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Offline MikeWC

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2012, 04:34:00 PM »
Let me add that you should go back through and look at all of the names of these people that have offered you advice. Now look at their post counts, the majority of us are new to this quit life, the suck is still fresh in us, yet all of us say do it's worth it. Dump it man, dump it now and get ready for all the support you can imagine.

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2012, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Arfy
Quote from: JEPMD88
Thanks for the input guys, I don't know if this is a "cold Turkeys" only site. but for now I will keep weening off till I'm nic free. I will stay accountable and let you guys know what happening or how it goes.  I appreciate the advice and encouragement.
I'm sure almost everyone on this site had tried something very similar to your method. And Failed. I know I have. They have failed, because they/we*Arfy did not understand how nicotine works at the time. Check out the following link and understand how nicotine controls your mind.Nicotine addiction 101

Nothing personal buddy......but your method is just wasting yours and everyone elses time!


A fellow nic addict
weaning off of nicotine...

how many times did I try that? Lost count....

(lets see... I'll start by having a dip every half hour and work my way up 5 minutes each day.....sound familiar to anybody?) I must have done that thousands of times -didn't work the first time, didn't work the 1000th, either.

If you want to make sure that you suffer withdrawal for the maximum amount of time, just keep weaning off. Cold turkey, on the other hand, ends the physical withdrawal in 3 days. Freedom does not begin until you rid yourself of the substance you are addicted to- nicotine.

Flush the crap down the toilet. Jump in with both feet. Have enough respect for yourself to believe that you can do it. I know you can. The question is: WILL YOU?
Great article Arfy!!

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2012, 03:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Arfy
Quote from: JEPMD88
Thanks for the input guys, I don't know if this is a "cold Turkeys" only site. but for now I will keep weening off till I'm nic free. I will stay accountable and let you guys know what happening or how it goes.  I appreciate the advice and encouragement.
I'm sure almost everyone on this site had tried something very similar to your method. And Failed. I know I have. They have failed, because they/we*Arfy did not understand how nicotine works at the time. Check out the following link and understand how nicotine controls your mind.Nicotine addiction 101

Nothing personal buddy......but your method is just wasting yours and everyone elses time!


A fellow nic addict
weaning off of nicotine...

how many times did I try that? Lost count....

(lets see... I'll start by having a dip every half hour and work my way up 5 minutes each day.....sound familiar to anybody?) I must have done that thousands of times -didn't work the first time, didn't work the 1000th, either.

If you want to make sure that you suffer withdrawal for the maximum amount of time, just keep weaning off. Cold turkey, on the other hand, ends the physical withdrawal in 3 days. Freedom does not begin until you rid yourself of the substance you are addicted to- nicotine.

Flush the crap down the toilet. Jump in with both feet. Have enough respect for yourself to believe that you can do it. I know you can. The question is: WILL YOU?

Offline Arfy

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2012, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: JEPMD88
Thanks for the input guys, I don't know if this is a "cold Turkeys" only site. but for now I will keep weening off till I'm nic free. I will stay accountable and let you guys know what happening or how it goes.  I appreciate the advice and encouragement.
I'm sure almost everyone on this site had tried something very similar to your method. And Failed. I know I have. They have failed, because they/we/myself did not understand how nicotine works at the time. Check out the following link and understand how nicotine controls your mind.Nicotine addiction 101

Nothing personal buddy......but your method is just wasting yours and everyone elses time!


A fellow nic addict
A User for 21 years, nic free for 44 days
Caving is NOT an option!

?The only thing nicotine use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it.? #brilliance #truth

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Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2012, 01:31:00 PM »
"…howsabout a little reality check there homo. LOOT don’t need to read your original post. LOOT knows that you are dipping while you are posting on this site. That is taboo dumbass. Think about it…LOOT would like for you to study over some of the roll calls that are pinned in the quit group section. Now…ask yourself how many of those people would like to have a dip. How many would like to pack in a big ol fatty, just like you and tell everyone else “I’ll quit in 6 weeks or so”. If your intent is to ween, fine…LOOT aint got no problem with that. But for fucks sake use some common sense and understand that you are waving the source of peoples addiction in their faces just so you can make a promise to yourself, that LOOT says you won’t keep anyway. Buy a fucking calendar and count down the days to the 23rd…but fuck almighty dude…don’t do it here. It’s called being considerate….you’ve fuckin got to be kidding LOOT man."

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2012, 12:57:00 PM »
Quote from: JEPMD88
Thanks for the input guys, I don't know if this is a "cold Turkeys" only site. but for now I will keep weening off till I'm nic free. I will stay accountable and let you guys know what happening or how it goes. I appreciate the advice and encouragement.
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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2012, 12:55:00 PM »
Thanks for the input guys, I don't know if this is a "cold Turkeys" only site. but for now I will keep weening off till I'm nic free. I will stay accountable and let you guys know what happening or how it goes. I appreciate the advice and encouragement.

Offline zam

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 11:46:00 PM »
Yea, I stumbled on the same method of quitting. It even had a nifty iphone app that would track my usage and slowly wean me off dipping (LiveStrong app of some sort, I think). Anyway, I'm looking at the various methods that seem to make sense to me and was about to settle on the same method that you picked. Then I realized that the only reason that I was picking this particular method was because that method allowed me to have another dip. Period. What a bunch of BS logic that was. Think about that sort of logic. Really.

Can it be done the way you say? Maybe. But I don't think you'd be here if that method had any chance of success with you. BTW, nic has proven all of us "weak and worthless" very often. That's why we watch each other's back and hold each other accountable.

Choose to quit. So far, I don't think you have.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Tanawei

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 02:34:00 PM »
I have done many of the same things you are talking about. It does seem logical, but for some reason it doesnt make it easier.

I couldnt even stick to trying to dip some brand other than copenhagen. I was beyond a weak loser.

The fact of the matter is that quitting the first week is hard but changing your lifestyle to quit for a lifetime is much harder. The hardest part is retraining yourself for the long haul. My habits now are posting roll (although sometimes I'm late) and not dipping. I have reinforced those habits everyday for the last forty days through sleepless nights, anger, anxiety, fear, hot flashes, etc. I do know that each moment I am closer to being free from the addiction that has been with me since I was a teen.

Those victories don't start until you DECIDE to quit. No nicotine. Everything else is just a small lie your addiction is telling you to make it easier.

I really hope this helps. All of our beliefs are products of our own quits and failures. Lot's of knowledge from the folks around here. Great info. Make your decision. I hope you join us.

Offline Dozer99

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 02:28:00 PM »
Quote from: JEPMD88
Plan to be totally free 10/31.
We have a plan for you to be totally free of nicotine use now. Using this well thought out plan, you won't have to wait till Oct 31, which by the way is well over a month away. Grab your can, walk to the bathroom, lift the lid, dump it in, and hit the handle and flush that shit away forever. We all have your back right now if you do this! Don't wait; nothing good can come of that. PM me if you need help.
So, Dump the Shit, post roll and Quit with me today!

Quit day: 11 Sep 2012.

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 02:17:00 PM »
Quote from: JEPMD88
Well here we Go!
I tried quitting before cold turkey did not work - I am "worthless and weak".So instead I am in "training " to quit. I'm using a time schedule that adds time between dips every day and restricts when first and last dips occur every day. (no boosting allowed) I'm a bit of a control freak so I figure by tracking my progress each day I can record a little victory. I will stay on schedule ! Anybody try something like this ? any successes/ faillures ?
I am hoping by cutting back a little each day it will prevent a collapsing failure. kind of like if you need to run a 6 minute mile, you can't just go out and do it, you must train for it. So here we go, started "training" 9/25 still on track. Plan to be totally free 10/31. Thanks for the inspirations, wish me luck.
You've got the answer here, for real, you do...You seem to understand that you can go without dip for a short while

"restricts when first and last dips occur every day. (no boosting allowed) I'm a bit of a control freak so I figure by tracking my progress each day I can record a little victory"

Right on - that is what this site is all about - give it a go - restrict your use of dip to none today - TODAY only - that's the great part - you can go one day without a dip right? Fuck right - one day is cake! Track the day - swear to us and to yourself that you won't use today - you've got a little victory!!! Wake up in the morning and do it again! No one is asking for anything more than that - we all know you can do it, we all know it sucks and we are all here pulling for you - all waiting to help, post roll and quit for today and I've got your back - I'll quit with you today.
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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 02:03:00 PM »
I hate to discourage you but I think you are doomed to failure before you even start. Cutting back or using tobacco in moderation never worked for me. I tried it every which way I could think of. For a while I bought the dip that I hated most in hope that I would dip less. It seemed logical. Why can't I become some one that is happy to only take a dip once every blue moon, while hunting, fishing, or working? It is just the addiction trying to rationalize itself in your head. I think it was the same reason that I failed to quit while using the nicotine patch.

I am convinced that there is only one way to be free of nicotine. Starting with today, never, ever put that filthy shit in your mouth again. Be a man. Take the awful pain of withdrawal for what it is worth; your abused body trying to heal itself.

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Offline ShawnB

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 02:00:00 PM »
Man up. Get the fake shit. Whatever you have to do!

"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'."
Martin Luther King
Why choose to fail when success is an option

Offline magnum9

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 01:54:00 PM »
Don't take too much offense to this but don't waste our time. You WILL FAIL using this method. Many have tried it and almost none have succeeded.

Think about it, you said your "too worthless and weak" but yet your choosing a method where nicotine withdrawal is drawn out over weeks or months. Every time you reduce your dosage your going through withdrawal all over again.

Just flush your can, grab your nutsack and be a man. 3 days and the withdrawal is all over. Trust me, its the only way to go.

Flush it NOW... like 10 minutes ago. Get yer shit together and quit.

Offline Veggeh

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Re: quit methods ? Training
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: JEPMD88
Well here we Go!
I tried quitting before cold turkey did not work - I am "worthless and weak".So instead I am in "training " to quit. I'm using a time schedule that adds time between dips every day and restricts when first and last dips occur every day. (no boosting allowed) I'm a bit of a control freak so I figure by tracking my progress each day I can record a little victory. I will stay on schedule ! Anybody try something like this ? any successes/ faillures ?
I am hoping by cutting back a little each day it will prevent a collapsing failure. kind of like if you need to run a 6 minute mile, you can't just go out and do it, you must train for it. So here we go, started "training" 9/25 still on track. Plan to be totally free 10/31. Thanks for the inspirations, wish me luck.
I would only use your suggestion for breaking the oral fixation with herbal snuff. I tried patches in the past and I came back to the nicotine that was still in my system. Cold turkey is the only way I'm going to go. Pick up some herbal stuff. It helps!
QUIT DATE 9/8/2012