Author Topic: Quitting Tomorrow  (Read 2426 times)

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Offline Robb Wolf

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2015, 02:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Dood
Shawn lied to our group and apparently caved.
Guess what, Shawn? You were consistently late or absent from roll. So was I surprised that you caved? Fuck no, because you never really quit. Get a clue, before you end up taking all your meals with a tube, dipshit.
"All men are in need of help and depend on one another. Human solidarity is the necessary condition for the unfolding of any one individual."
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Figure it out so that your kids know that they have a strong father who can fight mano a mano against nicotine and not give up. Not many can do that, so show your kids that you are special and that you are making sure to always be their brave and strong dad because you fight every day to ensure that you are with them for as long as possible.

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2015, 01:42:00 PM »
Shawn lied to our group and apparently caved.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2015, 08:32:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: beast42a
Shawn....i see that u posted your Day 1 today....out fucking standing!....what ever you do / what ever you might think....POSTING ROLL is the most important thing you will do every day....wake up / piss / post roll....make a promise to your self and your quit group that you will be quit for that day....wake up next day and this EDD..(every damn day) and take it ODAAT (one day at a time).....

I understand that you Stopped for 4 months last year....that in its self is pretty bad ass to do solo....this time you have help...a whole nation of quitters who want nothing to do other than help you be successful .....this time you will Quit...not stop.....stay close to this site...not only post roll every day....stay close to your quit your thoughts...get involved...make digits...hold each other accountable....check out other quit groups - post your support for those groups

You will get out of this site what you put into are an addict (just like me and everyone else here)....nicotine kills.....fight that shit...fight your little addict brain....this will not be easy.....but if you really want this, you can do it.....Quit Like Fuck brother!
Welcome aboard Shawn! This is the best thing you have ever done for yourself.

If you need another number for accountability or anything just let me know. The first few days... That plant in a can puts up a hell of a fight. But trust me, if I can do it, you can do it. Winning is a great thing. You have lost for many years in this one part of your life. Taking control back is a feeling that you are really going to enjoy. Brotherhood (making connections here, getting phone numbers, using them) + accountability (post roll in your group first thing when your eyeballs own for the day, then keep your word) = SUCCESS
How's it going???

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2015, 05:41:00 AM »
Quote from: beast42a
Shawn....i see that u posted your Day 1 today....out fucking standing!....what ever you do / what ever you might think....POSTING ROLL is the most important thing you will do every day....wake up / piss / post roll....make a promise to your self and your quit group that you will be quit for that day....wake up next day and this EDD..(every damn day) and take it ODAAT (one day at a time).....

I understand that you Stopped for 4 months last year....that in its self is pretty bad ass to do solo....this time you have help...a whole nation of quitters who want nothing to do other than help you be successful .....this time you will Quit...not stop.....stay close to this site...not only post roll every day....stay close to your quit your thoughts...get involved...make digits...hold each other accountable....check out other quit groups - post your support for those groups

You will get out of this site what you put into are an addict (just like me and everyone else here)....nicotine kills.....fight that shit...fight your little addict brain....this will not be easy.....but if you really want this, you can do it.....Quit Like Fuck brother!
Welcome aboard Shawn! This is the best thing you have ever done for yourself.

If you need another number for accountability or anything just let me know. The first few days... That plant in a can puts up a hell of a fight. But trust me, if I can do it, you can do it. Winning is a great thing. You have lost for many years in this one part of your life. Taking control back is a feeling that you are really going to enjoy. Brotherhood (making connections here, getting phone numbers, using them) + accountability (post roll in your group first thing when your eyeballs own for the day, then keep your word) = SUCCESS

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2015, 10:48:00 PM »
Shawn....i see that u posted your Day 1 today....out fucking standing!....what ever you do / what ever you might think....POSTING ROLL is the most important thing you will do every day....wake up / piss / post roll....make a promise to your self and your quit group that you will be quit for that day....wake up next day and this EDD..(every damn day) and take it ODAAT (one day at a time).....

I understand that you Stopped for 4 months last year....that in its self is pretty bad ass to do solo....this time you have help...a whole nation of quitters who want nothing to do other than help you be successful .....this time you will Quit...not stop.....stay close to this site...not only post roll every day....stay close to your quit your thoughts...get involved...make digits...hold each other accountable....check out other quit groups - post your support for those groups

You will get out of this site what you put into are an addict (just like me and everyone else here)....nicotine kills.....fight that shit...fight your little addict brain....this will not be easy.....but if you really want this, you can do it.....Quit Like Fuck brother!
Despite all my Rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
KTC is a Team Sport....There will be no Individual Events today
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read here in a long, long time. - Nolaq


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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2015, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: shawnericolson
Quote from: Robb
Quote from: shawnericolson
Hello all,

My name is Shawn and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am planning to quit chewing tomorrow morning and am already freaking out about it. It's like I already have anxiety, and am scared.

I have been chewing Copenhagen snuff for about 12 years. I am 32 years old. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter and the time has come. I need to quit for many reasons.

I am hoping this website will help me on this journey.

Thanks for your time.


I'm on day 4, so I can't tell you how much better it gets, yet. I *can* tell you that quitting sucks and it's hard, and your 2.5 year old will drive you nuts for a few days. Because your intro reads like mine. I'm 32, I've been using cope for 12 years, I've got a two and a half year old daughter.

The time HAS come and if you lean on us, you'll be successful.
Join the July Jackals GroupMe thingy and tell us about the fog, and the rage, and your girl, and anything you want to. We're your brothers now and we won't let you fail at this. Your daughter deserves better than to see you die a slow and agonizing death, your jaw dissected and your taste buds burned out of your mouth.

Flush the poison and quit with me today.

I'll see you at roll call.
Day 4!! Nice dude!! I am super jealous hahah. I just want a week to go by without me noticing. All I can think about it Copenhagen...... I have to just make myself do other stuff.

Yours and my situation is very similar! Maybe we can lean on each other through this whole thing... Because it isn't easy.
Not easy doesn't really do it justice. It will be a maddening struggle. They call it the suck because it's just that. Remember these next 3 to 4 days. Only go through it once, in other words, this is your quit. Post roll every day, keep the promise to stay quit, then do it again tomorrow.

In the meantime, keep that belly full of water at all times to flush out the bad shit. Helps lessen then suck.

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2015, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: shawnericolson
Quote from: danojeno
Congrats on the Day 1. You are in the July group though. Our groups are based on when we hit 100 days quit.
OIC... ok. I will go change that. Thanks for the clarification.
Kasherms pointed out you posted in April so I added you to July. You were close, just 3 months ahead. I'll take that as being eager to begin.

Go to July 15, go to most recent page, scroll to the bottom, you'll see your name and day 1 beside it about halfway down. July quitters post at the top. July supporters post at the bottom.


Offline shawnericolson

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2015, 12:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Robb
Quote from: shawnericolson
Hello all,

My name is Shawn and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am planning to quit chewing tomorrow morning and am already freaking out about it. It's like I already have anxiety, and am scared.

I have been chewing Copenhagen snuff for about 12 years. I am 32 years old. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter and the time has come. I need to quit for many reasons.

I am hoping this website will help me on this journey.

Thanks for your time.


I'm on day 4, so I can't tell you how much better it gets, yet. I *can* tell you that quitting sucks and it's hard, and your 2.5 year old will drive you nuts for a few days. Because your intro reads like mine. I'm 32, I've been using cope for 12 years, I've got a two and a half year old daughter.

The time HAS come and if you lean on us, you'll be successful.
Join the July Jackals GroupMe thingy and tell us about the fog, and the rage, and your girl, and anything you want to. We're your brothers now and we won't let you fail at this. Your daughter deserves better than to see you die a slow and agonizing death, your jaw dissected and your taste buds burned out of your mouth.

Flush the poison and quit with me today.

I'll see you at roll call.
Day 4!! Nice dude!! I am super jealous hahah. I just want a week to go by without me noticing. All I can think about it Copenhagen...... I have to just make myself do other stuff.

Yours and my situation is very similar! Maybe we can lean on each other through this whole thing... Because it isn't easy.

Offline shawnericolson

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2015, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: danojeno
Congrats on the Day 1. You are in the July group though. Our groups are based on when we hit 100 days quit.
OIC... ok. I will go change that. Thanks for the clarification.

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2015, 12:01:00 PM »
Congrats on the Day 1. You are in the July group though. Our groups are based on when we hit 100 days quit.

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2015, 11:46:00 AM »
Quote from: PatrickG

Go here - Welcome Center - to learn what we do here and how to do it. There is a section that will show you how to post roll.

Then go here - July 2015 Quit Group - post roll, introduce yourself and get to know everyone.

If you have a question ask it. If you need to rage, do it here. There are lots of people here that will invest in you and your quit. Get started and never look back!
So are you planning on posting your promise? Get it done.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2015, 11:10:00 AM »

Go here - Welcome Center - to learn what we do here and how to do it. There is a section that will show you how to post roll.

Then go here - July 2015 Quit Group - post roll, introduce yourself and get to know everyone.

If you have a question ask it. If you need to rage, do it here. There are lots of people here that will invest in you and your quit. Get started and never look back!
It's not the will to win that matters...everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.- Paul Bear Bryant

Process guarantees success. A good process produces good results - Nick Saban

HOF Speech - There is nothing new under the sun

Offline Robb Wolf

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2015, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: shawnericolson
Hello all,

My name is Shawn and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am planning to quit chewing tomorrow morning and am already freaking out about it. It's like I already have anxiety, and am scared.

I have been chewing Copenhagen snuff for about 12 years. I am 32 years old. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter and the time has come. I need to quit for many reasons.

I am hoping this website will help me on this journey.

Thanks for your time.


I'm on day 4, so I can't tell you how much better it gets, yet. I *can* tell you that quitting sucks and it's hard, and your 2.5 year old will drive you nuts for a few days. Because your intro reads like mine. I'm 32, I've been using cope for 12 years, I've got a two and a half year old daughter.

The time HAS come and if you lean on us, you'll be successful.
Join the July Jackals GroupMe thingy and tell us about the fog, and the rage, and your girl, and anything you want to. We're your brothers now and we won't let you fail at this. Your daughter deserves better than to see you die a slow and agonizing death, your jaw dissected and your taste buds burned out of your mouth.

Flush the poison and quit with me today.

I'll see you at roll call.
"All men are in need of help and depend on one another. Human solidarity is the necessary condition for the unfolding of any one individual."
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Figure it out so that your kids know that they have a strong father who can fight mano a mano against nicotine and not give up. Not many can do that, so show your kids that you are special and that you are making sure to always be their brave and strong dad because you fight every day to ensure that you are with them for as long as possible.

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2015, 10:21:00 AM »
I want to thank you all for your replies...

Well, I did it. I threw that fuckin Copenhagen can away. I dumped it down the toilet first, cuz I knew i'd be diggin for that shit this morning.

I am about 5 hours clean into my day and HOLY FUCK!

I can definitely feel it, but I am going to stay strong. I will not chew today.

I will go check out that post roll - although I don't quite fully understand it yet.

Really though guys, thanks for the replies, and yes, when you think about it, it is dumb to have anxiety over a fucking tin can of plants!!!

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2015, 07:50:00 AM »
Now's the time to take your life back. Don't wait another minute.