Author Topic: Day 1 In the books  (Read 3883 times)

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2019, 07:47:40 AM »
Happy Hall of Fame Day Brother! Enjoy the Day, Proud to be Quit with you Today & Every damn Day!

Offline Rick Jr

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2019, 09:19:28 PM »
Hey Mayhem Brother, Just stopping in to say Hi! You are a badass Brother and I appreciate all your support! Keep up the awesome work!

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2019, 09:28:19 PM »
Quit.      Nov 22 2018
HOF.      Mar 1 2019

My number is always available, just PM me. I am up all night many nights,  just call me. My quit is strong because of KTC, just make sure yours is too.

Accountability + Brotherhood = Success

I am a retread. You can have a second chance like me just own up to your past. I flushed 2 laps down the drain once because I want involved.  Not again.  Get involved,  get quit.

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2019, 09:10:08 PM »
I doubt anyone will read this.

Hahahahaha!  Still in doubt?  There is a lot of support here.  Lean on it.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline Rick Jr

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2019, 08:00:51 PM »
Alright the May19 Badass Quitters is Growing! Welcome to the party Brother! Proud to quit with you Today!

You already got the best words of advice from some of the best down below. Check your messages as you will see my number there, Please use it if you need it. The support here is awesome, I'm finishing up my Day 6, it's be tough as hell. Dipping for 20 years.. I'm glad you made the choice to be here!

Rick Jr

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2019, 03:51:37 PM »
I doubt anyone will read this. I know I have browsed this forum many times while in the process of quitting, but never created an account. However, this time is different. I am creating this account and am committing myself to posting everyday. This is really my only outlet for doing so. I am in my final year of grad school with a wife. I have told my wife that I would dip every now, usually when golfing or out fishing, but I have never told her that I am addicted. I don't suspect she has ever discovered it as well. Hence, my nickname. I never told her because I always thought I'd have this habit in tact before we started our lives together and I graduated from school. That is why I am here. I am here to quit and get this habit out of my life before I have children. To help myself kick the habit, I have regular alarms that pop up when I am getting in my car to remind me of my promise to quit. The car is a major trigger for me and was often my safe place to hide away and dip out of the presence of my wife. Day 1 is in the books for me as I took my last dip yesterday at 3. Promptly then flushed the rest of my can down the toilet and started my new life. This will get more organized as I go along and I would love to have interaction with other individuals similarly starting out.

Hi CD,

Welcome to the site.  Just so you know, hundreds of people will read this intro.  Probably 70-80 just today.

You posted roll today.  You did great there the only thing is you want to post in the top section under "New Bad Ass Quitters".  The most important thing though is to be on roll everyday. 

That is how it works.  Wake up, Piss, Post Roll.  Keep your word and repeat daily.

Exchange digits with other quitters in your group and some vets as well.  Currently, there are two other quitters in your group, Rick Jr and AWright.  Reach out to them if they have not already reached out to you.  They are brand new in their quits as well.  Reach out to some vets because we have already been through what you are going through and can answer your questions for you. Exchanging digits will build your accountability and brotherhood network and gives you instant access to support if needed.

One thing I will encourage you to do, is be completely honest with your wife.  The weight that will be lifted from you is immeasurable.

The guys that have already responded above are all bad ass quitters as well and their advise should also be heeded.

Check your inbox for my digits.

Proud to quit with you today,


Mr. Closet - I was a closet dipper too.  My wife thought I dipped once in a while at baseball games and whatnot.  Not the can I day I sucked the nicotine out of for almost 25 years...

You are in the right place.  2,227 days ago, I joined this site.  Before that, I had stopped every day only to cave the next day.  You are smart quitting early.  Nicotine is just one big lie that doesn't do one thing for you except take.  Money, freedom, integrity, and health.  Connect with some people here.  Get some numbers, and use them if you need them.  If you would like mine, shoot me a message.  My friends on this site saved me many times.  Even though you are in the closet (haha) it is still possible to quit with a team.  And it is so much easier to win together.

Welcome aboard.  Looking forward to great updates from you.  And I did read this intro, brother.


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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2019, 10:44:43 AM »
I doubt anyone will read this. I know I have browsed this forum many times while in the process of quitting, but never created an account. However, this time is different. I am creating this account and am committing myself to posting everyday. This is really my only outlet for doing so. I am in my final year of grad school with a wife. I have told my wife that I would dip every now, usually when golfing or out fishing, but I have never told her that I am addicted. I don't suspect she has ever discovered it as well. Hence, my nickname. I never told her because I always thought I'd have this habit in tact before we started our lives together and I graduated from school. That is why I am here. I am here to quit and get this habit out of my life before I have children. To help myself kick the habit, I have regular alarms that pop up when I am getting in my car to remind me of my promise to quit. The car is a major trigger for me and was often my safe place to hide away and dip out of the presence of my wife. Day 1 is in the books for me as I took my last dip yesterday at 3. Promptly then flushed the rest of my can down the toilet and started my new life. This will get more organized as I go along and I would love to have interaction with other individuals similarly starting out.

Hi CD,

Welcome to the site.  Just so you know, hundreds of people will read this intro.  Probably 70-80 just today.

You posted roll today.  You did great there the only thing is you want to post in the top section under "New Bad Ass Quitters".  The most important thing though is to be on roll everyday. 

That is how it works.  Wake up, Piss, Post Roll.  Keep your word and repeat daily.

Exchange digits with other quitters in your group and some vets as well.  Currently, there are two other quitters in your group, Rick Jr and AWright.  Reach out to them if they have not already reached out to you.  They are brand new in their quits as well.  Reach out to some vets because we have already been through what you are going through and can answer your questions for you. Exchanging digits will build your accountability and brotherhood network and gives you instant access to support if needed.

One thing I will encourage you to do, is be completely honest with your wife.  The weight that will be lifted from you is immeasurable.

The guys that have already responded above are all bad ass quitters as well and their advise should also be heeded.

Check your inbox for my digits.

Proud to quit with you today,

If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline Hilltop

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2019, 08:48:13 PM »
 closetdipper, welcome brother. You’ll find support and more importantly accountability in your May group, get in there!
 I gotta tell you man, as a husband who hid the extent of his addiction from his spouse, you gotta come clean. It’s important, very, very, very, important. It’s hard, but it’ll mean the world in your quit. BURN THE BOATS brother. No way back. Make the commitment, be vocal/honest about it, then take it seriously, one day at a time. I’m sending you a PM, check it and reply if you’re inclined.
“It worked!”
 -Robert Oppenheimer

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2019, 05:03:46 PM »
You’ve come to the right place bud. This is the one place where absolutely everyone knows exactly what you are/ will be going through. Come to terms with your addiction and grab it by balls. You will get an equal amount out of this site as you put into it

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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2019, 04:40:59 PM »
Hey closetdipper, you found the right place.  You will be in May '19 quit group and there are already a couple of badass quitters (RJ and AW) in there. 

First things first, you said that you were addicted and then referred to dipping as a habit.  It's not a habit.  You are an addict and the sooner you admit that, the better off you will be in your quit.  This is not something that you just wash your hands of, this takes persistence, honor, toughness and balls to stay quit.  Find your way to May May 2019 Quit Group and post your promise for the day.  Rinse, and repeat every day. 

Man, I wish I were your age when I wised up and quit dipping.  This is going to change your life forever and I want to commend you on taking the first step! 

I would tell your wife, a support system is crucial imo.  My whole family knows, most of my coworkers know, damn near everyone knows that I am quit.  It really reinforces my quit.  Glad to have run across your intro.  IQWYT


Hey closetdipper, glad you're here. I agree with my April brother mayfly, it's best to get at least your wife in the fight with you. Let her know what's going down, hopefully she'll be excited to hear you be vulnerable with the truth that you are addicted but that you're committing to your quit. Post daily, trade digits with other quitters here to help you through and keep you accountable. Your May 2019 quit brothers are waiting: get in the game, promise to quit everyday, keep your word!
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Re: Day 1 In the books
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 04:16:35 PM »
Hey closetdipper, you found the right place.  You will be in May '19 quit group and there are already a couple of badass quitters (RJ and AW) in there. 

First things first, you said that you were addicted and then referred to dipping as a habit.  It's not a habit.  You are an addict and the sooner you admit that, the better off you will be in your quit.  This is not something that you just wash your hands of, this takes persistence, honor, toughness and balls to stay quit.  Find your way to May May 2019 Quit Group and post your promise for the day.  Rinse, and repeat every day. 

Man, I wish I were your age when I wised up and quit dipping.  This is going to change your life forever and I want to commend you on taking the first step! 

I would tell your wife, a support system is crucial imo.  My whole family knows, most of my coworkers know, damn near everyone knows that I am quit.  It really reinforces my quit.  Glad to have run across your intro.  IQWYT

Half-assed effort only gives half-assed results

Cravings are like March madness...survive and advance-Bgbdbrd

There are two types of quitters on KTC. Those who post every damn day no matter what. They could survive a plane crash 50 miles from Nome Alaska and would kill a polar bear with a pocket knife, write their days quit on ice with its blood, snap a pic with their cell phone and text it to Drome. Then there are those who always have an excuse not to post or to post late. -bicycleptic

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Day 1 In the books
« on: January 27, 2019, 03:20:28 PM »
I doubt anyone will read this. I know I have browsed this forum many times while in the process of quitting, but never created an account. However, this time is different. I am creating this account and am committing myself to posting everyday. This is really my only outlet for doing so. I am in my final year of grad school with a wife. I have told my wife that I would dip every now, usually when golfing or out fishing, but I have never told her that I am addicted. I don't suspect she has ever discovered it as well. Hence, my nickname. I never told her because I always thought I'd have this habit in tact before we started our lives together and I graduated from school. That is why I am here. I am here to quit and get this habit out of my life before I have children. To help myself kick the habit, I have regular alarms that pop up when I am getting in my car to remind me of my promise to quit. The car is a major trigger for me and was often my safe place to hide away and dip out of the presence of my wife. Day 1 is in the books for me as I took my last dip yesterday at 3. Promptly then flushed the rest of my can down the toilet and started my new life. This will get more organized as I go along and I would love to have interaction with other individuals similarly starting out.