Welcome Greg,
While I can't give advice on you Apple product I can say that everyone on here will be supportive and a mentor, but you have to quit for you and not because some housewife gave you the stink-eye at Chipotles.
If YOU want to quit you are in the right place. Get whatever you need: water, gum, seeds, candy, tea bags, fake dip, toothpicks, whatever, and be prepared for "the suck".
Read everything on this site starting with the welcome center and learn how to post roll - you'll be in March 13'. Send some PMs to other guys in your group and exchange phone numbers. Send a text to make sure they are still quit and to tell them that you are quit.
Be active! the more active you are on this site the more bonds you will form with others who have gone through already, or are going through what are are currently facing. You will not want to fail and let your quit brothers down. Trust me on this one - it will make sense in a few days or weeks.
So, welcome, and post roll stating that you are, and will remain, 100% nic free today. Repeat tomorrow.