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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »
Sleepless is better than jawless. No sleep and headaches were my toughest withdrawal symptoms. I don't think I slept normally for a few months, as I recall. But hang in there. You got this, brother!!!

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Sleepless is better than jawless. No sleep and headaches were my toughest withdrawal symptoms. I don't think I slept normally for a few months, as I recall. But hang in there. You got this, brother!!!

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 07:08:00 AM »
The sleepless nights are pretty brutal at first. A tough workout early in the day and avoiding big meals before night night time helped me out in the early quit. It does take time to readjust... for some folks more and others less. I do like Cindy's suggestion, "just read till you get sleepy." It does get better.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2014, 01:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Rverbou
Quote from: Cindy
Yes! Lay off the caffeine and continue to drink lots of water. I drank chamomile tea at night when I was having trouble sleeping. Like a 20 oz bottle of it. It will get better. And yes day 4 sucked for me too. You will gradually start having more good days than bad ones, you have to push through the fog to get there. Go to bed. Read here until you get sleepy even. Stay quit and it will get better.
The Damn sleeping thing sucks! You just have to re-train yourself, your body to go to sleep without the nic! It will take a while, I am 127 days in, have been doing great, but tonight I don' know what hit me and bam I am glad I didn't throw out the fake shit! All I can say is, Yes try to cut down on the caffeine! If you read about it, the nicotine helps flow the caffeine out of the body faster, so now whatever you are putting in your body is hanging around a little longer. I never knew this, until I quit, but it is true! Hang Tough Brother You Are Not Alone!
Try rubbing one out before bed. That will relax you.

Seriously, the sleep thing sucks.

I used to take a long shower, then get into bed and lie on my back with my hands on my stomach. I would then breath normally and pay close attention to my hands raising up and down with each inhale and exhale. It really calmed me down for some reason and it kept me breathing properly. Sometimes when you get to stressing about stuff you forget to breath correctly and it jacks your shit up.

I don't know, that's what worked for me but I'm a weirdo.

Hang tough bro, you'll be sleeping like a turtle in no time.

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Offline rverbou

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2014, 12:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Cindy
Yes! Lay off the caffeine and continue to drink lots of water. I drank chamomile tea at night when I was having trouble sleeping. Like a 20 oz bottle of it. It will get better. And yes day 4 sucked for me too. You will gradually start having more good days than bad ones, you have to push through the fog to get there. Go to bed. Read here until you get sleepy even. Stay quit and it will get better.
The Damn sleeping thing sucks! You just have to re-train yourself, your body to go to sleep without the nic! It will take a while, I am 127 days in, have been doing great, but tonight I don' know what hit me and bam I am glad I didn't throw out the fake shit! All I can say is, Yes try to cut down on the caffeine! If you read about it, the nicotine helps flow the caffeine out of the body faster, so now whatever you are putting in your body is hanging around a little longer. I never knew this, until I quit, but it is true! Hang Tough Brother You Are Not Alone!

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2014, 11:55:00 PM »
Yes! Lay off the caffeine and continue to drink lots of water. I drank chamomile tea at night when I was having trouble sleeping. Like a 20 oz bottle of it. It will get better. And yes day 4 sucked for me too. You will gradually start having more good days than bad ones, you have to push through the fog to get there. Go to bed. Read here until you get sleepy even. Stay quit and it will get better.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 11:45:00 PM »
Cut back on your caffiene - nicotine counteracts caffiene . Drink half of what you normally would. Chew has a ton of chemicals in it that take a few weeks to leave your system . Its a pretty potent neurotoxin be patient why your body adjusts.
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Re: Sleepless
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 11:42:00 PM »
I used Zzzquil early on. Helped me out. Keep up the fight. Quitting ain't easy.

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« on: October 20, 2014, 11:08:00 PM »
So I'm on day 5 now, which the past 4 haven't really been that bad. I mostly just chewed the fake dip, and some seeds. Well last night was a struggle, couldn't sleep worth anything. I would've thought the first 3 days would have hit me the hardest, but is it possible that my body could have a delayed reaction?

Doesn't help that I've been feeling nauseous as well.

But honestly, I don't feel like I NEED a dip. Sure, I miss having a fat chew in the side of my lip, but that's easily replaced with gum/seeds/etc.

Any input on the sleepless/nausea would be helpful.