Author Topic: New to the site  (Read 1850 times)

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 01:30:00 PM »
The 2 previous bad assed quitters have laid it all out for you so I will give you my $.02 on the oral fixation stuff: anything at all that is nicotine free is great. I personally used bac-off fake dip hard core for the first week and then 1-2 a day for the first month of quit. Had an acceptable feel and good spit, and with one of those in it was easier to find a distraction and ride out the craves. You might have to order fake dip online (there is a good review of the various brands on the welcome center I believe) but the shredded beef jerky chew works and you can find that at most c stores. After the first month of quit the whole act of dipping seemed dumb to me, we are addicted to the nicotine not the act of dipping, but I do keep some fake stuff around if I know I will be in a spot were I might need it i.e. tailgating and going to Bills games. Sunflower seeds helped me the most from second week on and I could get them cheap at the dollar store. I used gum and candy some, atomic fireballs have a nice burn, but mostly sunflower seeds for me. I recommend chawing on fresh herbs if you can get 'em. Big handful of fresh mint was the best spit I ever had. My need for an oral fix dropped off shortly after 100 days. This will be hard, but it gets so much better.

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
Quote from: bhadd
I am new to the site and checking out how things operate. I am a 25 year dipper that started when I was 13. I've tried multiple times to quit and have always given in to the cravings and "happiness" of the habit. Many of the times I've tried to quit has been at the urging of my wife the does not understand the addiction or how the constant nagging doesn't help with the quitting process. I've even been so low as to lie to her and tell her I was quit when I was not to keep her off my back. (we work different hours, so wasn't that difficult to sneak a chew). Now with a child that just turned 3 who likes to do everything dad does, I need to stop once and for all to set an example. To add to this, I am tired of having a sore mouth and no money in the bank because of my addiction. The support on this site is encouraging and shows that with the accountability everyone holds you to that it can be done. I would love to hear from you guys and please give me ideas how to deal with the oral fixation once you quit since I am not a big gum or candy person.
Welcome to KTC. My quit journey began 191 days ago and my story was very similar to yours, except I was never a Ninja Dipper, I was tat dickhead dipper that dipped when I wanted and where I wanted.

There are several ways that you can quit but the KTC way is cold turkey and I say that if I can do that so can you. Now let's get you started...

Visit The Welcome Center

Learn how to Post Roll How To Post Roll, what the hell is Roll Call?

Is there anything I should share with my spouse in this early stage of my quit? What can I do to prepare them Spousal Support

If you are still wondering why or how, then visit the main website for KTC and read the stories, brace yourself as the stories will make a tear come to your eyes. The pictures are anything but sexy but sometimes the truth is an ugly SOB. KTC Website

Now Post Roll and let's do this. Check your PM inbox (upper right hand corner) for a message from me.

Drinks lots of water, find an alternative and quit daily, never focus on tomorrow or the next day, just battle today's battle and win the war one day at a time.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline SirDerek

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Re: New to the site
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: bhadd
I am new to the site and checking out how things operate. I am a 25 year dipper that started when I was 13. I've tried multiple times to quit and have always given in to the cravings and "happiness" of the habit. Many of the times I've tried to quit has been at the urging of my wife the does not understand the addiction or how the constant nagging doesn't help with the quitting process. I've even been so low as to lie to her and tell her I was quit when I was not to keep her off my back. (we work different hours, so wasn't that difficult to sneak a chew). Now with a child that just turned 3 who likes to do everything dad does, I need to stop once and for all to set an example. To add to this, I am tired of having a sore mouth and no money in the bank because of my addiction. The support on this site is encouraging and shows that with the accountability everyone holds you to that it can be done. I would love to hear from you guys and please give me ideas how to deal with the oral fixation once you quit since I am not a big gum or candy person.
welcome as you have come to the best way to quit.

First - cold turkey, that is the way we do it, so no nicotine at all (no smokes, no patches, no lozenges, no nothing)

Second - the personal quit, you have to be a selfish SOB and want this for you above all else. doing it for any other reason will have you resenting that other reason (insert wife as an example), as you did this to yourself to start it, so do it to yourself and no other to end it

Third - read up, look through the what to expect as you will most likely hit the symptoms as they have been written not by doctors but by quitters just like you and me

Fourth - This is serious, a life and death addiction, so remember to treat it in such way. Always be on guard and use all of the tools here to help you. That includes showing the wife the spousal support section and getting her in your corner.

Fifth - start liking the sugarfree gum and hard candies as they will save you some days. use them, toothpicks, blades of grass, go ahead and use the fake mint stuff as it is the addiction to get rid of. Once you have that under control, this other stuff will just fade away for the oral fixation (for me was about 80-120 days where the need for constant stuff in my mouth ended)

And Sixth - just worry about today, let tomorrow come when it does. When we keep our focus on the now, we can beat this.

I quit with you today. yell if you need anything

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New to the site
« on: January 21, 2014, 10:37:00 AM »
I am new to the site and checking out how things operate. I am a 25 year dipper that started when I was 13. I've tried multiple times to quit and have always given in to the cravings and "happiness" of the habit. Many of the times I've tried to quit has been at the urging of my wife the does not understand the addiction or how the constant nagging doesn't help with the quitting process. I've even been so low as to lie to her and tell her I was quit when I was not to keep her off my back. (we work different hours, so wasn't that difficult to sneak a chew). Now with a child that just turned 3 who likes to do everything dad does, I need to stop once and for all to set an example. To add to this, I am tired of having a sore mouth and no money in the bank because of my addiction. The support on this site is encouraging and shows that with the accountability everyone holds you to that it can be done. I would love to hear from you guys and please give me ideas how to deal with the oral fixation once you quit since I am not a big gum or candy person.