Author Topic: The time is now!!!  (Read 2469 times)

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Offline tazmed

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2011, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: azchief32
Quote from: tazmed
Quote from: kc0bid
That was just one example that stuck out, as a father, Cubmaster, Ham radio Elmer for a kids club and as a man that spends the majority of his off time teaching and tutoring children. 
Alright, KC...your Cubmaster comment caught my attention so now I need to jump in. This might get long so make yourself comfortable.

I'm not going to berate you for having sensitive eyes/ears, but I will ask you this question: What's your priority, being offended or being quit?

It may not be explicitly stated, but this IS a site for adults. That means some colorful language at times, pictures/avatars of a sexual nature, and definitely a number of people who like to use their words to shock some members who might be struggling and sliding toward a cave. It's clearly not for the meek. However, I can understand your concerns.

I am also highly involved in the BSA...Pack Trainer, Cubmaster, District Training Committee Chair, Wood Badge staff x3, getting ready to start a new get the idea. The reason I mention all that is because of the question I first asked. Like you, I teach children (including my three youngest) on a regular basis, and I teach the adult leaders of the BSA in how to make their programs better...and I'm an addict.

So, I ask myself that question again. My answer, and I would assume your answer would be the same, is that I can't be a role model to the youth and the leaders who teach them if I'm walking around with a big wad of Copenhagen stuffed into my lip. That's a clear violation of the 11th Scout Law. Now given that, you might respond with the Scout Oath...specifically about keeping myself "morally straight", and I could see the conflict with some of the things that go on around here. But, I would ask you to examine the standard of "morally straight". What does it mean to you? For me, it means that I will not engage in any activity that would bring my character into question...bottom line, "do the right thing". I don't see anything on KTC that would even come close to bringing my character into question.

I've been quit for 86 days as of this morning and it's all because I found this site and got engaged in it. I have a wife and three young kids still at home. I don't get on the site when the kids are around because I don't want to expose them to the content of the site...that doesn't mean that the site is wrong, just too much for their young brains to process. I don't use "colorful language" around them, but I do from time to time on here. My wife knows how things work on the site, and she's ok with it...I say that because if my moral character is at a level of 10, she would be around 38...she has very high standards. I'm still trying to figure out why she married me, but I digress... The point is that you have to make the choice of whether or not you want to be offended.

There may be an offhand comment from time to time, and when someone does something stupid like caving you'll hear things that would make a sailor blush...and I can say that with confidence since I was a sailor...however, I can assure you that it's all about supporting each other, nothing with malicious intent anywhere. And, as far as "erotica for children" goes, I'll guarentee you that if there was ANY questionable activity like that going on, the vast majority of the people here would put an immediate squash on it. These are good people...good people who I owe my life to. They will save your life too...if you let them. The choice is yours. If you quit with us today, we'll quit with you. You won't find support like what you'll find here ANYWHERE. I sincerely hope you join us. Shoot me a message offline if you need anything. 'archer'

BTW, here's the link for Verse of the Day which I also read...hope to see you there too. said "Wood badge staff"
Yep... B)

Offline luby

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2011, 11:16:00 PM »

Offline azchief32

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2011, 10:47:00 PM »
Quote from: tazmed
Quote from: kc0bid
That was just one example that stuck out, as a father, Cubmaster, Ham radio Elmer for a kids club and as a man that spends the majority of his off time teaching and tutoring children. 
Alright, KC...your Cubmaster comment caught my attention so now I need to jump in. This might get long so make yourself comfortable.

I'm not going to berate you for having sensitive eyes/ears, but I will ask you this question: What's your priority, being offended or being quit?

It may not be explicitly stated, but this IS a site for adults. That means some colorful language at times, pictures/avatars of a sexual nature, and definitely a number of people who like to use their words to shock some members who might be struggling and sliding toward a cave. It's clearly not for the meek. However, I can understand your concerns.

I am also highly involved in the BSA...Pack Trainer, Cubmaster, District Training Committee Chair, Wood Badge staff x3, getting ready to start a new get the idea. The reason I mention all that is because of the question I first asked. Like you, I teach children (including my three youngest) on a regular basis, and I teach the adult leaders of the BSA in how to make their programs better...and I'm an addict.

So, I ask myself that question again. My answer, and I would assume your answer would be the same, is that I can't be a role model to the youth and the leaders who teach them if I'm walking around with a big wad of Copenhagen stuffed into my lip. That's a clear violation of the 11th Scout Law. Now given that, you might respond with the Scout Oath...specifically about keeping myself "morally straight", and I could see the conflict with some of the things that go on around here. But, I would ask you to examine the standard of "morally straight". What does it mean to you? For me, it means that I will not engage in any activity that would bring my character into question...bottom line, "do the right thing". I don't see anything on KTC that would even come close to bringing my character into question.

I've been quit for 86 days as of this morning and it's all because I found this site and got engaged in it. I have a wife and three young kids still at home. I don't get on the site when the kids are around because I don't want to expose them to the content of the site...that doesn't mean that the site is wrong, just too much for their young brains to process. I don't use "colorful language" around them, but I do from time to time on here. My wife knows how things work on the site, and she's ok with it...I say that because if my moral character is at a level of 10, she would be around 38...she has very high standards. I'm still trying to figure out why she married me, but I digress... The point is that you have to make the choice of whether or not you want to be offended.

There may be an offhand comment from time to time, and when someone does something stupid like caving you'll hear things that would make a sailor blush...and I can say that with confidence since I was a sailor...however, I can assure you that it's all about supporting each other, nothing with malicious intent anywhere. And, as far as "erotica for children" goes, I'll guarentee you that if there was ANY questionable activity like that going on, the vast majority of the people here would put an immediate squash on it. These are good people...good people who I owe my life to. They will save your life too...if you let them. The choice is yours. If you quit with us today, we'll quit with you. You won't find support like what you'll find here ANYWHERE. I sincerely hope you join us. Shoot me a message offline if you need anything. 'archer'

BTW, here's the link for Verse of the Day which I also read...hope to see you there too. said "Wood badge staff"
Liberated on 31 Aug 2011

HoF on 8 Dec 2011

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2011, 05:53:00 PM »
Who is this vulgar prick :) ?
Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride .


Offline LLCope

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2011, 10:23:00 AM »
Good Job Brother!

I am with you all the way! Let me know if you need anything!

Peace Out
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline whacko

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2011, 08:52:00 AM »
Quote from: kc0bid
Quote from: LLCope
I am sorry, I had to make a comment!

"potty mouth"---seriously???

Take what you need and leave the rest, but don't come to our house and try and rearrange the furniture.

Post Roll and Quit, don't use the potty mouths around here as an excuse to keep killing yourself.

Have you posted roll yet? Are you still dipping?
Yes I posted roll, I am on day 3 and it sucks really bad. I am a cranky son of a bi... I am starting to see why people here can be such dicks. It is the addiction talking.

I am NOT trying to rearrange the F'ing furniture. I asked a out right question to see if this group was right for me. Sort of a interview. And all I got was shit on. Nice very nice, guys. Good way to run someone off. I did get a couple of supportive PMs. Which are what convinced me to stay.

Maybe a message of... "We are all here with the same goal... Kill the can so we do not kick the bucket... as a new quitter you may not realize that the lack of poison in your body might make you a dick for awhile. Bare with us and we will do the same for you. We can and will quit together!"

See nice simple explanation.

So after having not chewed in 3 days all I got to say is I am with you. I WILL post roll, I will stay quit.

Thank you for those who support me in quitting and 'Finger' to the rest of you assholes!!!!
NOW you are talking like a quitter!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! 'worship'
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

Offline Phil4

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2011, 08:34:00 AM »
Quote from: kc0bid
Yes I posted roll, I am on day 3 and it sucks really bad. I am a cranky son of a bi... I am starting to see why people here can be such dicks. It is the addiction talking.

I am NOT trying to rearrange the F'ing furniture. I asked a out right question to see if this group was right for me. Sort of a interview. And all I got was shit on. Nice very nice, guys. Good way to run someone off. I did get a couple of supportive PMs. Which are what convinced me to stay.

Maybe a message of... "We are all here with the same goal... Kill the can so we do not kick the bucket... as a new quitter you may not realize that the lack of poison in your body might make you a dick for awhile. Bare with us and we will do the same for you. We can and will quit together!"

See nice simple explanation.

So after having not chewed in 3 days all I got to say is I am with you. I WILL post roll, I will stay quit.

Thank you for those who support me in quitting and 'Finger' to the rest of you assholes!!!! [/QUOTE]
Who is this bad@ss quitter?? Looks like somebody has drunk the koolaid. Awesome! Good job posting day 3, kc0bid. Hang there, man. Muscle through this. You're going through the hardest part. Embrace the suck. You got this!
Quit 07/14/11
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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2011, 08:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: kc0bid
Quote from: LLCope
I am sorry, I had to make a comment!

"potty mouth"---seriously???

Take what you need and leave the rest, but don't come to our house and try and rearrange the furniture.

Post Roll and Quit, don't use the potty mouths around here as an excuse to keep killing yourself.

Have you posted roll yet? Are you still dipping?
Yes I posted roll, I am on day 3 and it sucks really bad. I am a cranky son of a bi... I am starting to see why people here can be such dicks. It is the addiction talking.

I am NOT trying to rearrange the F'ing furniture. I asked a out right question to see if this group was right for me. Sort of a interview. And all I got was shit on. Nice very nice, guys. Good way to run someone off. I did get a couple of supportive PMs. Which are what convinced me to stay.

Maybe a message of... "We are all here with the same goal... Kill the can so we do not kick the bucket... as a new quitter you may not realize that the lack of poison in your body might make you a dick for awhile. Bare with us and we will do the same for you. We can and will quit together!"

See nice simple explanation.

So after having not chewed in 3 days all I got to say is I am with you. I WILL post roll, I will stay quit.

Thank you for those who support me in quitting and 'Finger' to the rest of you assholes!!!!
That is it! Let it all out on this site. That is what the site is for. Keep it here and not near the kids. The nic is from heck is it not? She knows you are serious about quit and boy is she pissed. 1 day at a time.
Atta Boy, KC!

But FYI, some of us really are just dicks!

Glad to see you enter the ring.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

Quit nicotine 9/1/09

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2011, 08:09:00 AM »
Quote from: kc0bid
Quote from: LLCope
I am sorry, I had to make a comment!

"potty mouth"---seriously???

Take what you need and leave the rest, but don't come to our house and try and rearrange the furniture.

Post Roll and Quit, don't use the potty mouths around here as an excuse to keep killing yourself.

Have you posted roll yet? Are you still dipping?
Yes I posted roll, I am on day 3 and it sucks really bad. I am a cranky son of a bi... I am starting to see why people here can be such dicks. It is the addiction talking.

I am NOT trying to rearrange the F'ing furniture. I asked a out right question to see if this group was right for me. Sort of a interview. And all I got was shit on. Nice very nice, guys. Good way to run someone off. I did get a couple of supportive PMs. Which are what convinced me to stay.

Maybe a message of... "We are all here with the same goal... Kill the can so we do not kick the bucket... as a new quitter you may not realize that the lack of poison in your body might make you a dick for awhile. Bare with us and we will do the same for you. We can and will quit together!"

See nice simple explanation.

So after having not chewed in 3 days all I got to say is I am with you. I WILL post roll, I will stay quit.

Thank you for those who support me in quitting and 'Finger' to the rest of you assholes!!!!
That is it! Let it all out on this site. That is what the site is for. Keep it here and not near the kids. The nic is from heck is it not? She knows you are serious about quit and boy is she pissed. 1 day at a time.

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2011, 07:58:00 AM »
Quote from: LLCope
I am sorry, I had to make a comment!

"potty mouth"---seriously???

Take what you need and leave the rest, but don't come to our house and try and rearrange the furniture.

Post Roll and Quit, don't use the potty mouths around here as an excuse to keep killing yourself.

Have you posted roll yet? Are you still dipping?
Yes I posted roll, I am on day 3 and it sucks really bad. I am a cranky son of a bi... I am starting to see why people here can be such dicks. It is the addiction talking.

I am NOT trying to rearrange the F'ing furniture. I asked a out right question to see if this group was right for me. Sort of a interview. And all I got was shit on. Nice very nice, guys. Good way to run someone off. I did get a couple of supportive PMs. Which are what convinced me to stay.

Maybe a message of... "We are all here with the same goal... Kill the can so we do not kick the bucket... as a new quitter you may not realize that the lack of poison in your body might make you a dick for awhile. Bare with us and we will do the same for you. We can and will quit together!"

See nice simple explanation.

So after having not chewed in 3 days all I got to say is I am with you. I WILL post roll, I will stay quit.

Thank you for those who support me in quitting and 'Finger' to the rest of you assholes!!!!

Offline LLCope

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2011, 06:40:00 AM »
I am sorry, I had to make a comment!

"potty mouth"---seriously???

Take what you need and leave the rest, but don't come to our house and try and rearrange the furniture.

Post Roll and Quit, don't use the potty mouths around here as an excuse to keep killing yourself.

Have you posted roll yet? Are you still dipping?
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline luby

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2011, 02:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Parputt
John, here is my advise to you. Take what you can use and leave the rest. In other words just disregard that which offends you. Go to your quit group and post roll daily. Keep that promise to not dip for 24 hrs. and repeat the next day.

You DO NOT have to participate in discussions you find morally repugnant if you do not wish.

I would like to suggest to the rest of you to let it go.
I second that opinion, and this is the way I look at it. KTC is a tool. It only functions when you use it, and it is your choice how to use it and how much. I for one dislike some of the drama that can get going on here so I choose not to get involved or pay it too much mind. However I am on this site constantly reading, and it helps me quit everyday. I can't quit by myself, I have proven that in the past, With the help of the knuckleheads on KTC i can quit with their help, I have proven that today.
So hop in the fox hole with the rest of us, don't worry about what we are doing outside of the fact we are quitting like crazy, and we will fight by your side.

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2011, 01:58:00 PM »
John, here is my advise to you. Take what you can use and leave the rest. In other words just disregard that which offends you. Go to your quit group and post roll daily. Keep that promise to not dip for 24 hrs. and repeat the next day.

You DO NOT have to participate in discussions you find morally repugnant if you do not wish.

I would like to suggest to the rest of you to let it go.
QD:  1-13-11
HOF: 4-22-11
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Offline tazmed

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2011, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: kc0bid
That was just one example that stuck out, as a father, Cubmaster, Ham radio Elmer for a kids club and as a man that spends the majority of his off time teaching and tutoring children. 
Alright, KC...your Cubmaster comment caught my attention so now I need to jump in. This might get long so make yourself comfortable.

I'm not going to berate you for having sensitive eyes/ears, but I will ask you this question: What's your priority, being offended or being quit?

It may not be explicitly stated, but this IS a site for adults. That means some colorful language at times, pictures/avatars of a sexual nature, and definitely a number of people who like to use their words to shock some members who might be struggling and sliding toward a cave. It's clearly not for the meek. However, I can understand your concerns.

I am also highly involved in the BSA...Pack Trainer, Cubmaster, District Training Committee Chair, Wood Badge staff x3, getting ready to start a new get the idea. The reason I mention all that is because of the question I first asked. Like you, I teach children (including my three youngest) on a regular basis, and I teach the adult leaders of the BSA in how to make their programs better...and I'm an addict.

So, I ask myself that question again. My answer, and I would assume your answer would be the same, is that I can't be a role model to the youth and the leaders who teach them if I'm walking around with a big wad of Copenhagen stuffed into my lip. That's a clear violation of the 11th Scout Law. Now given that, you might respond with the Scout Oath...specifically about keeping myself "morally straight", and I could see the conflict with some of the things that go on around here. But, I would ask you to examine the standard of "morally straight". What does it mean to you? For me, it means that I will not engage in any activity that would bring my character into question...bottom line, "do the right thing". I don't see anything on KTC that would even come close to bringing my character into question.

I've been quit for 86 days as of this morning and it's all because I found this site and got engaged in it. I have a wife and three young kids still at home. I don't get on the site when the kids are around because I don't want to expose them to the content of the site...that doesn't mean that the site is wrong, just too much for their young brains to process. I don't use "colorful language" around them, but I do from time to time on here. My wife knows how things work on the site, and she's ok with it...I say that because if my moral character is at a level of 10, she would be around 38...she has very high standards. I'm still trying to figure out why she married me, but I digress... The point is that you have to make the choice of whether or not you want to be offended.

There may be an offhand comment from time to time, and when someone does something stupid like caving you'll hear things that would make a sailor blush...and I can say that with confidence since I was a sailor...however, I can assure you that it's all about supporting each other, nothing with malicious intent anywhere. And, as far as "erotica for children" goes, I'll guarentee you that if there was ANY questionable activity like that going on, the vast majority of the people here would put an immediate squash on it. These are good people...good people who I owe my life to. They will save your life too...if you let them. The choice is yours. If you quit with us today, we'll quit with you. You won't find support like what you'll find here ANYWHERE. I sincerely hope you join us. Shoot me a message offline if you need anything. 'archer'

BTW, here's the link for Verse of the Day which I also read...hope to see you there too.

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 11:35:00 PM »
Quote from: motrout
Quote from: kc0bid
Quote from: Souliman
KC I'm taking a deep breath and using some self restraint right now. Typically, I would take this opportunity to launch into a cuss session of weaving a colorful fabric of expletives and homo-erotic love. I understand you sensibilities might find that too on the edge. I respect that. I will convey instead that this is an online community. We use whatever methods we can to motivate, support and communicate with our brothers and sisters battling addiction. In my experience, most members seem okay with it and rather embrace the spirit of the fight. There is no prejudice here except towards nicotine addiction and the ghey lame ass ball gargling mother fuckers that cave....sorry...sorry...let me compose myself. I think if you have backbone and the passion and desire to end this 22 year daily ingestion of poison, there is no better place to do it than here. You could not purchase support like you will receive here. You will not find the accountability to yourself anywhere else. This will change your life. This will make you a new man. What do you say? Will you join me in this fight? Can I jump down in that hole with you and may be we can find the way out together?
I am not really that sensitive, my work does not allow me to be. Yes I do want to give up the 22 year addiction. I also was not trying to start a war, I am just trying to get a feel if this is the right place for me or not. I was in the Army for 10 years and worked in a prison for many years. Trust me I am not a sensitive guy. But as a father... yada yada yada the potty mouth was another addiction/habit I had to break also so I try to avoid it.
reach down and grab onto your balls and just quit  quit complaining. You can say whatever you want but the hadrass shit on this site works. I don't need some mambie pambie loving to help quit, I need a hardass, son of a bitch to stay on my ass. Nothing else has worked so give some more drill sargeant.
And THAT'S why I post up with this guy! Right on, Motrout.

KC, as Ben Franklin said, you don't wear the same suit to a dinner at home as you would to a fancy ball, or something like that. Franklin was always saying folksy shit, can't keep up with all of it.

The point is, I don't talk like this around my child. I DO talk like this around grown men, like Motrout, and grown women, like Gmann, because I know they ARE grown and often actually need to be talked to in that way. Is it a sign of an inferior mind? Hell I don't know, I'm an addict.

I don't know about the conversation you referenced. I DO know that Chewie was my first supporter here, when I QUIT more than two years ago. Not sure about Timeless yet, he's a newb, and his avatar gives me the willies. But he's QUIT, and posting roll, and I'm supporting his creepy ass.

If you'll post roll, I'll be in your corner too. Roll is the absolute minimum needed of anyone here, and there's some quitters who have been off nicotine for years and never did more than post roll.

OK by me, I'm not here for polite company, I'm here for accountability. It works.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

Quit nicotine 9/1/09

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