Author Topic: Once more into the breach  (Read 10107 times)

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2014, 06:41:00 PM »
Day 5 of no chew...had a major crave today...ran out of Smokey Mountain Wintergreen. Ran to store, only fake stuff left is straight. This shit is nasty. Ordered direct from the company

Offline PsyMjr

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2014, 06:20:00 PM »
Quote from: DaveKnight
Quote from: Nolaq
Listen up Jarheads, I see a shit-ton of you fuckers running around, but not everyone has checked into Tun Tavern and given us a Sit Rep. That's un-sat.

Check in, get a beer, and tell some war stories.

Sgt of Marines
1st Recon '92-'95

PS - Hollywood Marines are pussies. Just sayin'.

I just found out about Tun Tavern yesterday. From now on I am sending the link to the jarheads that show up.

24th MEUSOC, 2/2.
~"Buy the ticket-take the ride"
-Hunter S Thompson

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2014, 06:13:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCSGT
I am back on this site after a period of 7 years. I originally made it 60 days, but had a major moment of weakness, and relapsed. The bitch won. I have chewed either Skoal, Cope, or Grizzly since I was in the USMC circa 1990. I have returned to fight this shit again, and drop it for good. Chew controls every damn decision that I make. I am a teacher, and find myself actually chewing in class! I have a dip in CONSTANTLY, morning to night. So far I've been lucky to not have any type of oral cancer, but my gums are pretty receded. I have to beat this now before it really does kill me.

I have set my quit date as Saturday, June 21st. With your help, I intend to make the HOF this time. Semper FI
My Dear Brother,

I had a cancer scare the other day, doctor told me it was a mouth pimple. I got one last chance to quit! My doctor said, One way or another you will quit. Remember in RT, when that DI jumped on the bus, and was spitting in your face, you thought, "How am I going to make it through this?" And you did brother. From this day on, I will count on you to help me with this monkey. If you have honor, you will stay clean for me, and I will for you. If you fail, you will not be able to help me and I the same. I promise you, I will not fail you or leave you behind, and will always be here just a phone call away.

If you agree, send me a PM, with your number.

Semper FI "Do or Die"
~"Buy the ticket-take the ride"
-Hunter S Thompson

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2014, 02:36:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCSGT
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: USMCSGT
You are right. I just dumped out the last can of chew I will ever buy. I'm done.
Good for you hard charger. Lots of us former Marines in here. I hit 200 days free of that bitch today. You can do this. It's gonna suck ass but you can do it.
I used jolly ranchers, atomic fireballs and Tylenol pm for the first three days.
Btw I was in 89 to 93. Welcome to an all new brotherhood.
Read everything you can on here. Get in chat.
Most importantly get in your group and post roll. It's really simple. Your post is a promise to us that you won't use today. You won't give in to your addiction.
You then keep that promise.
Then tomorrow You do it all over again. Except this time you have your brothers with you.
Get some phone numbers and set up a text group. It's saved my ass more than once.
It's a tough road in the beginning buddy but if we can quit so can you. Just remember she wants to kill you. No matter how softly and sweetly she whispers in your ear she is trying to kill you. She just got Tony Gwynn and now she's coming for you.
89-94 myself. Lots of jarheads are slaves to the bitch. I'm beating this fucker this time. I posted roll call, so day 1 begins. Thanks for the words
You're bigger, stronger and smarter than the can and those who make the can.
You're gonna have to learn to see nicotine for what it really is....Poison. You don't realize it yet, but you will, once you "let go" and "lean into the fall" of KTC and all it offers.
You're a nicotine addict, like me and 40,000 others here. We didn't sign up to become addicted, nevertheless, we are addicted.
Now lets win the battle ODAAT.
Get in here, stay here, read, chat, learn your enemy, get digits and accountability. Save your tongue and face.

Post roll,
Keep your word
wake and repeat.

I did it, why can't you?

Just grow a pair and drink the KTC your life, save a friends life, learn to really live free.
You can do this and it does get better...I promise You.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline DaveKnight

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Listen up Jarheads, I see a shit-ton of you fuckers running around, but not everyone has checked into Tun Tavern and given us a Sit Rep. That's un-sat.

Check in, get a beer, and tell some war stories.

Sgt of Marines
1st Recon '92-'95

PS - Hollywood Marines are pussies. Just sayin'.

I just found out about Tun Tavern yesterday. From now on I am sending the link to the jarheads that show up.

'zombie' Quit like Heck, Quit like Bernie, Quit like...Whoa 'zombie'

'tanks' 'biggun' BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 'tanks' 'biggun'

;Ironman: cowboy QLH QFL ADD EDD ODAAT! cowboy ;Ironman:


'hoftrain' 'mrt' HOPPIN' THAT HOF TRAIN MUTHA MUTHA 'mrt' 'hoftrain'

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2014, 10:46:00 AM »
Thank you for your service and welcome. I want to see your name on roll every damn day. No excuses no bullshit. If you are serious about saving your life, then jump in with both feet. Read everything you can on the site, get to know folks...continue to win Odaat!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2014, 10:14:00 AM »
Listen up Jarheads, I see a shit-ton of you fuckers running around, but not everyone has checked into Tun Tavern and given us a Sit Rep. That's un-sat.

Check in, get a beer, and tell some war stories.

Sgt of Marines
1st Recon '92-'95

PS - Hollywood Marines are pussies. Just sayin'.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2014, 08:47:00 AM »
USMC. thank you for your service! These next 3-4 will suck. Always remember what it feels like, and know you never need to experience it again as long as you remain quit. It will be one of the best decisions you ever will make.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Landdon

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2014, 07:21:00 AM »
Good luck bro! I'm on day 3 and just posted roll. Made a promise to me and these other guys I wouldn't do it today. I mean to keep my promise.

Offline DaveKnight

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2014, 07:17:00 AM »

I was a Sgt in the USMC, from 2002-2013. I started chewing exclusively whenever I became aircrew on the MV-22 Osprey. You are absolutely right that many of us Marines become slaves to smokeless tobacco. It is easier than smoking and most people don't care that you are doing it while you are working, there is no "dipping lamp". It got to the point where I would carry a water bottle and a spitter everywhere I went. I would try to get out of doing things or going somewhere when I had a dip in. I would take the long way somewhere just so I could get a nic fix. The only worry on my mind when I went shopping with the wife was whether she would hurry the hell up so I can pack my lip. It ruled my life. Quit one day at a time, this is what I find easiest about this. I do not have to keep in my mind that this is it forever, I just have to follow through on my promise today. Eventually it will get to the point where I won't even crave it any more, but until I am that strong I have to vow to my comrades every day that I will not use nicotine today. No telling how long that will be as I have been a slave to nicotine for literally half of my life. There are a couple of Marines in the Sultans of September, Devil Dog and myself. Make sure you answer those questions asked about why it happened, what will you do different this time, etc. It isn't to put you on the spot, it is to help this community of quitters recognize the factors that cause relapse. I'll send you a PM with my info. Stay QLF and welcome back.
'zombie' Quit like Heck, Quit like Bernie, Quit like...Whoa 'zombie'

'tanks' 'biggun' BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 'tanks' 'biggun'

;Ironman: cowboy QLH QFL ADD EDD ODAAT! cowboy ;Ironman:


'hoftrain' 'mrt' HOPPIN' THAT HOF TRAIN MUTHA MUTHA 'mrt' 'hoftrain'

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2014, 11:07:00 PM »
Great job on stepping up that quit. Now I've got some questions for ya...
What happened that made you cave at 60 days? What are you going to do different this time when the cave, bad news, stress, etc comes? Why is this quit different than the last one?

I'm in the June quit group and most of us just made the HOF at 100 days but we have had some fellow quitters cave in the high digits in the last few days. I don't want this to happen to you again so get a plan going now. Find some people that you can relate to and exchange numbers. Being able to talk with someone else that is going through the same thing as you will really help and add another layer of accountability. Read all you can on this site. Join the chat groups and post roll EVERY morning and do not use nicotine that day. The next morning repeat.

Glad you joined us.



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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2014, 09:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: USMCSGT
You are right. I just dumped out the last can of chew I will ever buy. I'm done.
Good for you hard charger. Lots of us former Marines in here. I hit 200 days free of that bitch today. You can do this. It's gonna suck ass but you can do it.
I used jolly ranchers, atomic fireballs and Tylenol pm for the first three days.
Btw I was in 89 to 93. Welcome to an all new brotherhood.
Read everything you can on here. Get in chat.
Most importantly get in your group and post roll. It's really simple. Your post is a promise to us that you won't use today. You won't give in to your addiction.
You then keep that promise.
Then tomorrow You do it all over again. Except this time you have your brothers with you.
Get some phone numbers and set up a text group. It's saved my ass more than once.
It's a tough road in the beginning buddy but if we can quit so can you. Just remember she wants to kill you. No matter how softly and sweetly she whispers in your ear she is trying to kill you. She just got Tony Gwynn and now she's coming for you.
89-94 myself. Lots of jarheads are slaves to the bitch. I'm beating this fucker this time. I posted roll call, so day 1 begins. Thanks for the words

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCSGT
You are right. I just dumped out the last can of chew I will ever buy. I'm done.
Good for you hard charger. Lots of us former Marines in here. I hit 200 days free of that bitch today. You can do this. It's gonna suck ass but you can do it.
I used jolly ranchers, atomic fireballs and Tylenol pm for the first three days.
Btw I was in 89 to 93. Welcome to an all new brotherhood.
Read everything you can on here. Get in chat.
Most importantly get in your group and post roll. It's really simple. Your post is a promise to us that you won't use today. You won't give in to your addiction.
You then keep that promise.
Then tomorrow You do it all over again. Except this time you have your brothers with you.
Get some phone numbers and set up a text group. It's saved my ass more than once.
It's a tough road in the beginning buddy but if we can quit so can you. Just remember she wants to kill you. No matter how softly and sweetly she whispers in your ear she is trying to kill you. She just got Tony Gwynn and now she's coming for you.

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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCSGT
You are right. I just dumped out the last can of chew I will ever buy. I'm done.
Now we're getting somewhere. Now lets fix one thing. I'm going to make this quit a lot easier for you. You only have to quit today my friend. Look to the welcome center. Read on how and why we post roll. Pay particular attention to why. Post roll and finish this day quit. Then we'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here. We only worry about quitting one day at a time. Don't worry about hof,, it's just another day quit when you look at it one day at a time.

Advice: Jump all in my friend. Stay a while, make some friends. You have made a great decision.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.


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Re: Once more into the breach
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 08:39:00 PM »
You are right. I just dumped out the last can of chew I will ever buy. I'm done.