Author Topic: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!  (Read 7687 times)

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Offline SamCat!!!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2010, 06:43:00 PM »
:) Y'all are awesome...Thanks for all of the thanks and comments!!!
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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2010, 04:25:00 PM »
Congrats SamCat!!!

Offline DeezNutzz

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #88 on: December 08, 2010, 01:05:00 PM »
Sam you da man!!!! UHH,,,, URRR I mean da Wo---MAN! Good Job its nice to have some great veterans on here to look up too! Keep that elevator movin!
I am the Foo that Mr. T Pittied

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #87 on: December 08, 2010, 12:42:00 PM »
Nice work Sam !!!

Stay Quit

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2010, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
WhooHoo!!! Today is my 5ooth day Nicotene Free and it Feels GREAT!!! Im more excited than a kid on Christmas morning!!! I am sooOOoo very fortunate to have been brought to KTC by the Infamous MadXDipper, Dan. But NEVER did I think that I would have met sooo many great friends who know exactly how hard this is to do. You guys mean more to me than I could ever express!!! I will NOT ever let y'all down...each and every day we will fight this Addiction together!!!

Again, Thanks to everyone who is willing to Admit they are an Addict and are willing to post their promise daily with me!!! I give you my word today that I will NOT use NIC!!! WhoHoo...1/2 Comma Rocks!!!
That's just plain and simply FUCKING AWESOME!!!!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #85 on: December 08, 2010, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
WhooHoo!!! Today is my 5ooth day Nicotene Free and it Feels GREAT!!! Im more excited than a kid on Christmas morning!!! I am sooOOoo very fortunate to have been brought to KTC by the Infamous MadXDipper, Dan. But NEVER did I think that I would have met sooo many great friends who know exactly how hard this is to do. You guys mean more to me than I could ever express!!! I will NOT ever let y'all down...each and every day we will fight this Addiction together!!!

Again, Thanks to everyone who is willing to Admit they are an Addict and are willing to post their promise daily with me!!! I give you my word today that I will NOT use NIC!!! WhoHoo...1/2 Comma Rocks!!!
Nice work girlie!!! Very proud of you. Seems like just yesterday when you stumbled into chat, mad as a wet hen. 'crackup'
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline SamCat!!!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #84 on: December 08, 2010, 08:43:00 AM »
WhooHoo!!! Today is my 5ooth day Nicotene Free and it Feels GREAT!!! Im more excited than a kid on Christmas morning!!! I am sooOOoo very fortunate to have been brought to KTC by the Infamous MadXDipper, Dan. But NEVER did I think that I would have met sooo many great friends who know exactly how hard this is to do. You guys mean more to me than I could ever express!!! I will NOT ever let y'all down...each and every day we will fight this Addiction together!!!

Again, Thanks to everyone who is willing to Admit they are an Addict and are willing to post their promise daily with me!!! I give you my word today that I will NOT use NIC!!! WhoHoo...1/2 Comma Rocks!!!
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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #83 on: August 02, 2010, 12:14:00 PM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Well today has finally arrived for me :) Day 365!!! WHOOHOO!!! Never in my life did I think 1 year was ever possible!!! I just want to say what an INCREDIBLE site KTC is and how AWESOME all of you Quitters are!!! I am so thankful for each and every Quitter on here!!! If it werent for you I would have nobody to post up with and keep me ACCOUNTABLE!!! Your support has gotten me here today!!!

Gosh guys...I am just honored to Quit with y'all!!! Thank you soooo much!!! :)
You're an inspiration to me. I have a long way to go, but stories like yours ensure that everyone knows it's possible. Thanks and congrats:)
Stay Alive! Stay Quit!!!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2010, 10:31:00 PM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Well today has finally arrived for me :) Day 365!!! WHOOHOO!!! Never in my life did I think 1 year was ever possible!!! I just want to say what an INCREDIBLE site KTC is and how AWESOME all of you Quitters are!!! I am so thankful for each and every Quitter on here!!! If it werent for you I would have nobody to post up with and keep me ACCOUNTABLE!!! Your support has gotten me here today!!!

Gosh guys...I am just honored to Quit with y'all!!! Thank you soooo much!!! :)
You Rock Sam. Congrats on the year.... !!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #81 on: July 26, 2010, 07:59:00 PM »
Well today has finally arrived for me :) Day 365!!! WHOOHOO!!! Never in my life did I think 1 year was ever possible!!! I just want to say what an INCREDIBLE site KTC is and how AWESOME all of you Quitters are!!! I am so thankful for each and every Quitter on here!!! If it werent for you I would have nobody to post up with and keep me ACCOUNTABLE!!! Your support has gotten me here today!!!

Gosh guys...I am just honored to Quit with y'all!!! Thank you soooo much!!! :)
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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #80 on: July 02, 2010, 11:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Cancrusher
Quote from: SamCat!!!

3 hours of pure Hell...Finished tattoo!!!
Congrats SamCat!!! Looks AWESOME! Good cover!
Tattoo looks great! Cool vacation pics as well

Offline SamCat!!!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #79 on: June 30, 2010, 12:11:00 AM »
Ok so another Vacation has come and gone and I am still NIC Free!!! Nearly a year ago I would have laughed if someone said I could drive 4 hours without a smoke!!! And yet here I am!!! :) I just wanted to document a few things...I stayed with people who chained smoked all around me... I know that it caused me anxiety and a bit of grumpiness (Rage) at times still. It caused me to wake up and remember what it tasted like to be a smoker...nasty!!! and it played mind games throughout the day...Id be the only one in the condo and a strong smell of cigarette smoke would almost overtake me as if it was calling out to me. It was a constant reminder that I could sooo easily return to being a slave to the Bitch if I would have chose to have that just one. At one point im embarrassed to say that my friend left a box of Marlboro lights on the bar. I stared at it for a good while just wanting to hold the box. I finally walked over to it and picked it up.
That is the strangest feeling to be reunited with my old friend (which i know was never a true friend anyways) not sure what my intentions were at that point or what they would have been if it werent for the fact that the box was empty. That scares the shit out of me most. I did feel a sigh of relief come over me because i knew that was it...The NIC Bitch came up short!!! I do not feel like I accomplished any major thing that day because im not too sure how things for sure would have played out that day...I am not cocky about thinking im too good to ever slip up...But i also knew that I gave my word!!!
I want to thank everyone here on this hold me accountable and give me the strength to push through these moments. I know that I have sooo many phone numbers that I could never call everyone of y'all and ask for permission to cave. Caving will not fix anything nor will I ever be strong enough for that just one!! Im posting this and to some it may be contrdictory because i just said that i was tempted and that i do not know what i would have done if there would have been a cigarette in that box but yet then i say caving is not an option and i couldnt let you down...
This just is to remind me that even at 338 days I MUST keep my gaurd up and realize that I will be an addict for life and need to prepare myself for these temptations and never get Complacent with my Quit!!! they call it a mental battle for a reason and for a good part of my vacation i questioned having that just one and came to the conclusion...I WANT TO BE QUIT and Next time I go on vacation I will be even that much stronger...I am Quit today and tomorrow I head home back to reality!!! this is a lot of rambling but i just wanted to get some of my feelings down in here. Today was a stressful day to see someone with over 1000 days ready to give up...I want to remember how i feel today so that i remember that I need this site..if i leave this site I too may come so weak that I lose perspective and cave!!! I am telling myself this...Sam, You need kTC and you gave your word and that is the end of the story!! I will NOT use NIC today!!! Next stop 1 year and I am very proud of that!!! WhooHoo!!! Thank you to everyone here!!!
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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2010, 11:37:00 PM »
Quote from: greg40
While I don't know shit about computers, if you need any assistance with that phallic shaped appliance that you hook to your car battery and it buzzes and gyrates wildly while you sit on it...I can help you with that.

'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' I know I can always count on you G40!!!
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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2010, 11:02:00 PM »
While I don't know shit about computers, if you need any assistance with that phallic shaped appliance that you hook to your car battery and it buzzes and gyrates wildly while you sit on it...I can help you with that.


Offline SamCat!!!

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Re: ItÂ’s About TimeÂ…SamCat!!!
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2010, 06:42:00 PM »
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: SamCat!!!
Ok so I get home from my very fun Vacation and my new laptop cord has arrived..thank goodness. I have been using my daughters laptop since like February that has no sounds!!! I blew the speakers...Ok so now I actually can hear things again ...such as notifications when you get like a PM or stuff!!!
Well on my daughters Laptop I get a box that  so left you a personal message....I like the box!!!

Lets re-visit what my lap top is doing...I totally forgot about this until it ripped ass earlier!!! Somehow awhile back my laptop decided it didnt want the dang lil box and now gives me a fart sound alert whenever someone PM's me on KTC only. I did NOT change any settings nor do I even know how to do it!!!!

HELP ME!!!! Does anybody know how to change this!!! I finally can have volume again but now I have to mute it cuz it has GAS!!!  'bang head'
Sounds like you've got a pop-up killer working here... depends on what browser you're using how to disable it.
i know we have spoke before about this chewie...i had just forgotten about it cuz i wasnt using this laptop lately. I never could figure out anything...whats a browser??? and how do i change it??? Ummnnn let me see my laptop is a hp Pavillion tx1320us Entertainment Notebook pc...I think I have Microsoft 2003 and 2007 on here if thats a only happens on KTC....
ok...hehehe!!! I just found out what a browser is...I have Internet what???
Ok i have it fixed...i found a thing that says pop up blocker up on my tool bars and i selected whichever one was the opposite of enable pop up blocker (I think I enabled them) but anyways, now I have my pop up box again and no more sounds!!! Thank Goodness!!! :D
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