599 / 2
Many of you are aware that I've had a pretty shitty couple of weeks personally. That's actually NOT why I dropped that second number back to 1 yesterday morning (no, "Fatty McFatty" didn't "cave" on food or exercise), and I'll get to all of that in a minute...
First though I want to thank those of you that have reached out over the past few weeks to make sure I'm doing ok. I have had quite a bit of time to process all that's happened, and I really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers and support along the way. I know I've been incredibly sporadic in terms of the site, but that's unfortunately been what I've needed to do to maintain my sanity...
The good news is that there's light at the end of the tunnel (and I'm reasonably sure it's not a train this time)! While it's been hard losing my grandmother, I've known for years this time was coming and did my best to prep for it. My son and I spent as much time with them as we could over the last few years, if for no other reason than to let my mom Skype with them every other weekend while she lived abroad, and I know that I've truly been blessed to have them in my life as long as I did. She is pain free and at peace, and we'll lay her to rest with my grandfather next week.
There are only a handful of people that know about the other part of the family drama I've been dealing with since just after Christmas and I don't intend to share that any more than I already have, but that came to a conclusion last Wednesday as well. Now it's a matter of healing and trying to move forward as best they can, and all I can do from this point on is offer my love and support as they work through it all. I do feel as if a weight has been lifted from me though with this resolution...
Through it all (last week especially) I've posted roll, kept my word, and repeated the next day. The biggest win? Zero craves. If you're reading this and thinking about quitting (or wondering if it's worth staying quit) I promise you it's worth every bit of the struggle to get to this point. I had an incredibly shitty week and never once considered whether stuffing poison into my face would help (spoiler alert - it won't). With the support of this site, and more importantly the people posting on it, I conquered what would have killed a stoppage if I were trying to do this alone. This is where I know I would have failed if I'd chosen to drift and fade and walk away at any point over those first 600 days. Caving was never on the table though. WUPP took care of that every single day.
So, why the "2" again?I got on the scale a couple weeks ago for my regular Monday morning weigh in and found that I'd gained about four pounds. I knew that couldn't be right because I'd pretty much been following the same eating and exercise patterns. Puzzled, I put the scale back and started getting ready for work. It bugged the shit out of me though, so I stripped back down, re-weighed myself, and found that I'd LOST around three to four pounds. I hadn't taken an 8-pound crap in the middle, so wtf???
It turns out that I am able to get about an 8-9 pound swing on my scale by moving it around in my bathroom and putting it on different areas of the tile. So, even though I know I've lost at least SOME weight (even the high side is lower than I started) I really can't honestly claim that I know how much at this point. I feel better, as evidenced by the distance I've been walking and that it takes more for me to get winded, but quantitatively I have no legitimate way to measure progress that I can say for certain is correct. As an engineer I want some hard and fast numbers and stats to analyze dammit! Things are supposed to be MEASURED!!!
The scale has been relocated to it's "original" location in the spare room with the exercise equipment (I'd moved it when I started this personal challenge to make the scale more accessible and top of mind), and I've verified that it's consistent over the last few days by climbing on and off several times a day to be sure. I've taken this "break" to deal with family challenges, but didn't "cave" on my eating or exercise goals. I've also concluded that I need hard and fast numbers to go after in terms of weight loss. Saying that I need to lose a "shitload" doesn't cut it.
So, these are the goals I am setting:
Weight - 50 pounds total lost from yesterday's weigh-in
Time - No set timeline (I still want this to be a healthy lifestyle change rather than one and done)
Distance - Two miles per day minimum to start this week, bumping half a mile a day every other week after that (2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, etc. until I'm limited by time then I'll re-evaluate).
Walking sessions - Twice per day for distance (morning and night) with approximately half of my distance in each, plus walking the property every two hours at work (3-4x per day). May need to adjust a bit when it gets too hot to walk the dog.
I've also moved my weigh in from Monday to Sunday. Monday makes more sense from a "work week" perspective, but Sunday is easier from a "tracking my distance" perspective.
Tracking:Weight: -0.0 of -50.0 lbs total
Distance: 0.0 of 2.0 per day
Mornings: 0 of 7
Evenings: 0 of 7
I'll probably still report my numbers on Monday morning because it's just easier...
Thank you all again for your support!