Author Topic: PA Quitter  (Read 2049 times)

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2016, 08:46:00 PM »
I grew up in a bird fan as well. 'bang head'

Sad Oct lost siren but we still have a great group of BAQs.

Proud to quit with you today!

Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
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Offline Backwoods901

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2016, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Shmeid
Haven't checked in in a while on this introduction...but today seemed appropriate. I lost the first guy that reached out to me in my October group to a cave. Siren fell victim to the inner addict that we are all trying to kick to the curb. I am day 42 feeling invulnerable and we lose yet another seemingly active, committed quitter.

I no longer think about dip the way I used to...romanticizing it somehow...I feel like I am finally seeing the can for what it really is...death.

Still, after watching siren cave it makes me appreciate this site and all the quitters who stay strong even more. It is easy to get complacent and cocky after 30+ days, but that is when you are at the most risk. If you don't plan for the cravings, the thoughts, the "what if I just have one" everyday...then you are sure to fail. The real point of this site I have found is to think about dip...think real hard everyday...think about how much I fucking hate it, and how I am never going back to that life again.

I promise today that I am quit, because we have to take this one day at a time for the rest of our lives. I quit for me, but I want to quit with YOU.
Sucks when you lose someone who helped from the get go man. Remember everyone you have now and never forget at least now you know complaceny kills quits.

O and Go Eagles!!! PA proud quitter here

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2016, 03:02:00 PM »
Haven't checked in in a while on this introduction...but today seemed appropriate. I lost the first guy that reached out to me in my October group to a cave. Siren fell victim to the inner addict that we are all trying to kick to the curb. I am day 42 feeling invulnerable and we lose yet another seemingly active, committed quitter.

I no longer think about dip the way I used to...romanticizing it somehow...I feel like I am finally seeing the can for what it really is...death.

Still, after watching siren cave it makes me appreciate this site and all the quitters who stay strong even more. It is easy to get complacent and cocky after 30+ days, but that is when you are at the most risk. If you don't plan for the cravings, the thoughts, the "what if I just have one" everyday...then you are sure to fail. The real point of this site I have found is to think about dip...think real hard everyday...think about how much I fucking hate it, and how I am never going back to that life again.

I promise today that I am quit, because we have to take this one day at a time for the rest of our lives. I quit for me, but I want to quit with YOU.
Quit Date 7/19/16

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 05:47:00 PM »
I'm only a few days ahead of you (Day 7) and yes it sucks. However, what you feel today can only be used as fire to not go through this ever again. Embrace the SUCK and realize you need to talk about it, read about it...Whatever you have to do to remember these days. The horrible sleep, the sweats, the anger the chills and the explosions at innocent victims. This is YOUR fault so embrace it and win each crave and each passing hour.

I have posted roll each morning, updated my intro each morning and read and read some more. Live chat works really well when you have a crave....

Stick with it....Win this crave and this hour... Soon enough you will win the day! PM me if you need anything brother.
PLEASE READ TRAUMA STORY...All of it...It will change your perception of what your going through... at least it did for me.

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Shmeid
Day 4 and still quit.

Fuck if this isn't the hardest think I have ever done. I have hid my dipping habit since college but I haven't fooled anyone I am sure. I was embarrassed about it, I would disappear in the bathroom for a dip, go for walks for a dip, excuse myself from work meetings for a 5 min dip, hide it from my girlfriend. I was alone dipping...just me and the can.

The nic might be out of my system but this fucking sucks. I just hope it gets better...
Ahh a ninja dipper. Lets just hope you are not ducking in to the bathroom to post roll and hang out with us. Ninja quitting rarely to never works. What happens if you get caught posting roll? How you going to explain that one? Tell another lie? that will SURELY make things better ;)

I'm not telling you to go and tell everyone and start a war with your girl or nothing but if someone finds out, don't lie about it. Own your quit! It is YOURS!! Is it better for them to be pissed off at you for quitting, or crying because you just got your jaws cut off or died?

Ninja quitting makes it hard to collect numbers form your brothers of quit. How you going to hide them in your phone? What if someone calls needing help? What if someone texts you to post roll for them or to ask you why your not on roll? That is hard to hide, so the first and only option to a ninja quitter is do not do it! That is a 'trainwreck' . We have to have these tools to be held accountable. Without our brothers, we are in big trouble. We as addicts need accountability.

Anyhow, gonna duck out for now. take it easy ninja! I'll catch you in the chat room I'm sure.

Quit like a mother fucker every damn day man!!!

Oh and P.S. Dipping is not a habit, it is an addiction! A habit is biting your nails.
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 11:52:00 AM »
It will suck until it doesn't. How long? That's different for everyone. But hang in there, because the freedom on the other side is far better than the misery you are feeling now.

You can choose freedom, or you can choose slavery.

Offline Shmeid

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2016, 11:17:00 AM »
Day 4 and still quit.

Fuck if this isn't the hardest think I have ever done. I have hid my dipping habit since college but I haven't fooled anyone I am sure. I was embarrassed about it, I would disappear in the bathroom for a dip, go for walks for a dip, excuse myself from work meetings for a 5 min dip, hide it from my girlfriend. I was alone dipping...just me and the can.

The nic might be out of my system but this fucking sucks. I just hope it gets better...
Quit Date 7/19/16

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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2016, 02:41:00 PM »
Welcome Reid.

This is your quit group:


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Re: PA Quitter
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2016, 01:58:00 PM »
Don't think you can quit; don't hope you can quit. If you have been nicotine free (no cigs, cigars, gum, patches, etc.) for 3 days, then there is no reason not to be quit. Find your quit-group and post roll if you haven't already, and post every day. Read everything on KTC and follow the plan. The plan works if you work the plan. You got this. Just stay quit minute to minute if need be. No one else can make you cave so you have all the power. If you need anything PM me.

Offline Shmeid

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PA Quitter
« on: July 21, 2016, 01:27:00 PM »
My name is Reid.

I was first introduced to dip at 15, never really used it regularly until I was 18 and could buy it, and all of my friends dipped so we all did it together. I played on a lacrosse team in college, everybody dipped so I kept dipping because it seemed normal. I have tried quitting, but then I would smoke and it would hurt my athletic career, so I kept dipping just to stay sane. The ADD medicine didn't help either, dipping felt even better when I was on adderall.

Once college ended I thought that would be the end of it. If I wasn't around my peer group then I wouldn't want to dip...wrong! Have a coffee - dip. Shower - dip. A meal - dip. A beer -  dip. Everything is a trigger. 4 more years of dipping and I couldn't stop even though it never felt like it was a part of who I was, everyone around me could see that it was.

I finally found a girl that I loved and I made up my mind to quit so that I could be the best partner there is. Freaking-A it worked! I quit for a whole year after leaving the country for 3 weeks and not bringing a tin with me. I kept that momentum going for a year. Then one day I'm driving in PA and I see $2 dollar tins. I just want a taste...

"one lip won't hurt" "You've been quit for a year, you wont get addicted after one lip" My mind kept telling me lies.

7 months later, here I am 3 days into my quit. I think I can do it this time.
Quit Date 7/19/16

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