The thought of one day quitting is the only thing that keeps me going.
Great to have you. Lets talk about this ^^^^ statement right Here. You stated your on day 4. Exactly, how many days do you have to be quit before your goal is accomplished.
News flash; Your quit bro. Goal accomplished. Now lets get serious about this quit. 4 days is an accomplishment, but it sounds like you might not have sealed the deal yet. We quit around here brother. We quit one day at a time and there is no giving in.
Post roll with us my friend. We post roll each and everyday. It is our promise to our brother, ourselves and the world that today we will not be using nicotine in any form. Once that promise is made you have no choice but to remain quit. You have made the quit even that much stronger.
What little you wrote I can tell your having hard time. It's rough at first, but it gets much better very fast. It don't feel fast because time actually slows down when you initially quit.
Begin reading the information on this site. Knowledge is power. Begin with the welcome center at your top left. Learn why and how we post roll. Pay particular attention to why. Stay a while, make some friends. The people here can help you get through this, believe it. Start believing friend, your doing it. If you can make it 4 your can damn sure make it 5. If you need some digits let me know.