Author Topic: New Name, New Resolve  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline RAZD611

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Re: New Name, New Resolve
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2009, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: gliderider
Quote from: razd611
Glide I hope you have a new resolve to go with you new name you must make up your mind that you refuse to be a statistic anymore. Once I realized the only way to quit and stay quit is if I accept the responsibility of controlling my own actions. A little can no longer controls my actions, thoughts, emotions, MY DESTINY. I DO! There is no going back from here or I am that statistic I refuse to be. Will you do this?
Raz, I have absolutely accepted the responsibility of controlling my own actions. The can is no longer in the driver's seat (or console or anywhere else). I've had enough and will not go back.
Then welcome aboard. You need to be posting roll every day in Jan. I will be looking for you there. If you need help, PM me and I will do everything I can to be there. It is time for you to control your own destiny. STOP letting that can of crap do it for you. Post up and lets move forward.
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Re: New Name, New Resolve
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2009, 11:29:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Glide I hope you have a new resolve to go with you new name you must make up your mind that you refuse to be a statistic anymore. Once I realized the only way to quit and stay quit is if I accept the responsibility of controlling my own actions. A little can no longer controls my actions, thoughts, emotions, MY DESTINY. I DO! There is no going back from here or I am that statistic I refuse to be. Will you do this?
Raz, I have absolutely accepted the responsibility of controlling my own actions. The can is no longer in the driver's seat (or console or anywhere else). I've had enough and will not go back.

Offline gliderider

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Re: New Name, New Resolve
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2009, 11:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
I've posted three times in your group looking for an explanation about why you caved (twice) and why you didn't go back to Lite. So now I'll try it here. Whats the deal?
Skoal Monster, sorry I havn't noticed the posts. I suppose I could give you a lot of reasons why I caved twice before, but the fact is I don't think I was truly ready to quit. My brain knew what I needed to do, but the demon nic had her leash securely wrapped around my neck. I was weak and I was her bitch. You ask: "so what's different about this time?" "How do we know you're not the same pussy you've always been?" Well, you don't know and its up to me to prove it, not only to you but more importantly, to myself. Dude, I'm 51 yrs old and I've been dodging that cancer bullet a long time now. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder any more. When I die It's either going to be from old age or doing something I love or for something/someone I love and I definitely do not love to dip. So now I take it one crave, one day at a time.

As to why I didn't go back to Lite, I'm not sure what that is. Is it a quit group? I was a member at Quit Smokeless, but I addressed that issue in my intro.

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Re: New Name, New Resolve
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2009, 12:57:00 PM »
Glide I hope you have a new resolve to go with you new name you must make up your mind that you refuse to be a statistic anymore. Once I realized the only way to quit and stay quit is if I accept the responsibility of controlling my own actions. A little can no longer controls my actions, thoughts, emotions, MY DESTINY. I DO! There is no going back from here or I am that statistic I refuse to be. Will you do this?
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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New Name, New Resolve
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 01:41:00 AM »
I've posted three times in your group looking for an explanation about why you caved (twice) and why you didn't go back to Lite. So now I'll try it here. Whats the deal?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline gliderider

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New Name, New Resolve
« on: October 17, 2009, 12:05:00 PM »
Howdy. Today is day 7 of my final quit. Yeah, I've got about 4 failed quits under my belt. I'm sure many can relate. There's a difference this time though and I know that has been said before, but there is a resolute end to that nastiness that was (and I sincerely mean "was") a part of me. I'm tired of having that unnatural, caustic, messy, smelly, putrid shit in my mouth eating away at my gum and lip. My gums are receding and my teeth are becoming sensitive to brushing. A guy I work with has been quit for two years now. What really pushed him over the edge was an odd spot on his dental x-ray that turned out to be cancer. He ended up having a small amt of bone removed from his jaw. That hit a little closer to home. This wasn't a story of some one I'd never heard of. This was real life standing right in front of me. Funny thing though, even with that diagnosis he said quitting was and still is the hardest thing he's ever done. One other thing that is making my decision resolute are the images burned on my brain from the cancer pics on this site. Holy Shit!!! I'm an RN in the surgery unit. I imagined myself in that poor souls surgery as I stood there with a dip in my lip. The reality is that I just can't handle that shit any more, but I can and I will handle the quit. One crave, one day at a time.
On 2 prior quits I was posting on the site that the KTC founders came from. My name there was Hankster. I wasn't crazy about going back to there, so after lurking on this site a little bit I decided I would call it home. I've read some great stuff here. I know that you guys and gals will continue to inspire a whole lot of people and give us a kick in the ass when needed. I hope that I can do the same. Thanks for having me.