Author Topic: ALMOST 2 WEEKS!!  (Read 929 times)

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Offline leeron

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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2012, 09:18:00 AM »
Hey NolesFan (Steve),

I'm 44, started dipping regularly at 15, tried to quit many times before.....

It is a familiar story my friend. You can quit if you want to. Just decide. Then:

1. Post Roll
2. Honor
3. Repeat

Simple one day at a time approach. Use the tools here and get some phone numbers. Send me a PM if you need a number click here.
Tomorrow marks the 9 year anniversary of you being gone. I can't believe all that has happened since you have been gone, 3 of the 4 have graduated high school, 2 of the 4 graduated college, 1 had a baby, we all have jobs, we all got our licenses. I honestly never thought I would make it this far. I so wish that you could be here with me, Alexa, Connor, and Tori. Seeing all of the things we have accomlished...and everything that we still have yet to accomplish. Graduating high school, moving in at college, graduating college, having kids, buying a house, baseball games, first jobs, first girlfriends/boyfriends. I know that you are proud of each and everyone of us, but I/we need to hear it from you. We want you to be here to tell us "Nice pitch", "Congratulations on graduating", "Have I told you I loved you yet today?" (which Kenra and I try to do everyday now :)) It is sometimes just hard to get through the day. And to think...all this over a stupid dip...who would have thought?

Kenzi Kern (from 06/11/2013, 9 years after her father died from this horrible addiction)

Tom Kern CaringBridge Guestbook

Offline bigwhitebeast

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« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 02:46:00 AM »
Noles, there are quite a few around here with very similar stories to yours. I hope you hang around and remian quit with us. Review the information that ChewCrew laid out for you and come post roll call, come be accoutable to us and let us help you succeed.


Offline ChewCrewRetiree

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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 07:26:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC, Noles. We've all quit before, so we know what you're feeling. The difference this time is you've got the most extensive, incredible source of support known to tobacco addicts worldwide. We make a promise here each and every day to not use. It's that simple. Here's what you should do:

Visit the salmon-colored Welcome Center at the top of the page. Here is where you will learn all of the very basic yet essential details you need to know about KTC. Pay particular attention to the how to post roll section. This is the stuff you'll live by each and every day here at KTC.

After you've done this, head on over to the May 2012 Quit Group. Using the directions in the Welcome Center, you'll post your Day (14?). This is your promise to the entire group that you will not use for today. It's that simple. Tomorrow morning, wake up and do the exact same thing (except day 15 obviously).

Some additional tips for success: Live Chat. Re-register. Join it. Use it. Here you can chat with fellow quit brothers. Form bonds with these people, and exchange numbers. They will come in handy, believe me you. Formulate a quit plan. How will you fend of that next big craving to stuff a fatty in your cheek? You must avoid it at all costs. Read as much as possible on this site. The amount you read is directly related to how strong your quit becomes.

I quit with you today Noles. Drink up this post so to speak and get to posting. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to PM me here and I will gladly help you out. I've got a number should you want it.

Quit - 10/24/11 |-| HOF - 1/31/12 |-| 2nd Floor - 5/10/12 |-| 3rd Floor - 8/18/12 |-| 1 Year - 10/22/12 |-| 4th Floor - 11/26/12

Stop and in say hi to the January 2012 Juggernauts

Offline NolesFan

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« on: February 26, 2012, 07:11:00 PM »
Ok, I am not great with computers, blogs, forums, etc. so not sure this will even show up but it better!

I am 41 years old and have dipped snuff since I was 15 years old! I really don't even know life without dip.

I am married (for 17 years) and have 3 kids; Brady 14, Cade 11 and my baby girl Keilen is almost 4.

I have tried to quit so many times before now with no luck, longest being around 2-3 months! I always end up starting agian with the old "Ill just have one and wont start back" etc..

Anyway, I have had depression problems, anxiety, laziness ,etc. and just after 2 weeks of quitting I feel a kind of rejuvination. I WANT to excersice and do more to keep my mind off of dip as well as just keep doing things that make me feel better about myself.

In case this doesn't actually make it on somewhere I don't want to type too much so I will leave now but I plan on making this work and never putting that crap in my mouth ever again!
