Author Topic: This is My Quit  (Read 4155 times)

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Offline Jupiter

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2017, 06:52:00 PM »
It's been a while... I've neglected my own posts here. Wanted to pop in for any of you that might be feeling a KTC rut once your first 100 days are past, or even the first year. I'm always amazed at the number of folks that hit a major milestone and decide that they no longer need to tools* that helped them get there.

Day 357 today. I've hopped in to support newer months in the past, but struggled to maintain a regular presence or , in the case of Apr-17, just couldn't keep up with the "events" (drama)... With the opening of a new December, most of the folks from Dec-2016 committed to ride the new Dec group and help them along as best that we can.

I can't believe how much this has helped my own quit. Not that I was craving more, just hitting the doldrums. Following this group each day -- and I mean REALLY following them, not just posting roll and bouncing -- has been an eye opener. Re-living those first few days/weeks of my quit has re-energized my own quit, and desire to stay involved on KTC.

* Shout out to the biggest tools around -- Gas, HC, Lentz, Adarmstrong, Sun, Ramp 'finger point' , TJ, Brown, Edward, and all my Dec Ninjas 'ninja' , Thanks to each of you for helping me along the way.
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline Tjschu

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2016, 06:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Jupiter
Day 100! Time to order up that chip and think up a HoF speech! Truly can't believe how smooth this 100 days went. Not that it was easy by any means, but very smooth and I owe that to all of you.

If you are reading this early in your quit, just keep reading posts and quit for just this day. Hell, focus on quitting for just this hour if you're very early on. Worry about the next hour or day when it comes. Just quit for right now.

If you need a distraction from a crave, try to find a jump rope somewhere in my avatar. Not sure if it's an optical illusion or an urban legend but I still haven't seen a jump rope yet. roflmao
Congrats on 100 days!!! You are a BAQ!!! Keep fighting the fight you have more battles ahead. If you use your tools that you have acquired you can win those too!

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2016, 12:25:00 AM »
Day 100! Time to order up that chip and think up a HoF speech! Truly can't believe how smooth this 100 days went. Not that it was easy by any means, but very smooth and I owe that to all of you.

If you are reading this early in your quit, just keep reading posts and quit for just this day. Hell, focus on quitting for just this hour if you're very early on. Worry about the next hour or day when it comes. Just quit for right now.

If you need a distraction from a crave, try to find a jump rope somewhere in my avatar. Not sure if it's an optical illusion or an urban legend but I still haven't seen a jump rope yet. roflmao
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline JGlav

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2016, 07:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Jupiter
Day 84 - coming home from another biz trip. Kind of cool this time - my coworker that was with me knows I'm coming up on 3 months quit. He's worked with me for almost 20 years now  knows exactly how much I had been dipping.

This is the first time someone has checked me for dipping. He saw me in the lobby with a spit cup - he didn't know I was spitting sunflower seeds in it. Think he was about to come across the table and slap me. Kinda cool to have my first non-KTC friend have my back like that.
Very cool. Accountability outside KTC. Awesome just freaking awesome.

Offline Jupiter

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2016, 08:15:00 PM »
Day 84 - coming home from another biz trip. Kind of cool this time - my coworker that was with me knows I'm coming up on 3 months quit. He's worked with me for almost 20 years now  knows exactly how much I had been dipping.

This is the first time someone has checked me for dipping. He saw me in the lobby with a spit cup - he didn't know I was spitting sunflower seeds in it. Think he was about to come across the table and slap me. Kinda cool to have my first non-KTC friend have my back like that.
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline brettlees

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2016, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Jupiter
Wrapping up Day 79 -- its been a good week. Last week, not so much. Didn't have much issue with cravings, at least no more than usual. But I literally have no idea if I was just a total asshole all week or if the wife was really that much of a bitch. I would hope that maybe it was somewhere in the middle, but looking back at last week I fear that I was the asshole.

How is it that almost 3 months into my quit  I can't always recognize dip rage? Why can't I tell sometimes when the Nic bitch is whispering in the back of my head again. It really feels like she's just locked up, desperately whispering out, hoping to lure me in during moment. Or worse, create a weak moment by triggering fights with the wife...

Lesson to self -- never forget to check yourself. Are you being an asshole because of dip rage or just because you're an asshole?
If it is dip rage - embrace it and hit the gym. Beat the fuck outta the heavy bag for an hour and squash it. Why in the hell direct at the one person would cause you to NOT get laid??
Man I think the healing really just starts once we get rid of all the physical toxins. Then we have to learn all over how to live. I know i'm a work in progress. My whole adult life i lived with my crutch of an addiction. Now I'm relearning how to act, how to take things, and like you point out, remembering and knowing when to check myself (before i wreck myself... haha) and when not is really big.

This is a great quit log you have going, and a great quit you're building- keep doing it like you do!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Jupiter

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2016, 11:47:00 PM »
Wrapping up Day 79 -- its been a good week. Last week, not so much. Didn't have much issue with cravings, at least no more than usual. But I literally have no idea if I was just a total asshole all week or if the wife was really that much of a bitch. I would hope that maybe it was somewhere in the middle, but looking back at last week I fear that I was the asshole.

How is it that almost 3 months into my quit  I can't always recognize dip rage? Why can't I tell sometimes when the Nic bitch is whispering in the back of my head again. It really feels like she's just locked up, desperately whispering out, hoping to lure me in during moment. Or worse, create a weak moment by triggering fights with the wife...

Lesson to self -- never forget to check yourself. Are you being an asshole because of dip rage or just because you're an asshole?
If it is dip rage - embrace it and hit the gym. Beat the fuck outta the heavy bag for an hour and squash it. Why in the hell direct at the one person would cause you to NOT get laid??
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline JGlav

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2016, 07:17:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Jupiter
'ninja' Day 60 -- feeling good. 'ninja' Just went on my first Nic-Free biz trip this past week. Being a ninja dipper used to mean that I'd go on a Nic-Feast while out of town without the wife. Had a few craves but I kept busy and the week flew by pretty quick. Next trip will be easier now that I know it can be done Nic-Less.

Oh -- and FUCK Michigan!! Dummies had to go and make the path more difficult for my Buckeyes...
Yessir! Huge win. And you can do anything without dip just like you did with it! Keep stacking them day's one at a time. It gets easier but you more than likely will have more rough day's but you have all the tools to get this done. Quit on!
The first free travel is pretty amazing- how free it is not to have to dose up all the time! Nice job, and its great that you post it here- look how you can WIN, newer quitters!
This is such a great win. I have been there. Would have gone to a convention a dipped none stop. Good for you and thanks for sharing

Offline brettlees

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2016, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Jupiter
'ninja' Day 60 -- feeling good. 'ninja' Just went on my first Nic-Free biz trip this past week. Being a ninja dipper used to mean that I'd go on a Nic-Feast while out of town without the wife. Had a few craves but I kept busy and the week flew by pretty quick. Next trip will be easier now that I know it can be done Nic-Less.

Oh -- and FUCK Michigan!! Dummies had to go and make the path more difficult for my Buckeyes...
Yessir! Huge win. And you can do anything without dip just like you did with it! Keep stacking them day's one at a time. It gets easier but you more than likely will have more rough day's but you have all the tools to get this done. Quit on!
The first free travel is pretty amazing- how free it is not to have to dose up all the time! Nice job, and its great that you post it here- look how you can WIN, newer quitters!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2016, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Jupiter
'ninja' Day 60 -- feeling good. 'ninja' Just went on my first Nic-Free biz trip this past week. Being a ninja dipper used to mean that I'd go on a Nic-Feast while out of town without the wife. Had a few craves but I kept busy and the week flew by pretty quick. Next trip will be easier now that I know it can be done Nic-Less.

Oh -- and FUCK Michigan!! Dummies had to go and make the path more difficult for my Buckeyes...
Yessir! Huge win. And you can do anything without dip just like you did with it! Keep stacking them day's one at a time. It gets easier but you more than likely will have more rough day's but you have all the tools to get this done. Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2016, 08:52:00 PM »
'ninja' Day 60 -- feeling good. 'ninja' Just went on my first Nic-Free biz trip this past week. Being a ninja dipper used to mean that I'd go on a Nic-Feast while out of town without the wife. Had a few craves but I kept busy and the week flew by pretty quick. Next trip will be easier now that I know it can be done Nic-Less.

Oh -- and FUCK Michigan!! Dummies had to go and make the path more difficult for my Buckeyes...
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline eyehatecope

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2016, 08:32:00 AM »
Day 449 here.

1. I'm proud of you.
2. I find myself looking at other people to see who all dips. Maybe it's a sick game I'm playing who knows. I'm amazed at how many dip.
3. Day 449 The craves still happen. Of course not as often. Last week it hit me, briefly, it still hit me. I found myself laughing at that thought.
4. You will be able to walk in that pool hall/arcade room before you know it without any issue, possibly doing what I do scouting the dummies that do use.
Jenny and Tom Kern

RIP My Brother!

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2016, 02:35:00 PM »
Day 45 today and I've had a GREAT week! I've stacked up a few extra lbs during my quit... This week I started working out at Title boxing. Unreal!! Hit the heavy bag for 45 mins -- can barely walk out of there uphright but I can definitely say I punched out ANY stress or anxiety I had in me.

Strange, but it was the success from this group that finally led me to that gym. I've thought about it for years, seemed like it would be so much more fun that an hour of running, swimming, biking. Never really tried a group workout before. But this place has shown me there's no doubt about strength in numbers.

Figure if I keep this up, I can look  feel like a whole new person by Xmas. I could hit the HoF 10-20 lbs lighter than when I came into this joint.

Proving to myself that I can tame the Nic Bitch -- working on the diet/exercise sounds easy now!
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

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Offline LMM

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2016, 10:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Jupiter
Day 27 -- The days are starting to move much faster for me now. I'm able to stay focused at work for the most part, which helps burn the days faster.

The past few days I've been getting weird, random craves. Nothing overwhelming, just odd craves out of nowhere. It's like the Nic Bitch is desperately calling out from the cage I locked her up in. I had actually stopped using the fake mint too. With this weird run of craves this week though, I'm making sure to keep the fake at the ready.

I write this for myself to remember, as well as for my future quit brothers. Knowing what to expect from the timelines and stories here on KTC has been perhaps my biggest key to my quit.
I'm right behind you at day 26; every day I get a little closer to catching your ass.

I'm feeling the same as you in my quit. Fog is lifting and randoms craves the last few days (I had no craves after week 1 until just a few days ago).

We got this.

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Re: This is My Quit
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2016, 01:54:00 PM »
Day 27 -- The days are starting to move much faster for me now. I'm able to stay focused at work for the most part, which helps burn the days faster.

The past few days I've been getting weird, random craves. Nothing overwhelming, just odd craves out of nowhere. It's like the Nic Bitch is desperately calling out from the cage I locked her up in. I had actually stopped using the fake mint too. With this weird run of craves this week though, I'm making sure to keep the fake at the ready.

I write this for myself to remember, as well as for my future quit brothers. Knowing what to expect from the timelines and stories here on KTC has been perhaps my biggest key to my quit.
Go Bucks!
Nights 2-4 are Dark and Full of Terrors -- remember them. Promise to never go through them again!

This picture says IT ALL!