Author Topic: Trying to quit tobacco  (Read 1925 times)

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Offline kstampfly

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 02:55:00 PM »
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2012, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: dr_jones_25
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
WOW! Glad to have you aboard, but we need to clarify some things.

1. We don't try to quit, we just quit.

2. Not a serious addiction? Kinda like Cancer isn't a serious illness? Your addiction is just as serious as mine. You have to realize that.

3. Quitting is not easy, whatever form of nicotine it is. If you go into this thinking it will be easy, you will be overwhelmed. Prepare for this battle.

Make sure you are ready to quit. Go and read the welcome center, and absorb as much information as you can. When YOU are ready, post roll day 1. You will be in November, so post there and get to know your quit brothers. We only quit 1 day at a time. We worry about tomorrow.....tomorrow. Post your roll and commit to not use today, go to sleep, and post again when you wake up. That is how it's done.

PM me if you need anything. I would be happy to exchange numbers and keep you on track. Here's to quitting!!! 'Cheers'
Welcome to the freak show!

Read all the information that is available and stay away from booze for awhile!

I will second what dr. jones stated as well as add to it.....QUIT FOR YOU!

It sounds like you want to quit but are almost afraid to take the leap, well it is tough but like anything that is tough it is worth the price!

Get involved in the site and the live chat those are some of your primary weapons to battle the addiction along with balls, resolve,  determination!

"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline dr_jones_25

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2012, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
WOW! Glad to have you aboard, but we need to clarify some things.

1. We don't try to quit, we just quit.

2. Not a serious addiction? Kinda like Cancer isn't a serious illness? Your addiction is just as serious as mine. You have to realize that.

3. Quitting is not easy, whatever form of nicotine it is. If you go into this thinking it will be easy, you will be overwhelmed. Prepare for this battle.

Make sure you are ready to quit. Go and read the welcome center, and absorb as much information as you can. When YOU are ready, post roll day 1. You will be in November, so post there and get to know your quit brothers. We only quit 1 day at a time. We worry about tomorrow.....tomorrow. Post your roll and commit to not use today, go to sleep, and post again when you wake up. That is how it's done.

PM me if you need anything. I would be happy to exchange numbers and keep you on track. Here's to quitting!!! 'Cheers'

Offline bryjoered

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Trying to quit tobacco
« on: August 08, 2012, 02:36:00 PM »
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.