There is light at the end of the tunnel. However, the tunnel is not exactly in a straight line. Quitting sometimes gets tougher, then easier, then tougher than it ever was before and then it drags on and then you think you're totally fine and then it sucks again - but one day, you realize that it really has gotten easier and that you really are through it. It's something that will always be a part of you, and you will always have to protect against being drawn back to it, but there is a life without dip. There will be a time when the cravings, the mood swings, the anxiety and the panic will go away and you can move on. I can't tell you how long that will take, but I can tell you that it will happen.
Now that you know that there is truly freedom from this thing, I want you to forget about later. That all happens in the future and if you focus on that (which it seems like you're doing), you'll overwhelm yourself. The only way to get to that eventual future is to focus on what is immediately right in front of you. There are no shortcuts, you must eat this elephant one bite at a time. Stay quit TODAY. Stay quit RIGHT NOW, THIS MOMENT. Then do it again for the next moment. Tackle each moment as it comes and don't worry about the next one until it gets here. Every shitty thing you have to go through represents a small step in the healing process. But you are healing.
There's a process here and it works. We post Roll. Roll is a daily promise not to use any nicotine products. You make that promise as early as you reasonably can and then you keep it. It's simple, but that promise can pull you through the difficult times ahead. That promise also gives you access to the support network that will provide you with the help, tips and camaraderie that you will draw on.
The best thing that I can tell you is that it is worth it. Being on the other side (1223 days - over three years) I can without a doubt tell you that every miserable moment of the suck is worth the freedom on the other side. I'm clearer, more in control of myself, happier and healthier than I ever was when dipping. My mood is more steady and my outlook is more positive. I've accomplished things personally and professionally that I don't think would have been possible if I hadn't quit when I did. Quitting is possible, it is in your control and it is worth it.