So it's been a bit since I posted. Here I am on Day 31..
A bit of reason I have not posted is due to the fact I didn't want to dwell on it all. I managed the Suck like I do most problems in my life, By myself. I did have outstanding Support from the Vet's and it means a lot that they care. They don't know me, don't owe me anything, but they take that minute out of their day to show support, that was cool. I have passed a lot of digits around with my May Group, a couple have used them, AW and I are pretty tight and that's cool.
May 19 Our group is a bit crazy, but it keeps it fun, But if any of you read this and need someone, toss me a pm and my digits are yours, same goes for any groups that come along.
So yeah Day 31, damn a Month! I would be excited, but I have done a 1.5 year Self quit before, I know it's not done, hell it will never be "Done" I have had times were I wanted to say "Screw it, no one will know" and thought about tossing in the towel, but then I remembered, I have other folks dealing with the same shit I am, they are doing it, and I can too.. I didn't want to let the guys down, and I didn't. I'm not a Quitter in life, was raised to work hard, and work through issues on my own. I don't like to think I am quitting Dip, I'm just learning how great life was before dip.
I haven't posted because I didn't want to dwell, I wanted to embrace the Suck, Learn from it, Shit I was ready to quit my Job, because of dip as it is a huge trigger for me, I dipped because I was bored at work, I learned to find things to do in the slow times, I drew my line in the "Sand" got to 3pm and then it was off to get my girls from school, before I knew it, it was time to WUPP. Drive to work, make it to 10, make it to 1, make it to 3 rinse and repeat.
But here I am at 31, Each Day is getting better. I did what I always do, Dropped $50 on Cowboy Coffee Chew, got sick of it by the 4th can, Ordered some Smokey Mountain, works a bit better and ordered more, but I am getting to the point I don't even want to use that..
Stay strong folks, it does get better, I have learned to take a walk, drink shit tons of water, to get past the shitty moments and you will to. If you need support, Reach out I got your back