"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2016, 04:39:00 PM »
I didn't see anyone mention this. So, I will. I mention it because I want you to be prepared. You preparing for it will make it easier to handle. And, if you use it as a reason to not quit then you are a fool and weak. So. You took the best first step ever! Dumped that shite! Now, go to Wal Mart or your local grocery store and get yourself several gallons of water. It will help flush the poison out of your system. Yes. Poison. We use it to kill bug in the Agriculture business. I have used it for control in a shite shack I used to live in. While at the grocery store get some fruit juice. Drink that as well. Some aspirin and chocolate (the darker the better). Gatoraide or Poweraide. We call it The Suck around here. It is withdrawal symptoms. You can check out my introduction and you can see the good and bad days for the most part. You aching jaw is just your addiction talking. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE BIT(H! Fogginess, headaches, body aches, sleeplessness, all of that is covered on this site. Please, feel free to PM me or anyone for questions you cant find answers to. Sometimes it is hard to find your way around this site because there is so much stuff/information and when you are in a fog or distracted by pain you cant see straight. I know. Been there. Last but not least. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!

Just for today, Self.

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2016, 03:32:00 PM »
Quote from: jsevans87
Hi everyone,

My name is Justin. I started chewing approximately 2 1/2 years ago and have tried to quit several times, making it 32 days the last time I had attempted to quit. I picked a quit date again and plan on quitting on May 6, 2016. I have been going through a can about every two days. I bought what I hope to be my last can today April 29, 2016. To make it easier I bought a product that I don't particularly care for and that I have rarely chewed instead of my regular product. I am very health conscious and I want to quit because I know the effects chewing can have on the human body, such as cancer, gum disease, heart disease, etc... Yet knowing the health consequences I still find it very difficult to quit. I also want to quit because my wife does not find it very attractive and has on many occasions voiced her opinion about my bad habit, from spit bottles to chew in the garbage can, I have heard it all. I plan to limit myself to 3 chews today and tomorrow. Then limit it to two chews on May 1st and May 2nd. Then down to one chew on May 3rd, May 4th, and May 5th. On May 6th I plan to purchase Smokey Mountain - Tobacco Free Chew - and use that to get past the craving of placing a dip in my lip. I then plan on purchasing some sugar free gum and supplementing with that. I'm also going to give my wife, $100.00 to hold on to with the intention of using it as motivation. Basically if I have a chew after May 6th, 2016 she can spend the $100.00 on whatever she wants but if I make it 64 days from May 6th I get the money back and can spend it on whatever I want. I chose 64 days as it will be double the amount of time I had made it the last time I quit chewing. I'm nervous that I will fail again. I look forward to everyone's support and hope to support everyone else who is trying to quit at the same time as me. I look forward to utilizing this site to help with my motivation and to remember why it is beneficial to just quit.

Good luck to all my brothers and sisters of quit. Together we can do this!

Everyone who has chimed in is right. Posting roll is a huge step in the process in my opinion. I'm on Day 4 and as I was ON THE WAY to get a can of Grizz Wintergreen last night, my KTC window on my phone opened up in safari. What I saw was my pledge to my entire quit group from yesterday morning that I wouldn't use Nicotine that day.

It truly makes a huge difference with the camaraderie and support. Pumped to add you to the group!


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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2016, 03:31:00 PM »
Welcome aboard. We will be watching for you in August.

Oh, and give your woman that hundred bucks. Hell, you already own here close to two grand for all the money you wasted on dip over the past two and a half years.

Quit on - RNGLock Day 76

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2016, 03:27:00 PM »
AWESOME!!!! Now get your ass over to the August 2016 Quit Page and Post Roll!!!!!

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Re: Quiting again-Hopefully for good
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2016, 03:25:00 PM »
Quote from: jsevans87
You all are true inspiration. Confirming I have come to the right place to hear the things that I need to hear.

SnufflesinSeattle and Mattlock you've convinced me to throw away my can, literally I flushed every last bit of it down my toilet. Thus making this very hour my first hour of quit. Daisy, I will certainly keep updating and visiting the site daily. I work shift work so it will be at various times but I am so thankful to have the support of all of you. The stories from those who quit before me, and those quitting with me are very inspiring and well worth focusing on. Together I know we will do this!

Thanks again!
That's awesome!! Welcome to freedom. Today is day one. Head on over to August and post up.

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