Day 4 and still quit.
Fuck if this isn't the hardest think I have ever done. I have hid my dipping habit since college but I haven't fooled anyone I am sure. I was embarrassed about it, I would disappear in the bathroom for a dip, go for walks for a dip, excuse myself from work meetings for a 5 min dip, hide it from my girlfriend. I was alone dipping...just me and the can.
The nic might be out of my system but this fucking sucks. I just hope it gets better...
Ahh a ninja dipper. Lets just hope you are not ducking in to the bathroom to post roll and hang out with us. Ninja quitting rarely to never works. What happens if you get caught posting roll? How you going to explain that one? Tell another lie? that will SURELY make things better ;)
I'm not telling you to go and tell everyone and start a war with your girl or nothing but if someone finds out, don't lie about it. Own your quit! It is YOURS!! Is it better for them to be pissed off at you for quitting, or crying because you just got your jaws cut off or died?
Ninja quitting makes it hard to collect numbers form your brothers of quit. How you going to hide them in your phone? What if someone calls needing help? What if someone texts you to post roll for them or to ask you why your not on roll? That is hard to hide, so the first and only option to a ninja quitter is do not do it! That is a 'trainwreck' . We have to have these tools to be held accountable. Without our brothers, we are in big trouble. We as addicts need accountability.
Anyhow, gonna duck out for now. take it easy ninja! I'll catch you in the chat room I'm sure.
Quit like a mother fucker every damn day man!!!
Oh and P.S. Dipping is not a habit, it is an addiction! A habit is biting your nails.