Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 33174 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #608 on: March 11, 2018, 06:57:00 PM »
Day 2079 - and still continuing to evolve and learn...

as with everything there are time when one needs to follow the general path of life. Think about it when we are young, we need our parents, we do things daily for those years as they tend to us...we follow what they say, but there is evolution. At some point we think on our own, we take what we were taught, what we see outside, and we make our own decisions and path.

When you can do that without the influence of others and when you look in that mirror and what you decide is agreed upon by that person, well that means you are on the right path, and to hell with what the others say,

To thine own self be true....

If anyone wants a true person to stand beside them let me know, I will be right there if you want, like some others that will not be there when you really need it.

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #607 on: February 11, 2018, 01:01:00 PM »
Quote from: wildirish317
Thank you Sir. Despite our best efforts to improve, the past may sneak up and kick us in the ass.
Sometimes, life just takes a shot at us for stuff we've never touched.
It's not what happens, but how we react
That makes us who we are.
Pimp style with gold teeth, a modern day Knight of Quit!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #606 on: February 09, 2018, 09:12:00 PM »
Thank you Sir. Despite our best efforts to improve, the past may sneak up and kick us in the ass.
Sometimes, life just takes a shot at us for stuff we've never touched.
It's not what happens, but how we react
That makes us who we are.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #605 on: February 09, 2018, 04:46:00 PM »
Day 2,049 - a different sad post,

ok maybe not totally sad, but a day-after one that will leave an impression (or gap), as to what nicotine does to a person.

I had used that crap for over 23 years. And almost always right in the same place, the right bottom front of the lip. Well even the 5.5+ years quit was not enough to heal. You see the gum recession was too much. The tooth decay under the gum line with the roots partially exposed finally brought on too much pain. And the abscess was just about the final notch as the oral surgeon took a look and said in 99+% of the time the tooth is lost with no hope of healing.

So was time to cut what hopefully is the final loss. Got it extracted and now a few pictures to entrench in my mind as to how stupid I was and to drive me to never turn back. Even the fake that is still in my desk drawer will be passed along or thrown out, to get rid of it.

just wanted to document the feelings, to show those who may still be thinking of quitting or those who are early in their quit to say do it before too much damage is done to yourself.

time to take this gaping smile back and see what options they have, maybe I will look prettier when done???? 'Crazy' roflmao

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #604 on: December 24, 2017, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
Congratulations Derek!
Congrats D and thanks for all you do around here!
Congrats brother! Day by day we make the climb to become the best versions of ourselves. Our quit group has evolved into pieces of iron that sharpen each other; each piece its own merit.
Thanks sir for all that you do and congratulations!
2 G's Sir Derek, Ye of the kingdom of Badassery!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline pab1964

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #603 on: December 23, 2017, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
Congratulations Derek!
Congrats D and thanks for all you do around here!
Congrats brother! Day by day we make the climb to become the best versions of ourselves. Our quit group has evolved into pieces of iron that sharpen each other; each piece its own merit.
Thanks sir for all that you do and congratulations!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #602 on: December 23, 2017, 09:19:00 AM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
Congratulations Derek!
Congrats D and thanks for all you do around here!
Congrats brother! Day by day we make the climb to become the best versions of ourselves. Our quit group has evolved into pieces of iron that sharpen each other; each piece its own merit.

Offline KingNothing

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #601 on: December 22, 2017, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
Congratulations Derek!
Congrats D and thanks for all you do around here!
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #600 on: December 22, 2017, 05:43:00 PM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
Congratulations Derek!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #599 on: December 22, 2017, 04:52:00 PM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!
Congrats SD on your 2x!!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
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Offline pky1520

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #598 on: December 22, 2017, 03:16:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.
Wow man! Congrats on that second dangle!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #597 on: December 22, 2017, 03:00:00 PM »
Day 2,000

or for more precise, the 2,000th day that I am making a promise not to use (did that this morning).

I could say this or that, but I can say that quitting has made me a better person.

And it was all for what I can call the 'large - 3'. First: I made the Decision to quit for myself. Second: I then made the daily Promise not to use for that day. And Third: I Honored my promise and on some days did everything in my power to do so.

And all along I never forget where I came from, and I keep learning something about myself each and every day.

Be good, be smart and live the quit.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #596 on: November 20, 2017, 02:29:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Thanksgiving week.... a time to be thankful

To those who are here, and those looking... we all have so much to be thankful in our lives.

First we come here daily post our word and have removed nicotine from our life. This in of itself is a great task and we all need to be thankful of that....

But I will say as important (if not more so), is to be thankful for those who we come here and meet, the friendships that form, that bond and support that we gain in life, that can extend past just the quitting of nicotine. It is why we say to 'get numbers' and use them. As it starts with the support for quitting nicotine, but that is just a part of the tip of what it can do.

So at this time, be thankful you found this place. Let it lead you to the knowledge that you are not alone, and that it can send you to that path to be a better person in all aspects of life. And that is so worth being thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
To you as well Derek! Fight the good fight!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #595 on: November 20, 2017, 11:39:00 AM »
Thanksgiving week.... a time to be thankful

To those who are here, and those looking... we all have so much to be thankful in our lives.

First we come here daily post our word and have removed nicotine from our life. This in of itself is a great task and we all need to be thankful of that....

But I will say as important (if not more so), is to be thankful for those who we come here and meet, the friendships that form, that bond and support that we gain in life, that can extend past just the quitting of nicotine. It is why we say to 'get numbers' and use them. As it starts with the support for quitting nicotine, but that is just a part of the tip of what it can do.

So at this time, be thankful you found this place. Let it lead you to the knowledge that you are not alone, and that it can send you to that path to be a better person in all aspects of life. And that is so worth being thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #594 on: November 10, 2017, 09:41:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: sh4string
Quote from: SirDerek
Wow, hard to believe that 5 years ago I was conducting the train for the Nov12 group with another brother from our month, and not realizing I was coming up on one of the biggest and hardest crashes I went through in my quit. It was post HOF, and post conducting month (along with the holiday season for Thanksgiving and Christmas), that my emotions went from being sky high elation, to being rock bottom and almost going back to the can. It was one brother, from here, that was watching my posts and had called me from out of the blue that brought me back to being on the path.

What brings me to post this I guess is just reading some of the new quitter groups: seeing the drama that is happening between them and the vets that go into and help out (continuously), seeing fantastic posts about personal triumphs that the newbies are making, and those posts that can rip the hearts out of people for loved ones/close friends and neighbors that are lost to this world. It all makes for a very self-reflective and grounding experience.

Just let all of this (my post and the rest), be a huge reminder that (1) Life is precious, so why do anything that would make it shorter... so use this to quit nicotine for good and make your life better and (2) You never have to be alone in anything in life whether it be quitting nicotine, alcohol, any tough times you may encounter... so while you are here, Be A Friend, Make A Friend... isn't life better when you can be in it with friends and family.
?? Great post Derek
X2 ????
X3 'party'

Great stuff, Derek!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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