Author Topic: ironman07's intro  (Read 2620 times)

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2009, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: ironman07
August 2nd, 2009 -Day 66-

Life without dip is the better than I could have ever imagined. As you know, we will always need to stay focused and keep our guard up, but it is getting so much more rewarding that I can't fathom ever using nicotine again.

So far there are four things that I can say have contributed to my 66 dip free days:

1. Posting roll on this site everyday and promising my brothers I will not use nicotine. This site has been my support and I thank you all.

2. Exercising about 6 days a week. I took the aggression, pain and absence of dip and poured that energy into training for triathlons this summer. It kept my focus off of the negative and turned it into a positive thing.

3. Cymbalta - Thanks to my doc and Eli Lilly. This took awhile to work, but it has definitely helped calm my moods.

4. Me! I wanted this quit for me...not for my wife or my two kids, but I wanted this for me. This is the first SELFISH thing I have done in my life that has had a positive outcome on everyone in my life. This is too cool!

Rock on all you quitters!
here my friends is someone who is Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk (so to speak ) Keep kicking that ass everymorning brother ~

BBJ 'archer'
No Chew Crue - Cliff's Big Brother Jack

B.ig B.rother J.ack

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2009, 09:36:00 AM »
August 2nd, 2009 -Day 66-

Life without dip is the better than I could have ever imagined. As you know, we will always need to stay focused and keep our guard up, but it is getting so much more rewarding that I can't fathom ever using nicotine again.

So far there are four things that I can say have contributed to my 66 dip free days:

1. Posting roll on this site everyday and promising my brothers I will not use nicotine. This site has been my support and I thank you all.

2. Exercising about 6 days a week. I took the aggression, pain and absence of dip and poured that energy into training for triathlons this summer. It kept my focus off of the negative and turned it into a positive thing.

3. Cymbalta - Thanks to my doc and Eli Lilly. This took awhile to work, but it has definitely helped calm my moods.

4. Me! I wanted this quit for me...not for my wife or my two kids, but I wanted this for me. This is the first SELFISH thing I have done in my life that has had a positive outcome on everyone in my life. This is too cool!

Rock on all you quitters!
Quit Date: Friday~May 29th, 2009...HOF: Saturday~September 5th, 2009...2nd Floor: December 14th, 2009...3rd Floor: March 25th, 2010...4th Floor: July 4th, 2010...5th Floor: October 10th, 2010...6th Floor: January18th, 2011... 7th Floor: April 28th, 2011...8th Floor:August 6th, 2011...9th Floor: November 14th, 2011...COMMA: February 22nd, 2012
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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2009, 04:39:00 PM »
Quote from: ironman07
Well, I am at day 18 today... 6/15/2009 and I can't say this has been easy, but it has already been life changing.

Thank you for all the care and support, I greatly appreciate your help. If it wasn't for this site, I would have caved a dozen times by now, but this place has given me the means to be part of something much bigger than dip.

Thank You All
Hell yes Ironman. 18 days is huge.
There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2009, 11:53:00 AM »
Well, I am at day 18 today... 6/15/2009 and I can't say this has been easy, but it has already been life changing.

Thank you for all the care and support, I greatly appreciate your help. If it wasn't for this site, I would have caved a dozen times by now, but this place has given me the means to be part of something much bigger than dip.

Thank You All
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Offline HuckleBuck357

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2009, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: ironman07
My wife's the one jumping in kd4jet's avitar!!! Suck it Bitches, I'm livin' the dream.
You are the man!!
"Sergeant, we are surrounded!"
"Good, we can shoot in all directions!"

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2009, 01:31:00 PM »
Nice. Welcome. You can do this. You are stronger than the can. My wife's hotter than yours btw. We should all post wife pics and vote. 'na na'

Seriously, I got you in my prayers brother!
?All men dream: but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds
wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.?

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence

Offline ironman07

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2009, 12:38:00 PM »
My wife's the one jumping in kd4jet's avitar!!! Suck it Bitches, I'm livin' the dream.
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Offline ironman07

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2009, 12:33:00 PM »
Welcome Ironman07!  Glad to have you along on the trip!

Thanks for the note! You guys have all been so helpful. I am glad I am finally on the trip too.
Quit Date: Friday~May 29th, 2009...HOF: Saturday~September 5th, 2009...2nd Floor: December 14th, 2009...3rd Floor: March 25th, 2010...4th Floor: July 4th, 2010...5th Floor: October 10th, 2010...6th Floor: January18th, 2011... 7th Floor: April 28th, 2011...8th Floor:August 6th, 2011...9th Floor: November 14th, 2011...COMMA: February 22nd, 2012
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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 11:42:00 PM »
Quote from: HuckleBuck357
Welcome man, post up some pics of your wife.
Oh Shit.
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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 08:21:00 PM »
Welcome Ironman07! Glad to have you along on the trip!

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 11:12:00 AM »
Ha! I fucking love it.

Offline HuckleBuck357

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 09:58:00 AM »
Welcome man, post up some pics of your wife.
"Sergeant, we are surrounded!"
"Good, we can shoot in all directions!"

Offline bman50317

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 07:39:00 AM »
Quote from: ironman07
I am 35 years old, have two kids (3 and 5) and a beautiful wife. I have been dipping for almost 20 years~ a can a day habit.

For years I have always found excuses to put off quitting or to start up again at the first hint of life's little pressures. I completed an Ironman Triathlon in under 12 hours, but I couldn't go more than 4 hours without my dip fix. Why? Because I was a little BITCH.

Two weeks ago I began searching the internet for quit dipping resources and last Thursday, May 28th, I sat on this site for 15 minutes, read a few topics on the home page and decided I wanted to live rather than slowly kill myself. I spit out my last dip, flushed all my stash down the toilet and began Friday, May 29th a nicotine-free man.

I will conquer this sick fucking day at a time. I AM QUIT!
Congrats on the decision to quit! Use this site, it is an excellent resource for battling this addiction. Read up, post up, make friends, get some numbers, develop a solid plan and you will be successful. Again, welcome to the site, let me know if you need anything.
Time heals but I'm forever broken

Offline ironman07

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 06:15:00 AM »
Quote from: ironman07
I am 35 years old, have two kids (3 and 5) and a beautiful wife.  I have been dipping for almost 20 years~ a can a day habit.

For years I have always found excuses to put off quitting or to start up again at the first hint of life's little pressures. I completed an Ironman Triathlon in under 12 hours, but I couldn't go more than 4 hours without my dip fix. Why? Because I was a little BITCH.

Two weeks ago I began searching the internet for quit dipping resources and last Thursday, May 28th, I sat on this site for 15 minutes, read a few topics on the home page and decided I wanted to live rather than slowly kill myself. I spit out my last dip, flushed all my stash down the toilet and began Friday, May 29th a nicotine-free man.

I will conquer this sick fucking day at a time.  I AM QUIT!
Welcome Ironman. Hop on over to the September group and join the roll call.

How to Post ROLL CALL - Roll Call Instructions - back to top
Step 1 - Find the last Roll Call
Step 2 - Hit the "Quote" button in the upper right hand corner.
Step 3 - Click your mouse ANYWHERE in The bottom Box
Step 4 - Hit Ctrl and "A" at the Same time so it looks like THIS
Step 5 - Hit Ctrl and "X" at the same time so there is NOTHING in Either Box
Step 6 - Click your mouse in the TOP BOX
Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.

After that, head on over to the page for extreme badass quitters - Endurance Enthusiasts. You just might be crazy enough to fit right in over there.

Welcome to the site. Post up every day and keep your word. That's it. One day at a time.

Thanks Smokeyg - I will and do post roll call everyday. (I just learned about the introduction section yesterday) I will check out the Endurance Enthusiasts page to meet some more quitters. Thanks for taking the time to give me your guidance and support!
Quit Date: Friday~May 29th, 2009...HOF: Saturday~September 5th, 2009...2nd Floor: December 14th, 2009...3rd Floor: March 25th, 2010...4th Floor: July 4th, 2010...5th Floor: October 10th, 2010...6th Floor: January18th, 2011... 7th Floor: April 28th, 2011...8th Floor:August 6th, 2011...9th Floor: November 14th, 2011...COMMA: February 22nd, 2012
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Offline Smokeyg

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Re: ironman07's intro
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2009, 11:03:00 PM »
Quote from: ironman07
I am 35 years old, have two kids (3 and 5) and a beautiful wife. I have been dipping for almost 20 years~ a can a day habit.

For years I have always found excuses to put off quitting or to start up again at the first hint of life's little pressures. I completed an Ironman Triathlon in under 12 hours, but I couldn't go more than 4 hours without my dip fix. Why? Because I was a little BITCH.

Two weeks ago I began searching the internet for quit dipping resources and last Thursday, May 28th, I sat on this site for 15 minutes, read a few topics on the home page and decided I wanted to live rather than slowly kill myself. I spit out my last dip, flushed all my stash down the toilet and began Friday, May 29th a nicotine-free man.

I will conquer this sick fucking day at a time. I AM QUIT!
Welcome Ironman. Hop on over to the September group and join the roll call.

How to Post ROLL CALL - Roll Call Instructions - back to top
Step 1 - Find the last Roll Call
Step 2 - Hit the "Quote" button in the upper right hand corner.
Step 3 - Click your mouse ANYWHERE in The bottom Box
Step 4 - Hit Ctrl and "A" at the Same time so it looks like THIS
Step 5 - Hit Ctrl and "X" at the same time so there is NOTHING in Either Box
Step 6 - Click your mouse in the TOP BOX
Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.

After that, head on over to the page for extreme badass quitters - Endurance Enthusiasts. You just might be crazy enough to fit right in over there.

Welcome to the site. Post up every day and keep your word. That's it. One day at a time.