I'm 49, I've been dipping since I was 13. I've quit more times than I can remember. I've tried every kind of alternate from smoking to hypnotherapy to patches to psychadelic drugs. I can go without for 3 days easily because I know my "friend" is waiting for me whenever I'm ready to come back. I'm sick of it and I dont want to die from this. Much of my day is spent thinking about my next dip for thinking about how I'm going to quit. I need to get rid of this. With your help, I'm quiting today. Thanks my new brothers.
Youre not going to fucking die dude. The actual statistics on mortality, diseases, and the like caused specifically from chew are much much MUCH lower then smoking, drug use and alcohol, combined or individually. The factual statistics show that less then 20% of habitual dip users develop serious problems, and less then 5% die of cancer from it, or even develop it in the first place.
You are much more likely to die in a car accident, or from poor dieting, or even from stress, then from dip.
Dont waste your time with the goons on here, many of these golden boys reek of alpha male overloaded testosterone and openly and willingly encourage self destructive behaviors, even going so far as outright ignoring peoples pre-existing medical conditions, such as anxiety or depression, and that can lead to serious repercussions.