Author Topic: Day 1 1/2  (Read 2124 times)

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2014, 02:26:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
We welcome you back when you are really ready to quit.

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2014, 02:24:00 PM »
We welcome you back when you are really ready to quit.

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2014, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Wacahoota
....But I don't think this group is right for me.
you couldnt be more wrong. This is the right group for you. You just dont know it yet and if you dont give it a shot you will never know

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2014, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
I've been here 35 days , quit for each one of them.  Posted roll every day.  I've received nothing but incredible support.  No one has ever sworn at me.  If you quit the KTC way, all you get is support. If you screw up, you will be given some guidance/tough love.  Why?  Because it works!
Every person that has posted in your intro, in their own way, is only trying to help you. We all know that for so many of us this is the only way we have found after many years of slavery and untold quit attempts that actually works for us. There is a lot of passion here. If you would just open your mind, have some trust and get rid of the crutch it could be that for you too.

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2014, 12:22:00 PM »
I've been here 35 days , quit for each one of them. Posted roll every day. I've received nothing but incredible support. No one has ever sworn at me. If you quit the KTC way, all you get is support. If you screw up, you will be given some guidance/tough love. Why? Because it works!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2014, 09:30:00 AM »
Everyone does need to find their own way. However... that does not mean you get to do whatever the hell you want when you post roll  quit here at KTC.

If you come to KTC to quit then you need to quit the KTC way. There is no other option.

The plan works... it is proven... it is not broken. KTC does not need to be re-tooled.

You do it our way  you can  will quit today.

Your way has failed you. You have lost your way. And now you are running away again. So it just sounds like you are not ready.

You need to lose the pride, admit you are an addict  need help, accept the feedback here from those that are winning and quit.

If you are not ready, then come back when you are. We will be here.
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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2014, 09:26:00 AM »
I'd like a pinch but I WANT to be 100 days free of it. Y'all pray for me.

You will need a lot of prayers to go this alone. Thin skin isn't something that makes a quitter.
But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for.

There is a purpose for the no bullshit attitude, we've all been there and know without accountability the odds are against you. Memories will fade and the draw of nicotine will win.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2014, 06:24:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
I recommend you come sit in the front pew with this addiction. Get accountable. Sitting in the back pew so you can slip out without anyone noticing is what you normally do. Make a difference this time. There is a lot of good people here. Don't be fooled.
The nicotine patches are the problem. You are still feeding yourself nicotine. Therefore you are not quit. We quit nicotine here. Once you do that you will be hugged and patted and all that.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2014, 04:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
I recommend you come sit in the front pew with this addiction. Get accountable. Sitting in the back pew so you can slip out without anyone noticing is what you normally do. Make a difference this time. There is a lot of good people here. Don't be fooled.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Winter Green

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2014, 04:17:00 AM »
Quote from: ppolcyn
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
He'll pick up another can once the doctor tells him he doesnt have mouth cancer yet. Im sorry bud, I give tough love, if you want arms wrapped around you, try We quit using nicotine here. Go at it alone, youve been so successful doing that. My offer is still out there, if you want to put your purse down and come quit, ill give you 100% support. If you dont want to commit ,well i suggest you keep hoping and praying.
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2014, 01:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2014, 12:03:00 AM »
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
What? Now I'm sorry I wasted my time and keystrokes on you. And it was only yesterday that I offered support (and without cusswords even!). You didn't even give this site 1 day...and now you're saying "adios"? Come on. You're quitting on your quit from where I sit.

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2014, 11:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Wacahoota
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!
I'm sad to see you leave so soon. You said Adios so I hope you at least get this as an email. If you try to quit without KTC, I wish you the most luck and hope you are successful. If quitting is what you really want, I really hope that you are strong enough to quit. I'll put you on my prayer list for quitting. I hope you understand that the point of this website is to help keep you accountable to peers. Unfortunately, when men are gathered, especially with anonymity, their language becomes laces with profane words. It sounds like that may have offended you. As a Christian, my thought is this: The most addictive drug in the world deserves the harshest words I can find. Also, cussing makes me feel better and doing it on here doesn't make me feel as bad as cussing in front my colleagues.

All in all - leave the site at your own peril. I would love to quit with you daily, but if you aren't going to be posting roll, I don't see that as an option. If you decide to go this by yourself and make it to day 100, please log back in and PM me so I can celebrate with you. If you cave before then, please log back in and PM me so I can verbally kick you in the genitals and hopefully motivate you to save your own life.

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2014, 11:11:00 PM »
I've read y'all's stories and comments to my post. I making a lifestyle change and quitting snuff is part of it. I realize I have to quit every morning and keep to the promise I made to myself all day and do it again the next day. I'm sure each of you have been through hell and back. Good for you! I am a quitter and will never (I mean never) touch it again. I kept my last half can for the first three days of my quit. It was my Everest that I was going to beat. I left it there on the counter to see how badly I wanted to quit. Guess what, I beat it! I dumped the content down the toilet. I kept the empty can and wrote myself a little note and stuck it to the can. Now, it my trophy. Just like a warrior kept his enemy's sword. I'm new to this group. I've read everyone needs to find there own way. However, y'all are very critical to the new guys at a time they need caring arms around them. I've (like many of you) gone all day without a pinch. Tomorrow ill wake up and quit all day again. But I don't think this group is right for me. If I wanted to get cussed at I'd go see my mother who has dementia and cusses me up and down for things I have no idea for. I'm glad this group of 16000 has help y'all and I pray for continued success. Adios!

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Re: Day 1 1/2
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2014, 11:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Dude just find your balls and quit. No nicotine. Go through the fire. Your soul, body, and mind need to be free of nicotine. Only you can make that happen. Do it one day a time by pledging to us that you won't use nicotine. This is how it is done.

You only ever tried to quit, thats why you always only failed.
Nicotine gum in between dips only kept you hooked on nicotine. It baffles me to see people be so naive to think that they can quit using nicotine with a gum or a patch that puts the fuckin shit directly in your body, just as a dip did. WAKE UP MAN.

And Waca, I hope The only reason you are in here isnt because you woke up with sores that wont go away. I call those kind of people "SCARE STOPPERS" which in that case, they join KTC, become nicotine free, just until the sores go away or there doctor tells them it isnt cancer. Then they go buy another can. Like an idiot

When you where saying some shit about dipping 20 hours a day for some blah blah blah crap......DUDE, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, WE ARE ALL ADDICTS HERE, there are people here that dipped less than you, and there are people who have dipped 3x as much as you. WAKE UP MAN

Now, for this crap about hoping, trying and praying ------FAILURE )......WAKE UP MAN. Where are your fucking nuts. We quit COLD TURKEY. No patches, no gums, no cigs, no babying.

Every person on this site has either gone through or is going through the withdrawals of quitting nicotine. Like i said, your story is not special, nor is it to far from every other persons story on this site.

You need to flush every goddamn can of chew, cigs, gum, burn the fucking patches, and QUIT LIKE FUCK.

If you need somebody to spell it out any clearer, send me a PM and ill give you my number. I can draw you a picture and mail it to you.

Winter Green~~87~~ ;Ironman:
listen to this guy and save your life
Where are ya?
These guys are leading you down the right path...

I remember reading all of these posts before I made my decision and being very fearful of what quitting would be like. The nic bitch had me so convinced that quitting dipping would be so bad that i would be in the hospital having convulsions for days on end.

I decided that I would make a Fri my quit date and now, I'm a few hours away from 21 days. If I can do this, you can too. Now sack up, flush your shit and QLF. I'll quit with you