smokeyg is asking some good questions. You have one problem - you are not quit. Unless I am missing something, this site is not offering any discounts on quits if you start them on Friday. However, by quitting this instant, this site does guarantee you this:
Quit today and your world will be filled with hundreds of quitters, just like you, ready to help you succeed with your quit. Quit right now and you will be released from your nicotine slavery. Quit in the next second and your body will immediately begin to heal itself from the abuse you have caused by putting cancer shit in your lip.
By quitting now, come Friday, you will be posting up 2 days of quit under your belt, working towards day 3 and being this close to having nicotine cleaned from your system. Doesn't that sound like the shiznit?
Don't wait until Friday. Get your life back right now.