What I just read was a bunch of quitters reaching out to you grim. I don't know much about you. I know plenty about trauma. Great guy and a hell of a quitter. He took a lot of time out of his busy schedule to check up on you...
Then you came on here and broadcasted that you haven't posted like you should, but your still quit and everything is going ok.
We don't like someone to come on here and say that they are doing it different and it works, because WE KNOW,,, it spells failure.
What did trauma and Diesel mean. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.
Really,, what did you expect anyways. Great job Grim! Your not following the ways that we teach and are still quit. That's great!! Your not posting regularly and the rest of you group is, but that's ok. They are happy that you are not standing side by side with them everyday and posting up with them. YEA,,, DOUCHE COMES TO MIND!!!! Trauma knows one when he sees one.