Author Topic: Quit on the 15th  (Read 921 times)

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Offline KSO FTZ

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2016, 12:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Cope30
Quit now my friend......or you end up fighting that bitch for who knows how long. for me 22 years. wish I'd been smart like you and quit in my 20s. mano up. post roll. be free.

Ftz brother - f#ck the zero. zero is chewing. zero is is cancer. you need to get far far way from zero. and you start with day 1....

kso 338 days of ftz-ing

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2016, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: quittolive
Quote from: Cog
Quit now I'm in a fucking pissy mood. It definitely isn't fun at least I have this smokey mountain crap as a bookmark to hold in my lip. Been smoking and dipping for 6 years. Quitting at 23 because I don't want to ruin my health later on down the road plus losing teeth isn't attractive.

You got this, don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow, concentrate only on staying quit today and the days will mount up b4 you know it. Your in the right place Sir. Nice job on quitting early, it took some of us over 30yrs to figure out nic is not a habit but an addiction that must be fought one day at a time.

I quit with You Sir!!

Cog, Congrats on the quit. The Nic Bitch will whisper in your ear every day taunting you calling you a pussy, but what she doesn't know is that she has all the brotherhood here to whoop her ass if she shows up.
I quit with you today.
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Cog
Quit now I'm in a fucking pissy mood. It definitely isn't fun at least I have this smokey mountain crap as a bookmark to hold in my lip. Been smoking and dipping for 6 years. Quitting at 23 because I don't want to ruin my health later on down the road plus losing teeth isn't attractive.

You got this, don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow, concentrate only on staying quit today and the days will mount up b4 you know it. Your in the right place Sir. Nice job on quitting early, it took some of us over 30yrs to figure out nic is not a habit but an addiction that must be fought one day at a time.

I quit with You Sir!!


Offline granger829

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2016, 07:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Cog
Quit now I'm in a fucking pissy mood. It definitely isn't fun at least I have this smokey mountain crap as a bookmark to hold in my lip. Been smoking and dipping for 6 years. Quitting at 23 because I don't want to ruin my health later on down the road plus losing teeth isn't attractive.

I'm in the May 2016 quit group that these guys are telling you to join. 24 years old been chewing for 8 years. The last 6 years have been 1-1.5 cans a day minimum. I have to have back surgery this year and nicotine prevents bone healing. Not quitting would be a stupid reason to have an even more screwed up back.

I quit Sunday night so today is my day 5. Days 1-3 were pure hell in every sense of the word. Day 4 was marginally better and today, Day 5 I feel great. I don't so much feel a need for it like my brain was trying to convince me in the first 3 days. The hardest thing I am fighting right now is the cravings. One of my most difficult times this week has been the drive home from work. I have been using smokey mountain as well to minimize the changes.

Water helped me a lot I think - I was drinking over a gallon a day during my first 3 days. Gum and toothpicks also help me make it through the day. We're all pulling for you now Cog.

Here's the link for the quit group that your quit date falls in: topic/11505241/371/

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 12:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Dipbegone
Bring that rage here and keep it away from family friends and coworkers. We know what you are going through and can handle the Nic rage.

Pound water and I mean pound it to the point u piss every 15 minutes. Keep some juice to get blood sugar up too as well as exercise. These things will help but I won't sugar coat will suck until it doesn't.

Head over to the Quit Groups page and find the May 2016 group. These are they folks you will hit HOF with...and you will hit HOF. Post your daily promise to stay quit one day at a time and post it early. Get some digits and interact. Read read read..all will help.

I quit with you today
Do that ^^^. and also hit up the LIVE CHAT area for venting. Bring it on. We can take it

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Re: Quit on the 15th
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 10:03:00 PM »
Bring that rage here and keep it away from family friends and coworkers. We know what you are going through and can handle the Nic rage.

Pound water and I mean pound it to the point u piss every 15 minutes. Keep some juice to get blood sugar up too as well as exercise. These things will help but I won't sugar coat will suck until it doesn't.

Head over to the Quit Groups page and find the May 2016 group. These are they folks you will hit HOF with...and you will hit HOF. Post your daily promise to stay quit one day at a time and post it early. Get some digits and interact. Read read read..all will help.

I quit with you today

Offline Cog

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Quit on the 15th
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:40:00 PM »
Quit now I'm in a fucking pissy mood. It definitely isn't fun at least I have this smokey mountain crap as a bookmark to hold in my lip. Been smoking and dipping for 6 years. Quitting at 23 because I don't want to ruin my health later on down the road plus losing teeth isn't attractive.
