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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2015, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
From day 11 to day 1,000... Congratulations Jordan!
Yeah man! Nice job 'oh yeah'

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2015, 07:20:00 AM »
From day 11 to day 1,000... Congratulations Jordan!

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2013, 09:20:00 PM »
Quote from: per034
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: simonsj
Well it's day 11 now.  I thought I'd be cruising through my quit by this point but it's still a daily battle.  (based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)  I still have the nic bitch whispering in my ear any time I'm in a stressful situation but I think I'm learning to deal with that.  I've read a lot about the dip dreams on this site but I haven't had one yet....instead, last night I dreamt that I was riding down a busy highway in an open top airplane and the pilot was smoking cigs like crazy.  (I haven't smoked in years so I thought this was wierd)  I guess the nicotene is trying to lure me in any way possible. 

That's all I have for today.  I'll keep grinding it out and see you on roll call tomorrow.  Happy quitting.
Diffusing the Nic BitchÂ’s narrative

You will likely hear whispers from the Nic Bitch. The Nic Bitch is ONLY effective if you do not understand HER. Knowledge crushes HER.

Realize the whispers in your head are not “you”. It is your addiction speaking - the nic bitch. She will disguise herself as “you” because she understands “you” are the decision maker, not her. The only way she gets her hit of nicotine is if she can convince “you”, it is a great idea to plan, obtain, and ingest nicotine. She has no choices available to her.


The nic bitch must fool you to get nicotine. Therefore, she is cunning. Her whispers will sound like “you”. She will create the illusion that it is your voice speaking. She will exploit. She knows your weaknesses. So, think about your weaknesses and recognize them. She knows if you like to celebrate with nic, drink with nic, drive, mow, relieve stress…whatever. In summary, she is an addiction cloaked as a person.

Next time she whispers, you will understand it is the nic bitch and not you that came up with whatever hair-brained scheme that just floated through your mind. Some stupid internal conversation. Talk back to her and diffuse her narrative. “Yea, bitch, I just heard you. I know it is you and not me that wants nicotine today. I made a promise not to use nicotine today, so fuck you.” Then punch her in the face.
(based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)
Your at 11 days!!! be patient. I don't have a daily battle anymore. You won't either. 11 days doesn't undue years of abuse. Your going to roll through the 2 week weakness, the 70's funk. Hit the Hof, hit another funk or two, then eventually the battles become so far apart, you can't remember them. Then it is simply a matter of remembering that you are still an addict. A former user, but always an addict.

Stop thinking about the rest of your days. You have one day to worry about and that is TODAY. One day at a time Simon. Rome wasn't built in a day ya know.
I understand what you're going through Simon. You're quit 11 days. You probably thought that by a week and a half a lot of this would be behind you. Trust me - I thought the same thing. It happens.

The physical part is behind you. The actual physical addiction is over. What you're dealing with now is the mental part. You need to re-train your mind - your LIFE - to be an existence without nicotine. To do this the rules are simple. Post roll. Repeat.

The rest of the battle will come to you if you follow those rules. I completely get what you're dealing with. It's almost disheartening to think "I've been quit 11 days! When does it stop!!???" And it is disheartening. Because it doesn't stop. It just fades away. Like Skoal Monster said - at some point, you'll be an addict without desire.

What you've done to yourself is open a giant fucking wound that you kept picking at. Eleven days ago, you stopped picking at it. After the first three days, the wound closed. Now you're looking at the scar. Scars fade, but they never go away. Just embrace it. What you definitely DON'T want to do is pick the scab.

You got this. You can do this. YOU HAVE DONE THIS. All you gotta do now is... well... repeat.
NOBODY "cruises" after 11 days. Don't worry about "cruising" right now. Just worry about walking or even crawling if you have to. The biatch is gonna be in your ear for awhile yet, but it will get better. It won't be like this for the rest of your days.

I'm on day 250 and I'm not cured by any means, but the bitch doesn't whisper to me too much anymore. When she tries I tell her to shut the fuck up before she can even get a word out, and dismiss her like the cum dumpster slut that she is.

Eventually you will be pimp slappin that hoe too. Just gonna take some time to build strength in your pimp hand. Stick with it. Its very gratifying slapping that cunt around.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
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Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2013, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: simonsj
Well it's day 11 now.  I thought I'd be cruising through my quit by this point but it's still a daily battle.  (based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)  I still have the nic bitch whispering in my ear any time I'm in a stressful situation but I think I'm learning to deal with that.  I've read a lot about the dip dreams on this site but I haven't had one yet....instead, last night I dreamt that I was riding down a busy highway in an open top airplane and the pilot was smoking cigs like crazy.  (I haven't smoked in years so I thought this was wierd)  I guess the nicotene is trying to lure me in any way possible. 

That's all I have for today.  I'll keep grinding it out and see you on roll call tomorrow.  Happy quitting.
Diffusing the Nic BitchÂ’s narrative

You will likely hear whispers from the Nic Bitch. The Nic Bitch is ONLY effective if you do not understand HER. Knowledge crushes HER.

Realize the whispers in your head are not “you”. It is your addiction speaking - the nic bitch. She will disguise herself as “you” because she understands “you” are the decision maker, not her. The only way she gets her hit of nicotine is if she can convince “you”, it is a great idea to plan, obtain, and ingest nicotine. She has no choices available to her.


The nic bitch must fool you to get nicotine. Therefore, she is cunning. Her whispers will sound like “you”. She will create the illusion that it is your voice speaking. She will exploit. She knows your weaknesses. So, think about your weaknesses and recognize them. She knows if you like to celebrate with nic, drink with nic, drive, mow, relieve stress…whatever. In summary, she is an addiction cloaked as a person.

Next time she whispers, you will understand it is the nic bitch and not you that came up with whatever hair-brained scheme that just floated through your mind. Some stupid internal conversation. Talk back to her and diffuse her narrative. “Yea, bitch, I just heard you. I know it is you and not me that wants nicotine today. I made a promise not to use nicotine today, so fuck you.” Then punch her in the face.
(based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)
Your at 11 days!!! be patient. I don't have a daily battle anymore. You won't either. 11 days doesn't undue years of abuse. Your going to roll through the 2 week weakness, the 70's funk. Hit the Hof, hit another funk or two, then eventually the battles become so far apart, you can't remember them. Then it is simply a matter of remembering that you are still an addict. A former user, but always an addict.

Stop thinking about the rest of your days. You have one day to worry about and that is TODAY. One day at a time Simon. Rome wasn't built in a day ya know.
I understand what you're going through Simon. You're quit 11 days. You probably thought that by a week and a half a lot of this would be behind you. Trust me - I thought the same thing. It happens.

The physical part is behind you. The actual physical addiction is over. What you're dealing with now is the mental part. You need to re-train your mind - your LIFE - to be an existence without nicotine. To do this the rules are simple. Post roll. Repeat.

The rest of the battle will come to you if you follow those rules. I completely get what you're dealing with. It's almost disheartening to think "I've been quit 11 days! When does it stop!!???" And it is disheartening. Because it doesn't stop. It just fades away. Like Skoal Monster said - at some point, you'll be an addict without desire.

What you've done to yourself is open a giant fucking wound that you kept picking at. Eleven days ago, you stopped picking at it. After the first three days, the wound closed. Now you're looking at the scar. Scars fade, but they never go away. Just embrace it. What you definitely DON'T want to do is pick the scab.

You got this. You can do this. YOU HAVE DONE THIS. All you gotta do now is... well... repeat.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2013, 02:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: simonsj
Well it's day 11 now.  I thought I'd be cruising through my quit by this point but it's still a daily battle.  (based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)  I still have the nic bitch whispering in my ear any time I'm in a stressful situation but I think I'm learning to deal with that.  I've read a lot about the dip dreams on this site but I haven't had one yet....instead, last night I dreamt that I was riding down a busy highway in an open top airplane and the pilot was smoking cigs like crazy.  (I haven't smoked in years so I thought this was wierd)  I guess the nicotene is trying to lure me in any way possible. 

That's all I have for today.  I'll keep grinding it out and see you on roll call tomorrow.  Happy quitting.
Diffusing the Nic BitchÂ’s narrative

You will likely hear whispers from the Nic Bitch. The Nic Bitch is ONLY effective if you do not understand HER. Knowledge crushes HER.

Realize the whispers in your head are not “you”. It is your addiction speaking - the nic bitch. She will disguise herself as “you” because she understands “you” are the decision maker, not her. The only way she gets her hit of nicotine is if she can convince “you”, it is a great idea to plan, obtain, and ingest nicotine. She has no choices available to her.


The nic bitch must fool you to get nicotine. Therefore, she is cunning. Her whispers will sound like “you”. She will create the illusion that it is your voice speaking. She will exploit. She knows your weaknesses. So, think about your weaknesses and recognize them. She knows if you like to celebrate with nic, drink with nic, drive, mow, relieve stress…whatever. In summary, she is an addiction cloaked as a person.

Next time she whispers, you will understand it is the nic bitch and not you that came up with whatever hair-brained scheme that just floated through your mind. Some stupid internal conversation. Talk back to her and diffuse her narrative. “Yea, bitch, I just heard you. I know it is you and not me that wants nicotine today. I made a promise not to use nicotine today, so fuck you.” Then punch her in the face.
(based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days)
Your at 11 days!!! be patient. I don't have a daily battle anymore. You won't either. 11 days doesn't undue years of abuse. Your going to roll through the 2 week weakness, the 70's funk. Hit the Hof, hit another funk or two, then eventually the battles become so far apart, you can't remember them. Then it is simply a matter of remembering that you are still an addict. A former user, but always an addict.

Stop thinking about the rest of your days. You have one day to worry about and that is TODAY. One day at a time Simon. Rome wasn't built in a day ya know.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »
Quote from: simonsj
Well it's day 11 now. I thought I'd be cruising through my quit by this point but it's still a daily battle. (based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days) I still have the nic bitch whispering in my ear any time I'm in a stressful situation but I think I'm learning to deal with that. I've read a lot about the dip dreams on this site but I haven't had one yet....instead, last night I dreamt that I was riding down a busy highway in an open top airplane and the pilot was smoking cigs like crazy. (I haven't smoked in years so I thought this was wierd) I guess the nicotene is trying to lure me in any way possible.

That's all I have for today. I'll keep grinding it out and see you on roll call tomorrow. Happy quitting.
Diffusing the Nic BitchÂ’s narrative

You will likely hear whispers from the Nic Bitch. The Nic Bitch is ONLY effective if you do not understand HER. Knowledge crushes HER.

Realize the whispers in your head are not “you”. It is your addiction speaking - the nic bitch. She will disguise herself as “you” because she understands “you” are the decision maker, not her. The only way she gets her hit of nicotine is if she can convince “you”, it is a great idea to plan, obtain, and ingest nicotine. She has no choices available to her.


The nic bitch must fool you to get nicotine. Therefore, she is cunning. Her whispers will sound like “you”. She will create the illusion that it is your voice speaking. She will exploit. She knows your weaknesses. So, think about your weaknesses and recognize them. She knows if you like to celebrate with nic, drink with nic, drive, mow, relieve stress…whatever. In summary, she is an addiction cloaked as a person.

Next time she whispers, you will understand it is the nic bitch and not you that came up with whatever hair-brained scheme that just floated through your mind. Some stupid internal conversation. Talk back to her and diffuse her narrative. “Yea, bitch, I just heard you. I know it is you and not me that wants nicotine today. I made a promise not to use nicotine today, so fuck you.” Then punch her in the face.

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2013, 01:49:00 PM »
Well it's day 11 now. I thought I'd be cruising through my quit by this point but it's still a daily battle. (based on all of the posts I've read on KTC it sounds like that may be the case for the rest of my days) I still have the nic bitch whispering in my ear any time I'm in a stressful situation but I think I'm learning to deal with that. I've read a lot about the dip dreams on this site but I haven't had one yet....instead, last night I dreamt that I was riding down a busy highway in an open top airplane and the pilot was smoking cigs like crazy. (I haven't smoked in years so I thought this was wierd) I guess the nicotene is trying to lure me in any way possible.

That's all I have for today. I'll keep grinding it out and see you on roll call tomorrow. Happy quitting.
Quit Date - 1/29/2013

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2013, 12:02:00 PM »
I quit with you bro!! Stay Strong!! Almost one week without that shit!!! Can you belive it??? Food will start tasting better, you have already saved 40.00 bucks. Hell yeah!!! Keep on quitting QUITTER!!!!
Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 11:24:00 PM »
You are at the right place to rage. Please feel free to pm me any crazy rants and rage you have. I will be more than happy to take it. That is how I have made it 42 days. I will get better. Quit Like HELL!!!!!

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Sharsky
Keep on bitchin here likey a good bitch or rage session...keep it away from your fam and friends and others that do not deserve it. We all did this to ourselves..our fam and friends dont need to be taking the brunt of it. Quit with ya bro...
the rage will go away as you keep adding +1's to your count, sharsky has got it right, while you have the rage bring it here let it out in your intro or bring it to live chat if you want to (be ready to take a little shit in chat though! It can be workth it though I usually find a good laugh or two.)
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2013, 08:28:00 PM »
Keep on bitchin here likey a good bitch or rage session...keep it away from your fam and friends and others that do not deserve it. We all did this to ourselves..our fam and friends dont need to be taking the brunt of it. Quit with ya bro...
January '13 Jackwagins
Quit Date:  October 12, 2012

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
I'm now in day 6 of the quit. i was just in the middle of typing up an epic Walmart story about my experience when buying a can of smoky mountain today. (we're talking about typing for the past 30 minutes) Then, wouldn't you know it, the website glitches and I just lost all that work. Now, not only do all of you miss the joy of getting a good kick out of my chew withdrawal misery, but I get a bit of rage because a site dedicated to helping me not rage from nic withdrawal just contributed to it. #quittingchewproblems What I'm learning from the last 6 days is that sometimes it's just good to bitch. Thanks for listening. Enjoy the rest of your quit today.
Quit Date - 1/29/2013

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2013, 10:52:00 AM »
Ahhhhh yes, the suck. You can't run from it so embrace it.

A bit of temporary suffering in exchange for lasting freedom. It's worth it.

What's harder, a crave or chemo?

Waves of irritation and anger and no sleep and anxiety will pass.

You will ride out this storm and grow stronger because of it. If we can do it then so can you.

All you have to do is just stay quit TODAY. Your job, your relationships, your vintage Smurf Action figure collection can take a back seat today. The only thing you need to focus on is saving your life. You don't have to worry about tomorrow or forever, just today. Any fool can keep quit for a single day, even you.

Sing out if you need help.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."


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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2013, 10:28:00 AM »
I work out to help relieve some of the built up rage plus it helps me sleep better. Keep up the good work. It will get better, I promise.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

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Re: Here it goes
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2013, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: simonsj
Boy....having a rough start to day three. Keep telling myself that the worst part should be over soon but this has been the toughest morning yet. Woke up in a sweat and wanted to beat the hell out of every driver on the road during my commute today. Now I'm sitting at work irritable as hell and trying to avoid people as much as possible. Can't stop thinking about the dip.

*note to self to remember the journey:

Look at you. You piece of shit. Look how miserable you feel. Do you ever want to feel this way again? I don't think so. Stay the quit. Grind it out and the pain will be gone soon.

ahh...strangely feel a little better now. Have a good one fellow quiters.
hey Jordan, You're on the right path, the path to freedom. Drink all the kool aid, read all you can here, exercise, drink lots of water, scream, yell, stomp your feet but don't knock anyone out! LOL Do whatever you have to do to "NOT" put the posion in your mouth, EVER AGAIN. Use the chat room, use toothpicks, candy, any gum without nic in it, peanuts, sunflower seeds. You can do this ONE day at a TIME.
don't worry about tomorrow, it isn't real yet. we don't do the past. We quit just for today.
Post roll
keep your word
wake and repeat.
Welcome to getting your life back!
Cheers! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?