Author Topic: Trying to quit tobacco  (Read 1924 times)

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Offline eric71

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2012, 07:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Bigdave
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bigdave
I see you haven't posted roll yet, which lets me know either you don't want to quit or you sleep late...hope it's the latter..but I'm betting on you not wanting the quit.
Bigdave don't you get it he really doesn't have a problem like the rest of us those pouches have pussy in them! It's not addictive! Quitting is only for hard core addicts! Be patient in 15 or 20 years he'll be a real addict and can join us! Dumb shit
If only pussy was really in pouches and sold in stores....

Yeah I guess he's not serious about this quit are's only for addicts...he knows he can quit when he'll be easy.just chooses not to
A can of chew = $5.00
Surgery and reconstruction of your face due to extended use of tobacco = $350,000.00

A life without nicotine and the lies it tells = PRICELESS

Doesn't seem so hard to choose now does it?


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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2012, 11:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Bigdave
I see you haven't posted roll yet, which lets me know either you don't want to quit or you sleep late...hope it's the latter..but I'm betting on you not wanting the quit.
Bigdave don't you get it he really doesn't have a problem like the rest of us those pouches have pussy in them! It's not addictive! Quitting is only for hard core addicts! Be patient in 15 or 20 years he'll be a real addict and can join us! Dumb shit
If only pussy was really in pouches and sold in stores....

Yeah I guess he's not serious about this quit are's only for addicts...he knows he can quit when he'll be easy.just chooses not to
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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2012, 01:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigdave
I see you haven't posted roll yet, which lets me know either you don't want to quit or you sleep late...hope it's the latter..but I'm betting on you not wanting the quit.
Bigdave don't you get it he really doesn't have a problem like the rest of us those pouches have pussy in them! It's not addictive! Quitting is only for hard core addicts! Be patient in 15 or 20 years he'll be a real addict and can join us! Dumb shit
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2012, 10:08:00 AM »
I see you haven't posted roll yet, which lets me know either you don't want to quit or you sleep late...hope it's the latter..but I'm betting on you not wanting the quit.
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2012, 11:31:00 PM »
Quote from: mikegooch
I tell you what...throw all your shit toilet...whip it out and piss all over it..go to bed, and wake up determined. Post roll in the November 12 pre-hof quit group, and I'll quit with you...but you need to be prepared because I'm gonna get up the next day and quit like a motherfucker again...because that's how I roll. Ya see...I'm an addict..and I'm addicted to posting roll everyday like a fucking champ son.

Go look at our quit group..fucking pathetic all the names that have yet to post roll. DON'T BE LIKE THOSE FUCKSTICKS! You be loyal to yourself and to the group and quit everyday and I'll quit with you.

Damn Skippy Big Dave!!! Now thats a coach!! way to F-ing go!! Sweet
Men bringing the quit. Me likey!

Offline mikegooch

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2012, 11:24:00 PM »
I tell you what...throw all your shit toilet...whip it out and piss all over it..go to bed, and wake up determined. Post roll in the November 12 pre-hof quit group, and I'll quit with you...but you need to be prepared because I'm gonna get up the next day and quit like a motherfucker again...because that's how I roll. Ya see...I'm an addict..and I'm addicted to posting roll everyday like a fucking champ son.

Go look at our quit group..fucking pathetic all the names that have yet to post roll. DON'T BE LIKE THOSE FUCKSTICKS! You be loyal to yourself and to the group and quit everyday and I'll quit with you.

Damn Skippy Big Dave!!! Now thats a coach!! way to F-ing go!! Sweet

Offline Bigdave

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2012, 11:22:00 PM »
I tell you what...throw all your shit toilet...whip it out and piss all over it..go to bed, and wake up determined. Post roll in the November 12 pre-hof quit group, and I'll quit with you...but you need to be prepared because I'm gonna get up the next day and quit like a motherfucker again...because that's how I roll. Ya see...I'm an addict..and I'm addicted to posting roll everyday like a fucking champ son.

Go look at our quit group..fucking pathetic all the names that have yet to post roll. DON'T BE LIKE THOSE FUCKSTICKS! You be loyal to yourself and to the group and quit everyday and I'll quit with you.

Real things happen to real people, even in Disney World

Offline Souliman

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2012, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: mikegooch
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
Hi, I'm kind of an new asshole, only been one for about 40 years. Here's the fucking deal pal:

You are an addict. Like it or not, no 2 ways about it. It is your addict mind that is telling you this BS you speak.

Pouch, fine cut, long cut, what-the-fuck-ever kind, it's nicotine and tobacco and it causes cancer.

Cigarette usage too, huh, and you're not as bad as others here. Well, good for you, want that on your tombstone as well?

"Hi, I'm fuckstick and I'm dead but I'm not as dead as the guy in the tomb beside me so I don't need those flowers on my grave"

You first need to come to grips with the fact that you are no different than any other addict and that your mind will justify, quantify, and compare just for the sake of addiction. You are minimizing your addiction to the leading killing agent on the market, how fucking stupid is that?

Re-read your introduction from the mindset of someone who makes the daily choice to say no and tell us all how stupid you sound.

If you want to quit, we'll be here to help. If you're not as bad as the rest of us, go away and come back when you've managed to grow a pair.
Bry.. I call what is happening to you gettin KTC'Oed! They all seem hard core because they are.. F-ing Hardcore Quitters! If you are going to quit, you are going to have to become one too... We'll see if your ready.. read back in my thread about a few gum grafts I've had... if you're using.. you're only a few steps behind me Bro.. Gooch
A little piss and vinegar goes a long way to fight this "habit".

Somewhere someone wrote it takes a little humility to see what you are.
Whether nicotine dependency was established and/or maintained by being chewed, smoked, drank, snuffed, sprayed, swallowed, sucked, licked or patched, in the end there is only one way out - no nicotine today.

Even if nic comes in a pouch. What do i know? My problem is probably more severe compared to you anyway. ;)
I think I may be an addict. I am hoping I'm in the right place.

May be we could quit together? That is if you're up for it?

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2012, 08:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: mikegooch
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
Hi, I'm kind of an new asshole, only been one for about 40 years. Here's the fucking deal pal:

You are an addict. Like it or not, no 2 ways about it. It is your addict mind that is telling you this BS you speak.

Pouch, fine cut, long cut, what-the-fuck-ever kind, it's nicotine and tobacco and it causes cancer.

Cigarette usage too, huh, and you're not as bad as others here. Well, good for you, want that on your tombstone as well?

"Hi, I'm fuckstick and I'm dead but I'm not as dead as the guy in the tomb beside me so I don't need those flowers on my grave"

You first need to come to grips with the fact that you are no different than any other addict and that your mind will justify, quantify, and compare just for the sake of addiction. You are minimizing your addiction to the leading killing agent on the market, how fucking stupid is that?

Re-read your introduction from the mindset of someone who makes the daily choice to say no and tell us all how stupid you sound.

If you want to quit, we'll be here to help. If you're not as bad as the rest of us, go away and come back when you've managed to grow a pair.
Bry.. I call what is happening to you gettin KTC'Oed! They all seem hard core because they are.. F-ing Hardcore Quitters! If you are going to quit, you are going to have to become one too... We'll see if your ready.. read back in my thread about a few gum grafts I've had... if you're using.. you're only a few steps behind me Bro.. Gooch
A little piss and vinegar goes a long way to fight this "habit".

Somewhere someone wrote it takes a little humility to see what you are.
Whether nicotine dependency was established and/or maintained by being chewed, smoked, drank, snuffed, sprayed, swallowed, sucked, licked or patched, in the end there is only one way out - no nicotine today.

Even if nic comes in a pouch. What do i know? My problem is probably more severe compared to you anyway. ;)

Offline Souliman

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2012, 08:38:00 PM »
Quote from: mikegooch
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
Hi, I'm kind of an new asshole, only been one for about 40 years. Here's the fucking deal pal:

You are an addict. Like it or not, no 2 ways about it. It is your addict mind that is telling you this BS you speak.

Pouch, fine cut, long cut, what-the-fuck-ever kind, it's nicotine and tobacco and it causes cancer.

Cigarette usage too, huh, and you're not as bad as others here. Well, good for you, want that on your tombstone as well?

"Hi, I'm fuckstick and I'm dead but I'm not as dead as the guy in the tomb beside me so I don't need those flowers on my grave"

You first need to come to grips with the fact that you are no different than any other addict and that your mind will justify, quantify, and compare just for the sake of addiction. You are minimizing your addiction to the leading killing agent on the market, how fucking stupid is that?

Re-read your introduction from the mindset of someone who makes the daily choice to say no and tell us all how stupid you sound.

If you want to quit, we'll be here to help. If you're not as bad as the rest of us, go away and come back when you've managed to grow a pair.
Bry.. I call what is happening to you gettin KTC'Oed! They all seem hard core because they are.. F-ing Hardcore Quitters! If you are going to quit, you are going to have to become one too... We'll see if your ready.. read back in my thread about a few gum grafts I've had... if you're using.. you're only a few steps behind me Bro.. Gooch
A little piss and vinegar goes a long way to fight this "habit".

Somewhere someone wrote it takes a little humility to see what you are.

Offline mikegooch

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 06:55:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
Hi, I'm kind of an new asshole, only been one for about 40 years. Here's the fucking deal pal:

You are an addict. Like it or not, no 2 ways about it. It is your addict mind that is telling you this BS you speak.

Pouch, fine cut, long cut, what-the-fuck-ever kind, it's nicotine and tobacco and it causes cancer.

Cigarette usage too, huh, and you're not as bad as others here. Well, good for you, want that on your tombstone as well?

"Hi, I'm fuckstick and I'm dead but I'm not as dead as the guy in the tomb beside me so I don't need those flowers on my grave"

You first need to come to grips with the fact that you are no different than any other addict and that your mind will justify, quantify, and compare just for the sake of addiction. You are minimizing your addiction to the leading killing agent on the market, how fucking stupid is that?

Re-read your introduction from the mindset of someone who makes the daily choice to say no and tell us all how stupid you sound.

If you want to quit, we'll be here to help. If you're not as bad as the rest of us, go away and come back when you've managed to grow a pair.
Bry.. I call what is happening to you gettin KTC'Oed! They all seem hard core because they are.. F-ing Hardcore Quitters! If you are going to quit, you are going to have to become one too... We'll see if your ready.. read back in my thread about a few gum grafts I've had... if you're using.. you're only a few steps behind me Bro.. Gooch

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 06:52:00 PM »
This intro does not inspire confidence in me about your future quit. Everything these guys below me said is the truth. I'm not gonna repeat it all but I will focus on one thing in particular.

There is no trying here. It's that simple. Either quit or do not quit. If you do not want to quit, that's your choice - beat it. If you DO want to quit then all the support in the world is here for you. There is no college try here. There is no rah-rah for a nice effort. Any use of tobacco products of any sort will constitute failure. Failure isn't looked upon kindly here. Know that going in, you will be expected to post roll everyday and not use tobacco everyday. Not some of the time or when you feel like it. Everyday.

Tobacco sucks. It's fucking poison. It's a industry feeding off death and illness. Want to be a part of that or a part of this site? It's your choice.

Having said that, welcome aboard. I will support your quit and I'll quit with you everyday.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2012, 06:14:00 PM »

Re-read your is awful, right? I would be telling you what a fucking idiot you were except that I used to cling to stupid bullshit like yours, too...except that I considered myself a "light dipper" because 1) I took small dips and/or spit them out quickly, and 2) I knew some dudes that dipped more than I did. (I still cringe when I recall my own stupidity).

What you and I (and everyone on here) have in common is that we're addicts...professional liars. We fooled ourselves into thinking we're were in control when in reality we were miserable slaves. But because we are all addicts too, we have 20/20 vision when stupid bullshit like yours comes along.

Re-read your post again. When you quit laughing at your own stupid shit, dump your can out, find your quit group and post Day 1. If you can't see how stupid you sound when you re-read your post, you won't be able to quit. You might as well keep "tying" and get out of the way for the folks who are doing it.

Please join us. We are waiting to welcome you...

Offline eric71

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2012, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Alright first off, did you actually read what you wrote? "It's not a serious addiction" and you only use a "pouch". Plain and simple it IS a serious addiction no matter how frequent or infrequent you use the stuff, or what kind of tobacco you use, cigarettes, dip, pouches, etc. This site is for people who quit and not for those who are TRYING to quit. You will hear this over and over. If you are 110% committed to never using tobacco ever again then we can help. If not I suggest you leave now before the shit hits the fan. We may come across as assholes but sometimes thats what it takes. You should be recieving some info from a veteran who will get you on the right path to victory.
Hi, I'm kind of an new asshole, only been one for about 40 years. Here's the fucking deal pal:

You are an addict. Like it or not, no 2 ways about it. It is your addict mind that is telling you this BS you speak.

Pouch, fine cut, long cut, what-the-fuck-ever kind, it's nicotine and tobacco and it causes cancer.

Cigarette usage too, huh, and you're not as bad as others here. Well, good for you, want that on your tombstone as well?

"Hi, I'm fuckstick and I'm dead but I'm not as dead as the guy in the tomb beside me so I don't need those flowers on my grave"

You first need to come to grips with the fact that you are no different than any other addict and that your mind will justify, quantify, and compare just for the sake of addiction. You are minimizing your addiction to the leading killing agent on the market, how fucking stupid is that?

Re-read your introduction from the mindset of someone who makes the daily choice to say no and tell us all how stupid you sound.

If you want to quit, we'll be here to help. If you're not as bad as the rest of us, go away and come back when you've managed to grow a pair.

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Re: Trying to quit tobacco
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 03:07:00 PM »
Quote from: bryjoered
Hello, I'm kind of a new dipper, just starting to about 4 years ago and I am a "pouch" user to boot, so It's not a serious addiction, but I am surely addicted going through about a Tin per week on average. I have been smoking cigarattes in addition for about 7 years, but never have been a pack a dayer. I smoke them alot while drinking and have an avg of like one a day otherwise.

I can quit cigarettes easy during the week, but have a lot of trouble quitting them while drinking and with dip I don't ever dip when I drink, but dip when I'm sitting around playing video games or watching tV/surfing the web. I know my problem may not be severe compared to some of you, but I still feel I'm addicted and would appreciate any pointers.
Do you or do you not want to quit?
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021