Author Topic: March 13th  (Read 909 times)

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Re: March 13th
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 01:13:00 PM »
No roll post yesterday or today...good luck pulling your teeth out while playing Call of Duty.
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Offline Bill Dance

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Re: March 13th
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 12:20:00 PM »
Just to add a few things....go online and order some smokey mountain snuff. Its a pretty good thing to help your quit along......this is going to suck beyond belief but it is 95% mental and 5% everything else. Whether or not you stay quit will really let you see if you are a man or a pussy...

a real man with man up and take control of his own mind and life...a pussy will coward back to the thing that owns him and controls his life...nicotine.

The greatest battle ever fought is the one between your two ears!

good luck and let me know if I can help
The BEST day to quit was Yesterday, the second best day is TODAY!

Offline RDB

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Re: March 13th
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2017, 09:09:00 PM »
Two things -

Find the June '17 group and post roll. That is the cost of admission to this otherwise free site.

Don't quit for your mom. Don't even quit for your health. Quit because you're sick of being a slave to a little can. Quit because you want to be quit.

Oh, and a third thing. If you're serious about this, cut out the weed and alcohol for a couple months. They impair your judgement, and make you do stupid things.

Offline JakeWillMake

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March 13th
« on: March 13, 2017, 06:33:00 PM »
Well. I have reached my quit day. I am 24 and have been chewing Grizzly pouches for about 6 years. Being completely honest, it has destroyed my gums and I actively avoid looking at my lower front 4 teeth/gums because of it. Even when in my last quit attempts, that has helped... Whenever I would cave, I would stop looking at my gums. Yesterday was my mom's birthday. Considering she has been the one who has tried the hardest to get me to quit, this is for her.

I went last night to see Logan after a long day of dipping and playing Call of Duty. Before the movie, I got a little high with weed. The first commercial that played before the movie started was a quit chewing tobacco one. I watched as the actor (good looking young man like myself) staring at himself in the mirror, then opened his mouth, and pulled out one of his front teeth. The whole first half of the movie I couldn't take my mind off the fact that I can see almost all of my front right tooths root. Even typing about it I can just feel how bad it is. So, this morning I decided today had to be the day. For myself, my mom, and my girlfriend.

My triggers are gaming, watching hockey, and long drives of over an hour. I am also a grad student and also work, so I often think about that end of the day or after class dip. I am looking for something to substitute while I play video games because that is the most difficult thing to do without dip now. I have bought a large 3 pack of normal mint gum.. hopefully that can keep me occupied. But I am fully open to other suggestions for this hurdle. MARCH 13TH! I QUIT

P.S. - I just learned June 2017 is my group! June is my birthday month. So I have that to look forward.