I have been dipping for over 25 years. Different brands at different times. The last couple of years I was up to about 1 1/2 to 2 cans a day, usually Grizzly Long cut.
I really didn't plan on quitting on Monday. I always wanted to quit and knew it was a waste of money and could kill me and was gross. I have a professional job and had to Hide my habit. So without any really planning or thought I quit at 9:00 AM July 14th. I know I am done, I will not give up. I have quit many times before but was never real about it. I did it for my wife, because I had a sore in my mouth, ect. Problem is the sore went away or my wife wasn't around. This time I am doing it for me. I think it is great to have support and to be accountable to other people but really, for me it is a choice and a commitment to just me. I can lie to you or my wife, I can't lie to myself.
Ok, so that is where KTC comes in, I guess I can lie to myself. Or the Nic bitch lies, she changes the parameters of what is ok and what is not. She twist logic. She will say or do anything to get her way. She has one goal and one goal only, I will not give in to her.