Below is a Post I made on Day 41 of my Quit. It is also my 100th Post and I want to save it here, for the new folks in hopes they can maybe learn something from it.
Here is about all I have to say. I have fucked up a few times, I have been bitched at, and it was a little harsh. At a few points I almost said "Fuck It All". I know the quit has to be about me, but I am here because of my Brothers.. I don't want to let them down, simple as that, it's not about me, it's about my Brothers reaching out to me in a hard time, Just shooting the shit and getting through the Suck of it all.
Something the Vet's have to remember, us new quitters are going through hell, you all have learned how to deal with the Suck and life after the Nic Bitch. We are all addicts yes, but we are new, our heads are not right.
Now Penree, has gone MIA, has not answered PM's and not shared digits with me. BrianD was sick a couple of days ago and answered my PM saying he was sorry, I gave him my digits, but that's all I can do. I can't force him to use them. Toss me a text for a pick up, I don't mind. I like the extra work I have been given with the SSOA and don't mind doing it, if anyone wants to help let me know, the work has helped calm some tough craving times, keeps my mind busy.
Quitting cold turkey as you all know, sucks ass! Many times I thought about finger fucking a tin, because I know it will give instant relief, but I can't and won't go back. It's a temporary fix to a problem.. We need to learn to live a life once again without Nicotine. After 41 days, my head is still not right. There are days I want to call out from Work, lock myself in my Mancave, or days I want to drive my truck off the road... I have thought about going to the doctors and get Wellbutrin, then I see the side affects.
To any brother that has gone AWOL, we are still here for you. This is not a "Safe Place" no stuffed animals or cry closets. Quitting Sucks, no one likes a Quitter, but this comes down to life or death. Do we really need Dip? Fuck no we don't. It changes our moods, gives us false hope. Reach out to people. I have to say I have never met anyone here in person, but I do care about you. This is why I text or PM you. I'm worried you are having a hard time, I have no idea what you are doing at any given second of the day. WUPP. We all wake up, we all Piss in the Morning. Get on your phone and make your Promise, then go about your day. Sure some of us sleep in on the weekend, whatever day of the week that may be, but we all with the grace of God wake up.
I have taken crap from the wife asking who is texting me all the time, I tell her my Quit brothers, she don't get it. She has access to my phone, I have nothing to hide. Sometimes I ignore text, it's wrong, but sometimes I'm not in the mood. I do check them in case it is a brother in need.
Brotherhood is a strange thing, it's something I love in life being a Firefighter / EMT and a Military Hopeful (Car accident took that from me)
BrianD and Penree if you see this reach out, stay quit with us, suck it up and move on. No one here is Perfect, we don't claim to be, I have been told if I fuck up I'm gone, I'm fine with that, but the digits I have will never leave my phone. If I ever removed from KTC, I would still be in contact with folks. People here care, even if they are bitching you out. Remember we are new, we may be quit for 40 Days, but we are new and we still have to learn to live without a dip in our lip.
That's all I have to say about that...