Author Topic: Hello - New Quitter  (Read 2685 times)

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Offline tarpon17

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2012, 10:48:00 AM »
Quote from: pacertom
Quote from: pins_needles
Quote from: JasonB
Quote from: mheltun
Good work jason, stick with it. I chewed cope for 20 years myself before quiting 169 days ago. You will not regret your decision,  myself I have not felt this healthy in years.
Thanks. What I am afraid of now is my new addiction....Smokey Mountain. I am actually pretty concerned as I really wanted to not have any shit at all in my mouth. I keep telling myself live with it for a few months and then kick the Smokey somehow. am not scared it will lead back to cope, just scared it will lead to a new addiction. That make sense?

Just thinking out load.
At least with Smokey Mountain, the worst that will happen is that you'll end up with an oral fixation- which, if you're here and addicted to chewing tobacco, you already have in spades.

I read someone else's post (not sure who) who said they were on it for about the first 200 days of their quit and then they just stopped. Myself- I've been on Smokey Mt since Feb 11. I actually went two whole days without it and I'll be honest: I just about had a nervous breakdown. I know deep down it's just something I can pack in can, put in my mouth, and spit shit into a plastic bottle without getting that nic high- but, fuck it- it works and keeps the poison out of my mouth.

I bought 4 tins of smokey earlier this evening at 2.99, which isn't much less than the grizz I've wolfed down for the last 8 years, but I'd rather give the good people at smokey my money that those at griz/cope/skoal.

I'm happy to quit with you.
Agree completely...I was also worried about the Smokey but I find myself not wanting it like the first 7-10 days. Now it's only on the boat, after a big meal, the usual big triggers.

Hell, if it takes me 2-3 years of Smokey, I am in cause there's no way in Hades I'll ever put tobacco in my mouth. I know the "next dip" is the one that fucks up that one little cell turning my life upside down.

Good job Jason.....and keep bumping our little support group over at the Texas Fishing Forum....There's plenty of guys just like us that just don't know...
Good stuff guys! I used SM hard for the first couple of months. Then it gradually slowed. By the time I hit day 200 I was barely using it. Use it at the deer camp and fishing mostly. But day to day usage has dropped to zero.

You may have a similar experience. Or not. Either way, its not nic so I wouldn't worry about it!!

Offline pacertom

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2012, 10:22:00 AM »
Quote from: pins_needles
Quote from: JasonB
Quote from: mheltun
Good work jason, stick with it. I chewed cope for 20 years myself before quiting 169 days ago. You will not regret your decision,  myself I have not felt this healthy in years.
Thanks. What I am afraid of now is my new addiction....Smokey Mountain. I am actually pretty concerned as I really wanted to not have any shit at all in my mouth. I keep telling myself live with it for a few months and then kick the Smokey somehow. am not scared it will lead back to cope, just scared it will lead to a new addiction. That make sense?

Just thinking out load.
At least with Smokey Mountain, the worst that will happen is that you'll end up with an oral fixation- which, if you're here and addicted to chewing tobacco, you already have in spades.

I read someone else's post (not sure who) who said they were on it for about the first 200 days of their quit and then they just stopped. Myself- I've been on Smokey Mt since Feb 11. I actually went two whole days without it and I'll be honest: I just about had a nervous breakdown. I know deep down it's just something I can pack in can, put in my mouth, and spit shit into a plastic bottle without getting that nic high- but, fuck it- it works and keeps the poison out of my mouth.

I bought 4 tins of smokey earlier this evening at 2.99, which isn't much less than the grizz I've wolfed down for the last 8 years, but I'd rather give the good people at smokey my money that those at griz/cope/skoal.

I'm happy to quit with you.
Agree completely...I was also worried about the Smokey but I find myself not wanting it like the first 7-10 days. Now it's only on the boat, after a big meal, the usual big triggers.

Hell, if it takes me 2-3 years of Smokey, I am in cause there's no way in Hades I'll ever put tobacco in my mouth. I know the "next dip" is the one that fucks up that one little cell turning my life upside down.

Good job Jason.....and keep bumping our little support group over at the Texas Fishing Forum....There's plenty of guys just like us that just don't know...

Offline pins_needles

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2012, 10:43:00 PM »
Quote from: JasonB
Quote from: mheltun
Good work jason, stick with it. I chewed cope for 20 years myself before quiting 169 days ago. You will not regret your decision,  myself I have not felt this healthy in years.
Thanks. What I am afraid of now is my new addiction....Smokey Mountain. I am actually pretty concerned as I really wanted to not have any shit at all in my mouth. I keep telling myself live with it for a few months and then kick the Smokey somehow. am not scared it will lead back to cope, just scared it will lead to a new addiction. That make sense?

Just thinking out load.
At least with Smokey Mountain, the worst that will happen is that you'll end up with an oral fixation- which, if you're here and addicted to chewing tobacco, you already have in spades.

I read someone else's post (not sure who) who said they were on it for about the first 200 days of their quit and then they just stopped. Myself- I've been on Smokey Mt since Feb 11. I actually went two whole days without it and I'll be honest: I just about had a nervous breakdown. I know deep down it's just something I can pack in can, put in my mouth, and spit shit into a plastic bottle without getting that nic high- but, fuck it- it works and keeps the poison out of my mouth.

I bought 4 tins of smokey earlier this evening at 2.99, which isn't much less than the grizz I've wolfed down for the last 8 years, but I'd rather give the good people at smokey my money that those at griz/cope/skoal.

I'm happy to quit with you.
"Do or do not. There is no try."


Quit date: Feb 11, 2012

Offline JasonB

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2012, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: mheltun
Good work jason, stick with it. I chewed cope for 20 years myself before quiting 169 days ago. You will not regret your decision,  myself I have not felt this healthy in years.
Thanks. What I am afraid of now is my new addiction....Smokey Mountain. I am actually pretty concerned as I really wanted to not have any shit at all in my mouth. I keep telling myself live with it for a few months and then kick the Smokey somehow. am not scared it will lead back to cope, just scared it will lead to a new addiction. That make sense?

Just thinking out load.

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2012, 04:59:00 PM »
Good work jason, stick with it. I chewed cope for 20 years myself before quiting 169 days ago. You will not regret your decision, myself I have not felt this healthy in years.

Offline seagems

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2012, 03:29:00 PM »
Quote from: JasonB
Quote from: tarpon17
Question of the day:  Wheres the trophy can?

The correct answer is: dumped in the terlet, but lets hear it from you big guy!
The can cooked in the fire pit yesterday.
Nice work brother. Proud to quit with you.

Offline magnum9

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2012, 11:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Turner's
Quote from: TonySelle
Welcome Jason-
You can do this, and this site can help. I quit 11 days ago after 35+ years of chewing cope.
Practice roll call every day, renew your quit every day.
I look forward to quitting with you.
35 years is a long time. How's it going for you, brother? Let me know if you need anything.

Keep in mind that its not about how long we used, only that you are an addict like every one of us. You could have used for 6 months or 60 years, the withdrawal is the same.

The quit is the same as well. We all make the promise for today and we quit for today, no matter how many days we were complete idiots throwing that crap in our lips.

Turner's Revenge

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2012, 10:18:00 PM »
Quote from: TonySelle
Welcome Jason-
You can do this, and this site can help. I quit 11 days ago after 35+ years of chewing cope.
Practice roll call every day, renew your quit every day.
I look forward to quitting with you.
35 years is a long time. How's it going for you, brother? Let me know if you need anything.


Offline JasonB

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2012, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Question of the day: Wheres the trophy can?

The correct answer is: dumped in the terlet, but lets hear it from you big guy!
The can cooked in the fire pit yesterday.

Offline Lochi21

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2012, 10:13:00 AM »
Quote from: JasonB
Well here we are 7 days straight! I cant believe I let this crap control my life for 22 years. That is over 8,000 cans of poison I put in my mouth and if my math is right, over 600 pounds of poison went in my mouth and I am out a little of $40,000.

How fucking pathetic I have been.
"Disgust" - Another layer on your quit armor. Proud of you bro!

Offline tarpon17

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2012, 09:26:00 AM »
Question of the day: Wheres the trophy can?

The correct answer is: dumped in the terlet, but lets hear it from you big guy!

Offline JasonB

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2012, 09:22:00 AM »
Well here we are 7 days straight! I cant believe I let this crap control my life for 22 years. That is over 8,000 cans of poison I put in my mouth and if my math is right, over 600 pounds of poison went in my mouth and I am out a little of $40,000.

How fucking pathetic I have been.

Offline seagems

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2012, 12:17:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
I already did-the question is, have you dumped it? Or are you continuing to hang onto that last can, as some sort of trophy? mentioned several times in your post about being "concered" about the suck you are experiencing-which in turn, makes me "concerned' that you are going to take advantage of that trophy can sitting in your house. Do yourself a favor, dump the contents, then do what you wish with the empty can. Leaving a full can around is just asking for trouble..
Tony is right. I support you JasonB, and am rooting for your quit so that someday soon you can be in the 200s like me and have the joy of not even thinking about chew anymore. I know the early days suck, but you just have to get through the day you are in and worry about the next day tomorrow. For today, you need to get rid of that trophy can. 9 out of 10 guys who keep trophy cans cave with those trophy cans and are never heard from on KTC again. They go right back into the cycle of being chewers who want to quit but can't, etc. Do yourself a favor and throw that can out now. Who cares about saying fuck you to the tobacco companies. Say fuck yes to your quit and your health and your freedom. 6 days in, you are getting through the toughest parts already.

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2012, 04:53:00 AM »
I already did-the question is, have you dumped it? Or are you continuing to hang onto that last can, as some sort of trophy? mentioned several times in your post about being "concered" about the suck you are experiencing-which in turn, makes me "concerned' that you are going to take advantage of that trophy can sitting in your house. Do yourself a favor, dump the contents, then do what you wish with the empty can. Leaving a full can around is just asking for trouble..
Quit since 3/25/12

Offline JasonB

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Re: Hello - New Quitter
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2012, 04:52:00 AM »
Quote from: tony
Quote from: JasonB
I am 5 hours away from day 6. I had huge cravings yesterday for some reason. The Smokey Mountain handled it, but it still wasn't pleasant. Why would yesterday suddenly be hard????

To be honest, I am a little concerned. I put the cope down last Friday morning and never looked back. Sure, I had a bit of side effects, but to be honest, they were pretty weak. I read everyone elses quit for the first 3 days and they seem miserable, stressed, crazy...I wasn't like that for some reason. Is it because I was truly tired of the shit in my mouth that made it easier? Is it the fact that I had the smokey mountain from day one? Who knows? But with yesterday being the hardest yet, I am getting concerned.

Hell, I still have a full/unopened� can of Cope sitting on the bar. I bought it last Friday morning when I bought the Smokey Mountain, just in case I went nuts. Funny thing is, I have had 0 desire to even think of opening it.

I am saving it to mail back to US Smokeless with a nice little FUCK YOU letter. Anyhow, can't sleep and just wanted to yap.
This is from the May thread. I don't understand the logic, and wanted to post this someplace where it isn't going to get buried by roll posts, and maybe someone could help convince you to dump it, before its too late.

Seriously? Lets hope you dump the asinine logic and throw that shit out. What is especially worrying is this line "I bought it when I bought the Smokey Mountain..just in case I went nuts". Seriously, wtf man?
Tony, I already answered your question on the May thread. Go read it.