Author Topic: Working on my List  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2011, 09:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: PMac
Actually, I disagree with anyone that says that it is difficult to quit.  It's difficult to get to the point that you are willing to quit.  If you really, and I mean REALLY, want to quit then it's a piece of cake.  Don't get me wrong.  Day 7 for me.  I 'm a babe in the woods.  Insomnia, dip dreams when you finally sleep, anxiety, shakes, hot flashes, and headaches every damn day - all that sucks and it really sucks bad.  But not one of the physical side effects of quitting will kill you.  Dipping and chewing WILL almost certainly kill you.  Laugh at the side effects.  Think about the fact that quitting might possibly save your life.  Tell those closest to you so that when you get anxious and short they can tell you to get your mind right. 

IF you are serious you can do this and it won't even suck that bad.  It'll suck being tired and cranky.  It'll suck waking up and thinking that you just had the best dip of your life but it was a damn dream.  It'll suck wishing that you and the Nic Bitch had your thing still.  But it will be awesome when you don't spend the money, don't waste the time, and don't do every other thing that is associated with being a nicotine addict.    As I said, if you want it then it will not be that bad.  It's about perspective and deciding that you're going to do this shit and that you won't be bullied by the negative symptoms that the bitch is going to throw at you.

PM me and I'll give you my cell phone and my office number and you can call or text at any time.  Merry Christmas.  I hope that you become my quit brother.  I swear that you too can do it if a guy like me that was a 3 can per day guy as recently as DECEMBER 18th can do it.  Please join us.

PMac I salute you. This mental iron you have developed is impressive and I wholeheartedly agree with you. I picture the process of getting to the "moment" of quit for most folks being something similar to this: The Duel (1971) - Trailer. A whole semi rolling down on you, horns blowing, lights on. When you want it, you'll stand tall waiting to grab the grill of the beast, not running away.
You are right PMac. The vets call it closing the door. Once you commit to the quit, the quit becomes easier. :wub:

Offline Souliman

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2011, 08:50:00 AM »
Quote from: PMac
Actually, I disagree with anyone that says that it is difficult to quit. It's difficult to get to the point that you are willing to quit. If you really, and I mean REALLY, want to quit then it's a piece of cake. Don't get me wrong. Day 7 for me. I 'm a babe in the woods. Insomnia, dip dreams when you finally sleep, anxiety, shakes, hot flashes, and headaches every damn day - all that sucks and it really sucks bad. But not one of the physical side effects of quitting will kill you. Dipping and chewing WILL almost certainly kill you. Laugh at the side effects. Think about the fact that quitting might possibly save your life. Tell those closest to you so that when you get anxious and short they can tell you to get your mind right.

IF you are serious you can do this and it won't even suck that bad. It'll suck being tired and cranky. It'll suck waking up and thinking that you just had the best dip of your life but it was a damn dream. It'll suck wishing that you and the Nic Bitch had your thing still. But it will be awesome when you don't spend the money, don't waste the time, and don't do every other thing that is associated with being a nicotine addict. As I said, if you want it then it will not be that bad. It's about perspective and deciding that you're going to do this shit and that you won't be bullied by the negative symptoms that the bitch is going to throw at you.

PM me and I'll give you my cell phone and my office number and you can call or text at any time. Merry Christmas. I hope that you become my quit brother. I swear that you too can do it if a guy like me that was a 3 can per day guy as recently as DECEMBER 18th can do it. Please join us.

PMac I salute you. This mental iron you have developed is impressive and I wholeheartedly agree with you. I picture the process of getting to the "moment" of quit for most folks being something similar to this: The Duel (1971) - Trailer. A whole semi rolling down on you, horns blowing, lights on. When you want it, you'll stand tall waiting to grab the grill of the beast, not running away.

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2011, 12:59:00 AM »
Actually, I disagree with anyone that says that it is difficult to quit. It's difficult to get to the point that you are willing to quit. If you really, and I mean REALLY, want to quit then it's a piece of cake. Don't get me wrong. Day 7 for me. I 'm a babe in the woods. Insomnia, dip dreams when you finally sleep, anxiety, shakes, hot flashes, and headaches every damn day - all that sucks and it really sucks bad. But not one of the physical side effects of quitting will kill you. Dipping and chewing WILL almost certainly kill you. Laugh at the side effects. Think about the fact that quitting might possibly save your life. Tell those closest to you so that when you get anxious and short they can tell you to get your mind right.

IF you are serious you can do this and it won't even suck that bad. It'll suck being tired and cranky. It'll suck waking up and thinking that you just had the best dip of your life but it was a damn dream. It'll suck wishing that you and the Nic Bitch had your thing still. But it will be awesome when you don't spend the money, don't waste the time, and don't do every other thing that is associated with being a nicotine addict. As I said, if you want it then it will not be that bad. It's about perspective and deciding that you're going to do this shit and that you won't be bullied by the negative symptoms that the bitch is going to throw at you.

PM me and I'll give you my cell phone and my office number and you can call or text at any time. Merry Christmas. I hope that you become my quit brother. I swear that you too can do it if a guy like me that was a 3 can per day guy as recently as DECEMBER 18th can do it. Please join us.

My Independence Day - December 19, 2011
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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2011, 09:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Kburge
Found the site today....
I have quit before and kinda know what to do...
Have never used a forum...
Working on my quit list....
Dont have a quit date yet...
I need to get off this shit...
30 + years...
Not just a chewer...I eat this crap
Have noticed lately...empty cans I dont remember buying..laying in pairs or 3's
Finding empty cans everywhere dont remember leaving them there...
Killing yourself thru one of the worst addictions known to mankind!!! But it can be conquered, ONE FUCKING DAY AT A TIME!!!

Offline redtrain14

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2011, 07:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Kburge
me -ATT xxx-xxx-xxxx...lots of food around the house...just sittin...cold and rainy outside...
Its best to keep your number off the public boards, we do get a few d-bags every now and then.

Congrats on your decision! I promise you won't regret this.

Offline Kburge

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2011, 05:33:00 PM »
me -ATT xxx-xxx-xxxx lots of food around the house...just sittin...cold and rainy outside...
Ken Burge

Offline Souliman

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2011, 05:08:00 PM »
RIGHT ON. Nice work on a day 1 bro. That is the first step on the path.

If you have problems posting each day, reach out to some folks in your group for numbers. You can text to them. If you still need a number, let me know. I got a nice new cell phone and its got plenty of room for another quitter's number.

I quit with you.

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2011, 05:06:00 PM »
This site works kburge, period. But you have to drink the koolaide and post everyday! Use the resources provided (your quit bros, the chat, reach out to the vets) and your quit will become easier...or it was for me. If you need anything pm me
Quit date: 11/21/11
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-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2011, 05:02:00 PM »
I am a fellow 30 year addict. I had a hard time to believe it was possible for me to quit. Let me tell you though, it is possible. I have not used nic for 322 days but you don't have to quit for that long. All you have to worry about is today. As matter of fact, if you have to break it down even more. I remember focussing on ten minute increments the first few days. Think I will not chew until 2:10 and then think I will not chew until 2:20. Slowly but surely your mind will let you worry about other things. Hold your posting sacred. It is your word to yourself and your quit group that you will not chew. At the end of every day pat yourself on the back. Be proud of being quit for 24 hours. Then do the same thing the next day.

I am not going to lie to you. Quitting sucks for quite some time but then the accomplishment of what you are doing takes over. Personally I am proud of myself for the first time in a long time. Being quit is my greatest accomplishment since graduating from college.

If I can do it so can you. But not only that. Look at all the people on this site that have been able to be quit for today. Then look tomorrow and see how many people are back again to quit. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN NICOTINE.
Never give up!!!
Quit, Quit, Quit
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2011, 04:30:00 PM »
Great job posting a day 1. I folded you into the list. If you need any help or an emergency number, give me a PM. You can count on me. Glad you are here. You just gave yourself an awesome gift.

Offline Souliman

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2011, 03:35:00 PM »
Now is the time. There is no other moment better for quitting than now. Why risk continued exposure to a cancer causing agent? Why have another moment tick by where you are the pawn of US tobacco? You have never quit before and clearly you do not know what to do. How many attempts have you made? How many times did you go it alone?

I have quit before and kinda know what to do... IF YOU ARE STILL CHEWING YOU DID NOT QUIT AND CLEARLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO
Working on my quit list....Let me give you the first item: 1. Save my life today
Dont have a quit date yet...YOU DO: IT IS NOW
I need to get off this shit...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE HAVE DONE THIS.
Not just a chewer...I eat this crap...YOU ARE FUCKED AND NEED TO STOP NOW
Have noticed lately...empty cans I dont remember buying..laying in pairs or 3's
Finding empty cans everywhere dont remember leaving them there...THROW THEM ALL AWAY. PISS ON ANY REMAINING WORM DIRT SO YOU ARE FREE OF IT

Read the welcome center in the upper left like Taz said. Now is the time.

Offline tazmed

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2011, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Kburge
Quit group?
Quitters are arranged in groups, calculated on when they'll hit 100 days quit. I quit on June 22 last year, so my group was September 2011. If you quit today your group will be April 2012. We post roll in our group first thing EVERY day...the Welcome Center will show you how to do that. We exchange emails, phone numbers, text and call each other for support. The groups become our extended quit families.

My group is right now reaching 200 days quit and we're still supporting each other...that's why they're there. Don't wait, jump can do this.

Offline Kburge

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 01:00:00 PM »
Quit group?
Ken Burge

Offline tazmed

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Re: Working on my List
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 12:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Kburge
Found the site today....
I have quit before and kinda know what to do...
Have never used a forum...
Working on my quit list....
Dont have a quit date yet...
I need to get off this shit...
30 + years...
Not just a chewer...I eat this crap
Have noticed lately...empty cans I dont remember buying..laying in pairs or 3's
Finding empty cans everywhere dont remember leaving them there...
What the hell are you waiting for? Go find every can you've stashed somewhere and dump that shit in the toilet. Waiting for the "perfect time" to quit doesn't work...there will always be something that comes up and screws with that date. Do it now!

We only ask two things of you here:
1) Make your promise to everyone that you won't use nicotine "today" by posting roll with your quit group.
2) Keep your word.

It isn't easy, but it really is that simple. Are you a man of your word? I was a slave to the can for 34 years...and there are a number of 30+ year addicts here...if we can do it, so can you. You just have to make the decision of whether you want to be free from the can, or to continue being owned by it. Make the right choice and dump you shit, post your "Day 1" in the April 2012 group, and you'll have more support than you could have ever imagined.

Read all you can on the site, but especially head to the Welcome Center and learn how and why we do what we do. You can do this... 'archer'

Offline Kburge

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Working on my List
« on: December 24, 2011, 12:45:00 PM »
Found the site today....
I have quit before and kinda know what to do...
Have never used a forum...
Working on my quit list....
Dont have a quit date yet...
I need to get off this shit...
30 + years...
Not just a chewer...I eat this crap
Have noticed lately...empty cans I dont remember buying..laying in pairs or 3's
Finding empty cans everywhere dont remember leaving them there...
Ken Burge