Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 33163 times)

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #578 on: March 21, 2017, 11:46:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: SirDerek
New quitters...... here is a bonus on why you should quit for yourself and no one else, as it so much comes along with it when you make the decision:

October 4th, 1998

I remember this day so vividly. A Sunday morning not forgotten. Was sleeping great and get stirred at about 5:30 in the morning by my wife. See she was pregnant with our first son, due in about a week. She says to be don't be in a panic by her water just broke and she had called her doctor. Well no better statement to beat the affects of coffee than that to wake one up. So that was the start of the day. She was told to take it easy unless contractions started, which they did not, and it might have been around 9 or 10 that we finally went to the hospital. 8+ hours later Alex arrived into our lives.

October 4th 2016

That little one whose foot was no longer than my fore finger, now stands 6'1" and turns 18 today. His boy scout eagle rank paperwork is on its way to the council office. He has turned into one hell of a young man who has experienced so much more than I ever did as a youth. He has been to Europe with the music department (Austria,..). He has worked at the summer camp for now 2 years and as attended a national Jamboree. His social life in school would have made me look like a wall flower (which I was). I know the fight now will be about a close by (5-6 hour) college, but will let that come. As for today we will celebrate (ok tonight as he is in his senior year classes now).

Not sure I have ever been more proud of him today. And I have to say, getting the CPAP and quitting nicotine are the only reasons I am here alive to feel that way, because without doing either one of those I would with high probability be dead today.

so much in so little of time.

Yes - that 'little kid' got his Boy Scout Eagle Rank

but on an almost even high note - he got accepted into his first choice college, Drew University, into the Honor's Program AND will be continuing his sporting ventures as well by joining the swim team there. Go Ranger Bears....

extremely proud papa

and able to be a part of watching him do this today clean of any nicotine, as that and with getting healthy in other parts of my life, I would most likely not be on this Earth today.
Now that's the stuff us pops dream of!
Thanks for sharing and you should be damn proud, you my friend obviously set a great example. Congratulations!
Congrats on the great news, Dad! You should be real proud!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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Offline pab1964

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #577 on: March 21, 2017, 03:01:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: SirDerek
New quitters...... here is a bonus on why you should quit for yourself and no one else, as it so much comes along with it when you make the decision:

October 4th, 1998

I remember this day so vividly. A Sunday morning not forgotten. Was sleeping great and get stirred at about 5:30 in the morning by my wife. See she was pregnant with our first son, due in about a week. She says to be don't be in a panic by her water just broke and she had called her doctor. Well no better statement to beat the affects of coffee than that to wake one up. So that was the start of the day. She was told to take it easy unless contractions started, which they did not, and it might have been around 9 or 10 that we finally went to the hospital. 8+ hours later Alex arrived into our lives.

October 4th 2016

That little one whose foot was no longer than my fore finger, now stands 6'1" and turns 18 today. His boy scout eagle rank paperwork is on its way to the council office. He has turned into one hell of a young man who has experienced so much more than I ever did as a youth. He has been to Europe with the music department (Austria,..). He has worked at the summer camp for now 2 years and as attended a national Jamboree. His social life in school would have made me look like a wall flower (which I was). I know the fight now will be about a close by (5-6 hour) college, but will let that come. As for today we will celebrate (ok tonight as he is in his senior year classes now).

Not sure I have ever been more proud of him today. And I have to say, getting the CPAP and quitting nicotine are the only reasons I am here alive to feel that way, because without doing either one of those I would with high probability be dead today.

so much in so little of time.

Yes - that 'little kid' got his Boy Scout Eagle Rank

but on an almost even high note - he got accepted into his first choice college, Drew University, into the Honor's Program AND will be continuing his sporting ventures as well by joining the swim team there. Go Ranger Bears....

extremely proud papa

and able to be a part of watching him do this today clean of any nicotine, as that and with getting healthy in other parts of my life, I would most likely not be on this Earth today.
Now that's the stuff us pops dream of!
Thanks for sharing and you should be damn proud, you my friend obviously set a great example. Congratulations!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #576 on: March 21, 2017, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
New quitters...... here is a bonus on why you should quit for yourself and no one else, as it so much comes along with it when you make the decision:

October 4th, 1998

I remember this day so vividly. A Sunday morning not forgotten. Was sleeping great and get stirred at about 5:30 in the morning by my wife. See she was pregnant with our first son, due in about a week. She says to be don't be in a panic by her water just broke and she had called her doctor. Well no better statement to beat the affects of coffee than that to wake one up. So that was the start of the day. She was told to take it easy unless contractions started, which they did not, and it might have been around 9 or 10 that we finally went to the hospital. 8+ hours later Alex arrived into our lives.

October 4th 2016

That little one whose foot was no longer than my fore finger, now stands 6'1" and turns 18 today. His boy scout eagle rank paperwork is on its way to the council office. He has turned into one hell of a young man who has experienced so much more than I ever did as a youth. He has been to Europe with the music department (Austria,..). He has worked at the summer camp for now 2 years and as attended a national Jamboree. His social life in school would have made me look like a wall flower (which I was). I know the fight now will be about a close by (5-6 hour) college, but will let that come. As for today we will celebrate (ok tonight as he is in his senior year classes now).

Not sure I have ever been more proud of him today. And I have to say, getting the CPAP and quitting nicotine are the only reasons I am here alive to feel that way, because without doing either one of those I would with high probability be dead today.

so much in so little of time.

Yes - that 'little kid' got his Boy Scout Eagle Rank

but on an almost even high note - he got accepted into his first choice college, Drew University, into the Honor's Program AND will be continuing his sporting ventures as well by joining the swim team there. Go Ranger Bears....

extremely proud papa

and able to be a part of watching him do this today clean of any nicotine, as that and with getting healthy in other parts of my life, I would most likely not be on this Earth today.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #575 on: January 15, 2017, 02:02:00 PM »
Well another boy scout klondike derby complete and damn I am more than thoroughly exhausted to the point of being in pain and very emotional. BUT I would not have traded the 9 hours from yesterday where I had set up and run one of the stations, with a high energy, constantly repeating the scenario to all the patrols, answering the questions, walking around and watching. And all of this in the wet mud and 32 degree temperature (at least I was the fire building station).

Anyway as I look at this weekend, as have in the past, I can definitely relate this to watching the new quitter groups as they join and form here.

The first year, young boy scouts -(12-13 in age) very little knowledge in what and how they need to do things. lots of questions and re-explaining, lots of arguing among them selves. tempers flaring at times. had 2 groups give up before the 30 minute time limit.

The middle aged scouts (14-15 age) - can tell they have the better knowledge. less questions and the ones they had were very direct. not much arguing, but with these groups it was more in the execution of the steps that were letting them down

The older scouts (16-17) - now these are the 'vets' if you like. they have been at many previous events, they have the knowledge, they work together like clockwork, and the execution is just about perfect. They have little to no questions and just get to 'work' when the go signal i given.

Sound familiar all? if not take a look at your groups. How much fighting did you have in your first 2 months (first years....). The how much after that.

It is a process when you quit, it is a journey. It is not a quick fix, and there is much in life where you can find the similarities (in case you had any questions about it).

keep on learning each and every day, as I have and will continue to do,

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #574 on: January 05, 2017, 01:05:00 PM »
For something new and different, as I move into 4.5+ years of being clean. Felt time to write a little something, something that have done for quite awhile but had not penned it down for cases that others may use and/or alter to help them selves.

Would call it my "Knight's Prayer"

Dear Lord,

As the sun rises on yet another glorious day Please watch over us
Provide us with the strength to make it through the day
Provide us with the knowledge to know and learn right from wrong
Provide us with the wisdom to know when to listen and when to talk
Provide us with the awareness to accept and when to give help
Provide us with the kindness to allow us to bond with others

and as always

Hear our Promise that we make on this day to remain Clean of Nicotine.

In your name, Amen

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #573 on: January 05, 2017, 01:28:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: SirDerek
At this joyous time of year, here is to everyone giving them self the present of being clean and quit. It is the best gift you can give to yourself.

So do not wait for a new year's resolution, just give that gift now.
and if you are already quit, then try as you may, give that gift of helping others and learning each and every day to be that better person.

I keep learning something new each day. Do you?
It was great to meet you in person last summer Derek. :)

It's amazing how much helping someone else will help our own quit. Building our quit network and being "on call" for other quitters is key. I've truly learned that I can't quit by myself.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #572 on: January 04, 2017, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
At this joyous time of year, here is to everyone giving them self the present of being clean and quit. It is the best gift you can give to yourself.

So do not wait for a new year's resolution, just give that gift now.
and if you are already quit, then try as you may, give that gift of helping others and learning each and every day to be that better person.

I keep learning something new each day. Do you?

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #571 on: December 27, 2016, 01:41:00 PM »
At this joyous time of year, here is to everyone giving them self the present of being clean and quit. It is the best gift you can give to yourself.

So do not wait for a new year's resolution, just give that gift now.

Offline JGlav

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #570 on: October 20, 2016, 02:59:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Well nice to see a couple of newer guys post up in Oct 2012 (actually better posting % than I have been lately, after 4 years).

But I hope they realized a lessons that I am really true to stand behind as you rack up the +1 day after day, and that is to never forget where you came from, never forget what it took to get you to this point, and never forget to stop learning about yourself each day.

using those 3 guides as you go along I feel will be really key to help you remain quit and live life to its fullest.

If you forget where you came from (a user), then you might go right back to using

If you forget the hell you went through to get here, if you forget any people that have helped you along the way, this might also lead you back...

and if you stop learning, this also may lead you back.

cause when you really stop and think, You are your past, you are becoming your future with a new brotherhood and a new you with all you have learned.

Be strong and be smart....
Yes sir. NEver forget the hell. If you think that thought may be getting fuzzy just head over to the newest HOF month and read the stuff the new quitters are going through. Works for me!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #569 on: October 19, 2016, 03:34:00 PM »
Well nice to see a couple of newer guys post up in Oct 2012 (actually better posting % than I have been lately, after 4 years).

But I hope they realized a lessons that I am really true to stand behind as you rack up the +1 day after day, and that is to never forget where you came from, never forget what it took to get you to this point, and never forget to stop learning about yourself each day.

using those 3 guides as you go along I feel will be really key to help you remain quit and live life to its fullest.

If you forget where you came from (a user), then you might go right back to using

If you forget the hell you went through to get here, if you forget any people that have helped you along the way, this might also lead you back...

and if you stop learning, this also may lead you back.

cause when you really stop and think, You are your past, you are becoming your future with a new brotherhood and a new you with all you have learned.

Be strong and be smart....

Offline pab1964

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #568 on: October 04, 2016, 04:29:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
New quitters...... here is a bonus on why you should quit for yourself and no one else, as it so much comes along with it when you make the decision:

October 4th, 1998

I remember this day so vividly. A Sunday morning not forgotten. Was sleeping great and get stirred at about 5:30 in the morning by my wife. See she was pregnant with our first son, due in about a week. She says to be don't be in a panic by her water just broke and she had called her doctor. Well no better statement to beat the affects of coffee than that to wake one up. So that was the start of the day. She was told to take it easy unless contractions started, which they did not, and it might have been around 9 or 10 that we finally went to the hospital. 8+ hours later Alex arrived into our lives.

October 4th 2016

That little one whose foot was no longer than my fore finger, now stands 6'1" and turns 18 today. His boy scout eagle rank paperwork is on its way to the council office. He has turned into one hell of a young man who has experienced so much more than I ever did as a youth. He has been to Europe with the music department (Austria,..). He has worked at the summer camp for now 2 years and as attended a national Jamboree. His social life in school would have made me look like a wall flower (which I was). I know the fight now will be about a close by (5-6 hour) college, but will let that come. As for today we will celebrate (ok tonight as he is in his senior year classes now).

Not sure I have ever been more proud of him today. And I have to say, getting the CPAP and quitting nicotine are the only reasons I am here alive to feel that way, because without doing either one of those I would with high probability be dead today.
My friend you have every right to be proud! And yes alot of that is owed to mom and dad! Cherish every damn minute and give the good man a thank you for all your blessings. Quit on badass! Thanks i needed that
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #567 on: October 04, 2016, 12:23:00 PM »
New quitters...... here is a bonus on why you should quit for yourself and no one else, as it so much comes along with it when you make the decision:

October 4th, 1998

I remember this day so vividly. A Sunday morning not forgotten. Was sleeping great and get stirred at about 5:30 in the morning by my wife. See she was pregnant with our first son, due in about a week. She says to be don't be in a panic by her water just broke and she had called her doctor. Well no better statement to beat the affects of coffee than that to wake one up. So that was the start of the day. She was told to take it easy unless contractions started, which they did not, and it might have been around 9 or 10 that we finally went to the hospital. 8+ hours later Alex arrived into our lives.

October 4th 2016

That little one whose foot was no longer than my fore finger, now stands 6'1" and turns 18 today. His boy scout eagle rank paperwork is on its way to the council office. He has turned into one hell of a young man who has experienced so much more than I ever did as a youth. He has been to Europe with the music department (Austria,..). He has worked at the summer camp for now 2 years and as attended a national Jamboree. His social life in school would have made me look like a wall flower (which I was). I know the fight now will be about a close by (5-6 hour) college, but will let that come. As for today we will celebrate (ok tonight as he is in his senior year classes now).

Not sure I have ever been more proud of him today. And I have to say, getting the CPAP and quitting nicotine are the only reasons I am here alive to feel that way, because without doing either one of those I would with high probability be dead today.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #566 on: August 30, 2016, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: SirDerek
Scenes from the stone window....

sorry just a little introspection since passing the 1,500 mark over 2 weeks ago. It always seems to come around from time to time discussions about posting roll every day and what I will call the impact and thoughts of those who are more seasoned in their quit, and if the reason to continue. Now for new guys, yes the posting is vital to success. It builds the accountability, it lays the foundation of taking back something in your life....your word. But this is for a lot of the others (as evidenced by the fact when you look at the older quit groups and see that there are not too many posting anymore:

And something popped into my head where I think everyone can relate to:

How many of us have grown up watching our favorite movies or television shows. Heck there are some movies I have seen over 100 times, and shows like Cheers or MASH again I know when live and then in syndication I have seen every single episode they made. So we go on living day after day until we sit down one day and turn on our favorite. As we are watching, all of a sudden we see something and/or make a comment "I do not remember that".....and laugh or cry again like we had not done before....But as I led in, we know we have all seen/watched it before, so why the sudden feeling like we had never seen it before...

Well when this happens its because we have drifted away. We failed to remember the past of what we watched, what we did. And without that memory and/or connection to that part of our past, we never know what might happen again.

This I believe defines the reason for always keeping in touch, where ever that might be, and making being quit real in your life, where you need to make the connections with those others who stand beside you.

Now does it mean to post roll everyday, that I will leave up to others to say, but what I will say is that every day we need to think about where we came from, that we need to think about those who have stood side by side with through our fight every day, and that we at least promise to our self that we will never go back to the way we were. But that we will keep moving forward and never lose the connections or lessons we have learned along the way so that history will not repeat itself.
Badass Sir! Enjoyed the read! It's stuff like that that comes straight at you. Love it. Just telling my son how amazing I feel after weed eating for an hour and a half. I'm 52 no way in hell I could have done that some 600 day's ago! For that reason I will choose to post ODAAT and to also get to read great stuff like I just read! Thanks again and quit on!
Here's a nice little add on to the remembering what we used to watch:

how many times have we sat and watched Blazing Saddles, or Willie Wonka......

Jim: "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." or "Bart:
Are we awake? Jim: We're not sure. Are we black? Bart:Yes, we are. Jim: Then we're awake, but very puzzled." to : "So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it." and "Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three.", and "Time is a precious thing, never waste it" and Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, it's pronounced "Fronkensteen.", and the other movies growing up, just too many to remember.

But the best:
Willy Wonka: But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.
Charlie Bucket: What happened?
Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.

RIP Gene Wilder, you are the only Willie Wonka to me, and a true genius
Nice Derek, he will be missed!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #565 on: August 29, 2016, 09:10:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: SirDerek
Scenes from the stone window....

sorry just a little introspection since passing the 1,500 mark over 2 weeks ago. It always seems to come around from time to time discussions about posting roll every day and what I will call the impact and thoughts of those who are more seasoned in their quit, and if the reason to continue. Now for new guys, yes the posting is vital to success. It builds the accountability, it lays the foundation of taking back something in your life....your word. But this is for a lot of the others (as evidenced by the fact when you look at the older quit groups and see that there are not too many posting anymore:

And something popped into my head where I think everyone can relate to:

How many of us have grown up watching our favorite movies or television shows. Heck there are some movies I have seen over 100 times, and shows like Cheers or MASH again I know when live and then in syndication I have seen every single episode they made. So we go on living day after day until we sit down one day and turn on our favorite. As we are watching, all of a sudden we see something and/or make a comment "I do not remember that".....and laugh or cry again like we had not done before....But as I led in, we know we have all seen/watched it before, so why the sudden feeling like we had never seen it before...

Well when this happens its because we have drifted away. We failed to remember the past of what we watched, what we did. And without that memory and/or connection to that part of our past, we never know what might happen again.

This I believe defines the reason for always keeping in touch, where ever that might be, and making being quit real in your life, where you need to make the connections with those others who stand beside you.

Now does it mean to post roll everyday, that I will leave up to others to say, but what I will say is that every day we need to think about where we came from, that we need to think about those who have stood side by side with through our fight every day, and that we at least promise to our self that we will never go back to the way we were. But that we will keep moving forward and never lose the connections or lessons we have learned along the way so that history will not repeat itself.
Badass Sir! Enjoyed the read! It's stuff like that that comes straight at you. Love it. Just telling my son how amazing I feel after weed eating for an hour and a half. I'm 52 no way in hell I could have done that some 600 day's ago! For that reason I will choose to post ODAAT and to also get to read great stuff like I just read! Thanks again and quit on!
Here's a nice little add on to the remembering what we used to watch:

how many times have we sat and watched Blazing Saddles, or Willie Wonka......

Jim: "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." or "Bart:
Are we awake? Jim: We're not sure. Are we black? Bart:Yes, we are. Jim: Then we're awake, but very puzzled." to : "So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it." and "Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three.", and "Time is a precious thing, never waste it" and Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: No, it's pronounced "Fronkensteen.", and the other movies growing up, just too many to remember.

But the best:
Willy Wonka: But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.
Charlie Bucket: What happened?
Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.

RIP Gene Wilder, you are the only Willie Wonka to me, and a true genius

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #564 on: August 25, 2016, 07:46:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Scenes from the stone window....

sorry just a little introspection since passing the 1,500 mark over 2 weeks ago. It always seems to come around from time to time discussions about posting roll every day and what I will call the impact and thoughts of those who are more seasoned in their quit, and if the reason to continue. Now for new guys, yes the posting is vital to success. It builds the accountability, it lays the foundation of taking back something in your life....your word. But this is for a lot of the others (as evidenced by the fact when you look at the older quit groups and see that there are not too many posting anymore:

And something popped into my head where I think everyone can relate to:

How many of us have grown up watching our favorite movies or television shows. Heck there are some movies I have seen over 100 times, and shows like Cheers or MASH again I know when live and then in syndication I have seen every single episode they made. So we go on living day after day until we sit down one day and turn on our favorite. As we are watching, all of a sudden we see something and/or make a comment "I do not remember that".....and laugh or cry again like we had not done before....But as I led in, we know we have all seen/watched it before, so why the sudden feeling like we had never seen it before...

Well when this happens its because we have drifted away. We failed to remember the past of what we watched, what we did. And without that memory and/or connection to that part of our past, we never know what might happen again.

This I believe defines the reason for always keeping in touch, where ever that might be, and making being quit real in your life, where you need to make the connections with those others who stand beside you.

Now does it mean to post roll everyday, that I will leave up to others to say, but what I will say is that every day we need to think about where we came from, that we need to think about those who have stood side by side with through our fight every day, and that we at least promise to our self that we will never go back to the way we were. But that we will keep moving forward and never lose the connections or lessons we have learned along the way so that history will not repeat itself.
Badass Sir! Enjoyed the read! It's stuff like that that comes straight at you. Love it. Just telling my son how amazing I feel after weed eating for an hour and a half. I'm 52 no way in hell I could have done that some 600 day's ago! For that reason I will choose to post ODAAT and to also get to read great stuff like I just read! Thanks again and quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD