Author Topic: this one might be a bit different  (Read 2058 times)

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2013, 01:09:00 AM »
Where you at, you little BITCH. I offer you help and u cant even respond?

Hit the bricks you pussy ass bitch.
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2013, 07:57:00 AM »
And I'm serious about texting you every day. Pm me your number and I will add it to my morning routine.

1. Wake up
2. Take piss
3. Text kid who yelled at his windshield 15 times for dropping cheese on his lap and remind him to post roll.
^^^ 'crackup' 'crackup'
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Offline Wedge

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2013, 07:38:00 AM »
Not a problem. Anyone who can't admit their faults and doesn't want my help = I don't visit the thread anymore. It can die.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2013, 12:17:00 AM »
Quote from: awdcivic
How about yall just let this thread die illve quit a week tommorrow so idk why yall are saying im continuing my addiction but thats beside the point. I just got offered a cig today by a friend who didnt know i quit and turned it down.


How about this. You pm me you're cell # and I will text you every single fucking day to remind you to post roll.

I bet if you gave your number to anyone of the bad mamajammas who have been kind enough to offer great advice, they would help too.

ADD, ADHD, BFD...Lame ass excuses. A ton of peopl have that shit. They can remember to do shit daily. Your full of LAME excuses and now you want us to just leave you alone because we are calling you out on them. How old are you? You sound like a real punk.

You yelled the F word at your windshield 15 times for dropping cheese on your lap? If you can remember some shit as dumb as that, you can remember to post roll once a day.

Shit or get off the pot junior.

And I'm serious about texting you every day. Pm me your number and I will add it to my morning routine.

1. Wake up
2. Take piss
3. Text kid who yelled at his windshield 15 times for dropping cheese on his lap and remind him to post roll.
Quit 06/04/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2013, 12:10:00 AM »
I'll go back to my original post. This douche isn't for real. Too much effort in saying 1000% reatrded stuff meant to piss off REAL quitters. ADHD? 1 can a week? Can't remember? Why did I waste my time and click on this thread again?
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline awdcivic

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2013, 11:34:00 PM »
How about yall just let this thread die illve quit a week tommorrow so idk why yall are saying im continuing my addiction but thats beside the point. I just got offered a cig today by a friend who didnt know i quit and turned it down.
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Offline Wedge

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 09:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Can't save 'em all folks. No point in wasting any more time on this guy, he probably won't be back.
No, but pointing out how blatantly stupid some people are makes me feel better :)

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2013, 09:29:00 AM »
Can't save 'em all folks. No point in wasting any more time on this guy, he probably won't be back.
Quit date 03/24/2012
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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: awdcivic
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: awdcivic
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Look man, no disrespect, but you come on here saying that you wouldn't remember to come post roll everyday? I call bullshit. I promise you found time everyday to remember to buy a can, open a can, stuff your lip, and repeat various steps several times a day.

If you wouldn't forget to do all of this, how hard is it to post roll with us. I am glad you are quit but without using the program I give your chances less than 20% chance of success.

Get with the program, it works, period. You are not any different than the other quitters here. Quit one day at a time, post roll, get some numbers to text or call some quit brothers (or sisters) when a crave hits and jump in the water it is fine.
Actually only bought a can a week and thats completely different. I really wouldnt remember to post roll every day, hell im on probation (for underage possession and completely sober, that sucked!) and thats my whole life on the line and theres days when i didnt call. luckily it wasnt me the days i missed but still.
Having ADHD doesnt help my problem of forgetting either, in fact its the main reason it sucks.
But i have been quit and i was pissed as hell today cause of it i yelled the f word at my windshield like 15 times on the way to college over little shi like dropping cheese on my pants. wanted one so bad today but i done promised myself i aint doing it. Screw nicotine.
ADHD...that's an excuse. I have ADD. So do a ton of people on here I bet. You are looking for excuses to remain an addict. As long as you are looking, you will find them.

3 total posts...all in here? It's a shame when people play this game....
You don't really want to quit, you just think it would be a good idea to quit. When you can put down the excuses, you can put down the nicotine.

Let's go over the necessities :
If you remember to put your clothes on before you leave the house, you can remember to post roll. If you can remember to eat when you are hungry, you can remember post roll. If you can remember how to use the bathroom and where the bathroom is, you can remember post roll. So basically, when you realize that quitting is a necessity, you won't worry about remembering to post roll.

Let's go over the non-necessities :
If you remember your girlfriends name and where to find her, you can remember to post roll. If you remember your email password, you can post roll. If you remember that your vehicle needs gas and where the gas station is, you can remember to post roll. So essentially, even though it might not be at the top of your list, you can remember to post roll.

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2013, 08:15:00 AM »
Quote from: awdcivic
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: awdcivic
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Look man, no disrespect, but you come on here saying that you wouldn't remember to come post roll everyday? I call bullshit. I promise you found time everyday to remember to buy a can, open a can, stuff your lip, and repeat various steps several times a day.

If you wouldn't forget to do all of this, how hard is it to post roll with us. I am glad you are quit but without using the program I give your chances less than 20% chance of success.

Get with the program, it works, period. You are not any different than the other quitters here. Quit one day at a time, post roll, get some numbers to text or call some quit brothers (or sisters) when a crave hits and jump in the water it is fine.
Actually only bought a can a week and thats completely different. I really wouldnt remember to post roll every day, hell im on probation (for underage possession and completely sober, that sucked!) and thats my whole life on the line and theres days when i didnt call. luckily it wasnt me the days i missed but still.
Having ADHD doesnt help my problem of forgetting either, in fact its the main reason it sucks.
But i have been quit and i was pissed as hell today cause of it i yelled the f word at my windshield like 15 times on the way to college over little shi like dropping cheese on my pants. wanted one so bad today but i done promised myself i aint doing it. Screw nicotine.
ADHD...that's an excuse. I have ADD. So do a ton of people on here I bet. You are looking for excuses to remain an addict. As long as you are looking, you will find them.

3 total posts...all in here? It's a shame when people play this game....
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

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Offline awdcivic

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2013, 04:41:00 PM »
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: awdcivic
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Look man, no disrespect, but you come on here saying that you wouldn't remember to come post roll everyday? I call bullshit. I promise you found time everyday to remember to buy a can, open a can, stuff your lip, and repeat various steps several times a day.

If you wouldn't forget to do all of this, how hard is it to post roll with us. I am glad you are quit but without using the program I give your chances less than 20% chance of success.

Get with the program, it works, period. You are not any different than the other quitters here. Quit one day at a time, post roll, get some numbers to text or call some quit brothers (or sisters) when a crave hits and jump in the water it is fine.
Actually only bought a can a week and thats completely different. I really wouldnt remember to post roll every day, hell im on probation (for underage possession and completely sober, that sucked!) and thats my whole life on the line and theres days when i didnt call. luckily it wasnt me the days i missed but still.
Having ADHD doesnt help my problem of forgetting either, in fact its the main reason it sucks.
But i have been quit and i was pissed as hell today cause of it i yelled the f word at my windshield like 15 times on the way to college over little shi like dropping cheese on my pants. wanted one so bad today but i done promised myself i aint doing it. Screw nicotine.
Quit Date: April 1 2013

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2013, 03:38:00 AM »
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: awdcivic
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Look man, no disrespect, but you come on here saying that you wouldn't remember to come post roll everyday? I call bullshit. I promise you found time everyday to remember to buy a can, open a can, stuff your lip, and repeat various steps several times a day.

If you wouldn't forget to do all of this, how hard is it to post roll with us. I am glad you are quit but without using the program I give your chances less than 20% chance of success.

Get with the program, it works, period. You are not any different than the other quitters here. Quit one day at a time, post roll, get some numbers to text or call some quit brothers (or sisters) when a crave hits and jump in the water it is fine.
What Jbradley said you never forgot your dip I'll bet on that! I'll bet the only thing you forget is that you quit!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2013, 02:35:00 AM »
Quote from: awdcivic
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Look man, no disrespect, but you come on here saying that you wouldn't remember to come post roll everyday? I call bullshit. I promise you found time everyday to remember to buy a can, open a can, stuff your lip, and repeat various steps several times a day.

If you wouldn't forget to do all of this, how hard is it to post roll with us. I am glad you are quit but without using the program I give your chances less than 20% chance of success.

Get with the program, it works, period. You are not any different than the other quitters here. Quit one day at a time, post roll, get some numbers to text or call some quit brothers (or sisters) when a crave hits and jump in the water it is fine.

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2013, 02:15:00 AM »
I guess it really is just addiction talking. Nah not a troll just an addict. I thought about what all yall said and I guess it really is true. I hate nicotine wish idve never started. I would do roll call but theres no way I would remember to do it every day. Having Add I wouldnt remember my head if it were loose. Im gonna just go through and read the site. Im gonna take it 1 day at a time in my road to recovery to quit. I am quit as I type this. If I find it rough I will be back. I know yall are a bunch of good people I dont doubt thay, thats how I got here was people saying how good the site was and how helpful the quitters are.
Quit Date: April 1 2013

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Re: this one might be a bit different
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2013, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Parputt
You can use this site to quit smoking too. Just follow our lead. Cold turkey or move along.
I've seen some far out stuff with the way nicotine makes people think since I've been here. Wow.!!!!! I was the same way,,,, can't believe it 'bang head'
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.