I've been dipping for the past 6 years and have finally decieded to give my fiance and myself a great gift. I'g going to quit dip. I have tried before but never used this site I made it about 8 hours. Need some major help. I am a cop and ride in a squad car all night long and I am constantly surrounded by other dippers. Wish me luck.
Excellent decision, nodip!
Let's set a few things straight:
1) You are quitting for yourself. Others may and will benefit indirectly but this quit is for you. If you quit for others you may easily blame them for the withdrawal crap you're going to hit very soon.
2) There is no such thing as luck in quitting. You give your word to quit each day, posting roll, and you put your head down and plow through it by giving nic the finger. No luck . . . . just determination to take your life back.
3) Read everything you can on this site . . . . Information is power.
4) Post roll in April today and quit for today - one day at a time.
5) Get some numbers of folks to call when the craves get tough. This last part is very important!!
Send me a PM, if you need anything, and welcome to the Freedom of Quit. It's worth the fight!