Hello all,
My name is Shawn and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am planning to quit chewing tomorrow morning and am already freaking out about it. It's like I already have anxiety, and am scared.
I have been chewing Copenhagen snuff for about 12 years. I am 32 years old. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter and the time has come. I need to quit for many reasons.
I am hoping this website will help me on this journey.
Thanks for your time.
I'm on day 4, so I can't tell you how much better it gets, yet. I *can* tell you that quitting sucks and it's hard, and your 2.5 year old will drive you nuts for a few days. Because your intro reads like mine. I'm 32, I've been using cope for 12 years, I've got a two and a half year old daughter.
The time HAS come and if you lean on us, you'll be successful.
Join the July Jackals GroupMe thingy and tell us about the fog, and the rage, and your girl, and anything you want to. We're your brothers now and we won't let you fail at this. Your daughter deserves better than to see you die a slow and agonizing death, your jaw dissected and your taste buds burned out of your mouth.
Flush the poison and quit with me today.
I'll see you at roll call.