Day 25. Again keeping this somewhat as a journal so people don't have to comment unless they want to. A little more just for me to look back and see how the journey was.
Still doing fine with the cravings. In truth I am really surprised at how I do not think about chewing or having one 99% of the day. I only get occasional flashes through my brain , and they are very fleeting thoughts. and this is from someone who had a chew in from the time I woke up until bed, with only minor breaks for eating or seeing a client.
I will repeat for my own remembrance that the depression is sucky. I literally went to bed at 8 last night and felt like bawling my eyes out- then I proceeded to not sleep at all, which is rare. Today I felt better, but the mood swings are rough haha.
Weight gain is still here and so is the constipation. In the beginning I was real regular, but the past 2 weeks I have been bound up tight. Packed in shit is probably where the weight came from haha.
Something that pisses me off. My wife never really nagged me about quitting (as a former smoker she knew better haha), but she did make comments about spitters being around, or the smell, or how I need to quit. Except for 2 times WHEN I said "hey, are you even happy that I quit?" I HAVENT GOTTEN A SINGLE FUCKING CONGRATULATIONS OR WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT FROM HER. Well, I did get "are you moody today because of the chew" one time, but nothing else. Hell, I guess when they say you have to do this for yourself, this is another reason why. People like to bitch about you having the habit, but don't like to support the effort to give it up.
Anyway, my Redskins made it to the playoffs so that's some good news