Author Topic: Quitting Tonight  (Read 1399 times)

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Offline Wedge

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2012, 09:29:00 AM »
Irving, if you are serious about your quit, you will be quit. The tools and resources available to you on this site are the best anyway, but they are dwarfed by the support and encouragement you will receive on a daily basis. Even an hourly basis if you need it that way for a while.

You are right, it's going to be a long road, but it's manageable. It's not an easy process, but it is very simple. As my comrades have stated, post your promise early in the morning, keep your word, do work, go to sleep, do it all over again.

The beauty of this site is the day to day nature that we live by. When you post roll, you are promising for 24 hours. Not the rest of your life. Just one day at a time.

My name is Mark and I'm glad to be quit with you today.

Offline raiderx

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 08:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: irving69
Kodiak user for 25 plus years.  Tin a day.  Originally from Texas now in North Carolina, I set up a few thousand quit days over the years.  When I got married, had kids, kids got older, kids figured out I was dipping, tried to hide it, blah, blah, blah.  Dip bottles hidden in places I had forgotten.  Pulled out 31 old tins yesterday morning to throw away.  Empty.  Hidden in my closet.  Ridiculous habit!  Have to beat  it and with the help of those who have been there.  I can!!!!
Congratulations on your first days of freedom. They will be tough, but they will be worth it. You'll have to ask the vets about the long term, but I can GUARANTEE that day 149 is WAY WAY better than day 49, which was WAY better than 9, which was better than 1. You get the point.

I like the story about finding all the old tins. It's a great idea to purge the house of EVERYTHING. check old golf bags, car seat crevices, glove box, behind the dresser, the winter coat. Hell, I'd even make sure the trash is taken away, lest you end up digging through the garbage and licking the dip molecules off the lids! ( I speak from the perspective of someone who has checked the trash can for old cans. I know - we addicts are pretty lame)

Glad to be quit with you brother. Check out the WELCOME CENTER and read all you can (if you haven't already). Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

This shit is easy yet it is the hardest thing you will ever do

Read lots. It will help
Interact on the site. It will help
Find face to face support. It will help

The basic principle is:
Post roll
Quit for today
Repeat tomorrow

Offline zam

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 07:33:00 PM »
Quote from: irving69
Kodiak user for 25 plus years.  Tin a day.  Originally from Texas now in North Carolina, I set up a few thousand quit days over the years.  When I got married, had kids, kids got older, kids figured out I was dipping, tried to hide it, blah, blah, blah.  Dip bottles hidden in places I had forgotten.  Pulled out 31 old tins yesterday morning to throw away.  Empty.  Hidden in my closet.  Ridiculous habit!  Have to beat  it and with the help of those who have been there.  I can!!!!
Congratulations on your first days of freedom. They will be tough, but they will be worth it. You'll have to ask the vets about the long term, but I can GUARANTEE that day 149 is WAY WAY better than day 49, which was WAY better than 9, which was better than 1. You get the point.

I like the story about finding all the old tins. It's a great idea to purge the house of EVERYTHING. check old golf bags, car seat crevices, glove box, behind the dresser, the winter coat. Hell, I'd even make sure the trash is taken away, lest you end up digging through the garbage and licking the dip molecules off the lids! ( I speak from the perspective of someone who has checked the trash can for old cans. I know - we addicts are pretty lame)

Glad to be quit with you brother. Check out the WELCOME CENTER and read all you can (if you haven't already). Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline tinman

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2012, 07:15:00 PM »
Kodiak user for 25 plus years. Tin a day. Originally from Texas now in North Carolina, I set up a few thousand quit days over the years. When I got married, had kids, kids got older, kids figured out I was dipping, tried to hide it, blah, blah, blah. Dip bottles hidden in places I had forgotten. Pulled out 31 old tins yesterday morning to throw away. Empty. Hidden in my closet. Ridiculous habit! Have to beat it and with the help of those who have been there. I can!!!!

Irving - I am with you man, but only in a week or so longer....but misery loves company. Don't know if it was 31 cans, or how many times I would tell the boy its not chew, but damn I am with you.....I had cans all over the fucking place!!!!!!!!!

Keeping on Quitting on

Offline irving69

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2012, 07:02:00 PM »
Kodiak user for 25 plus years. Tin a day. Originally from Texas now in North Carolina, I set up a few thousand quit days over the years. When I got married, had kids, kids got older, kids figured out I was dipping, tried to hide it, blah, blah, blah. Dip bottles hidden in places I had forgotten. Pulled out 31 old tins yesterday morning to throw away. Empty. Hidden in my closet. Ridiculous habit! Have to beat it and with the help of those who have been there. I can!!!!

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2012, 10:30:00 AM »
Welcome irving69,
Good to see someone who wants to get their life back. You've been a slave a long, long time. A slave to the nic bitch, an addict just like a coke or crack addict.
Your journey is going to suck like hell, at first.
Speaking from experience (i am 27 days quit), the first week is a living hell. Nothing but lots of water, gum, toothpicks, etc... lots of time on this site, lots of time in the chat room, lots of exercise, lots of screaming when noone could hear me! Gotta get out the anger somehow.
When I started on May 25, 2012, I did not really think I could do it.... then this brother calls me on my phone (MikeA) and tells me something about "triggers" that cause people to cave. He said, "hell man, LIFE is a TRIGGER". That was so powerful for me. He didn't know it, but I was weeping like a baby when he supported me like that.
The brotherhood here is very strong and sincere.
The more I read about one day at a time, posting roll early every morning, honoring my word to myself and my fellow quit brothers, stacking up quit days one at a time, I started to really believe that I could do this. I told one brother "it's a miracle"! He said, "no it isn't, it is a triumph, that you worked hard for". So true!
Irving69, If I can do it, then I know that YOU can TOO!
I am Proud to be QUIT with YOU!!!!!!! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline steve8691

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Kjsylva82
Quote from: irving69
I have dipped Kodiak for over 25 years.  Nearly a tin a day.  Told myself I would quite when the kids were born.  Then when they got old enough to know I was dipping.  Then when I was caught enough trying to hide the crap.  Im sick of being in prison to this stuff.  First time on a forum like this and Im 43 years old.  Quitting cold turkey.  No patches, gum or whatever.  Tried that once and stills anted a dip when I quite the freakin patches anyway.  Gonna suck I know!!
Welcome you have come to the right place. Make sure you post roll every day. Make sure to visit the welcome center to get started. Remember to take it one day at a time. I am still learning myself pm me if you need anything. Stay strong!
Way to go KJ you will find that helping others helps take your mind off your stress!

Irving listen to KJ he can help you through the rough times, he knows what it's like he pulled through some really bad shit last night. Check your inbox I'll share my story we are all so similar.
welcome irving, you've found the right place. Read everything you can, ask questions, swap numbers, learn from the vets and cavers. Ill send you my number. check your inbox
Quit date: 3-26-2012
HoF: 7-3-12
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I quit because of ME. I have remained quit because of all of YOU. CoachDoc

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2012, 01:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Kjsylva82
Quote from: irving69
I have dipped Kodiak for over 25 years.  Nearly a tin a day.  Told myself I would quite when the kids were born.  Then when they got old enough to know I was dipping.  Then when I was caught enough trying to hide the crap.  Im sick of being in prison to this stuff.  First time on a forum like this and Im 43 years old.  Quitting cold turkey.  No patches, gum or whatever.  Tried that once and stills anted a dip when I quite the freakin patches anyway.  Gonna suck I know!!
Welcome you have come to the right place. Make sure you post roll every day. Make sure to visit the welcome center to get started. Remember to take it one day at a time. I am still learning myself pm me if you need anything. Stay strong!
Way to go KJ you will find that helping others helps take your mind off your stress!

Irving listen to KJ he can help you through the rough times, he knows what it's like he pulled through some really bad shit last night. Check your inbox I'll share my story we are all so similar.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline irving69

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2012, 01:21:00 AM »
Thanks so much for the support. Yes it will suck busman it is great to have people who know what it is like pulling me along instead of those who have no idea!

Offline Kjsylva82

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Re: Quitting Tonight
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2012, 01:16:00 AM »
Quote from: irving69
I have dipped Kodiak for over 25 years. Nearly a tin a day. Told myself I would quite when the kids were born. Then when they got old enough to know I was dipping. Then when I was caught enough trying to hide the crap. Im sick of being in prison to this stuff. First time on a forum like this and Im 43 years old. Quitting cold turkey. No patches, gum or whatever. Tried that once and stills anted a dip when I quite the freakin patches anyway. Gonna suck I know!!
Welcome you have come to the right place. Make sure you post roll every day. Make sure to visit the welcome center to get started. Remember to take it one day at a time. I am still learning myself pm me if you need anything. Stay strong!

Offline irving69

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Quitting Tonight
« on: June 20, 2012, 01:01:00 AM »
I have dipped Kodiak for over 25 years. Nearly a tin a day. Told myself I would quite when the kids were born. Then when they got old enough to know I was dipping. Then when I was caught enough trying to hide the crap. Im sick of being in prison to this stuff. First time on a forum like this and Im 43 years old. Quitting cold turkey. No patches, gum or whatever. Tried that once and stills anted a dip when I quite the freakin patches anyway. Gonna suck I know!!