Author Topic: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict  (Read 1421 times)

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2015, 09:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.
Rdad is a great mentor and quitter man. Quitting as a team is a lot more effective than quitting alone.

Your story and mine are very similar. Kodiak is evil too.

This place will be a great tool in your toolbox.
38 year dipper here. 156 day's dip free now. You think you the only one that's had the shit scared out of them or kids you want to be here for or whatever. ....not being an ass here it's just we hear that story over and over and some guy's make it on there on but very few. Why take the chance ? Quitting daily with brothers and sisters it takes maybe 2 damn minutes to post and a helluva alot less time to pack a fatty! Come on dude you can afford 2 minutes a day out of your life! Post roll and share your story here whenever you want and always have help on those rough day's! I quit with you today!
Fair enough pab1964. I definitely don't think I'm alone with regards to a cancer scare or children, just trying to explain my wake up call. I know how hard it was to quit without such a scare and hope I can help some others that haven't been down that road yet. I see people buying cigarettes and dip every day and resist from telling them what I just went through. I "got away" with it for 30+ years thinking that it can't happen to me - a first class denial idiot.

I'd like to join a post group and contribute, but I'm struggling to survive at the moment. Ever since I quit, I've had crippling insomnia, which I've never had in the past. I'm not sure if nicotine was the cause or just a contributing factor. 4 months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Every night I'm waking up at 2,3, or 4 AM, tossing and turning for hours, and gauging whether or not an extra 20 minutes in bed might get me some rest, so logging on to a website every morning is beyond my capacity. I'm a walking zombie and it's taking everything I have to keep it together with the job, wife and kids. I had 3 doctor appts last week trying to figure out my chronic pain and sleep issues. I did this to myself and I'm facing the consequences. As soon as I get that squared away, I'm hoping I can be active here.

I'd challenge you to rethink that argument...."as soon as I can get that squared away, I'm hoping I can be active here."

You've already proven that you can beat the nicotine demons at 125 day's plus quit (on your own, which is truly remarkable -- I couldn't have done it). BUT then you deny the offer of building a web of accountability by putting off posting roll because you don't have a few minutes a day (that's all it takes to post roll). There are a number of stories out there on this site, where quitters with quite a number of days, have come back to post a "day 1". All because they thought somehow they were immune to the deception which is nicotine and generally because they didn't have any support. Decades before the commercial internet, and, hence, KTC, existed, I stopped for nearly 14 months....then in a moment of weakness, on a lake in North Central Alabama, figured I could have "just one".....that mistake cost me an additional two decades of being a slave to that shit.

I understand we're all busy and have competing demands on our time. I also feel for you with the health issues. But I don't believe you can't somehow, in a 24 hour stretch of time, find a couple minutes. I urge you, therefore, to reconsider. Get to know a group, and find a couple within that group to get to know closer. Just added insurance for your quit, my friend.

Offline pab1964

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2015, 11:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.
Rdad is a great mentor and quitter man. Quitting as a team is a lot more effective than quitting alone.

Your story and mine are very similar. Kodiak is evil too.

This place will be a great tool in your toolbox.
38 year dipper here. 156 day's dip free now. You think you the only one that's had the shit scared out of them or kids you want to be here for or whatever. ....not being an ass here it's just we hear that story over and over and some guy's make it on there on but very few. Why take the chance ? Quitting daily with brothers and sisters it takes maybe 2 damn minutes to post and a helluva alot less time to pack a fatty! Come on dude you can afford 2 minutes a day out of your life! Post roll and share your story here whenever you want and always have help on those rough day's! I quit with you today!
Fair enough pab1964. I definitely don't think I'm alone with regards to a cancer scare or children, just trying to explain my wake up call. I know how hard it was to quit without such a scare and hope I can help some others that haven't been down that road yet. I see people buying cigarettes and dip every day and resist from telling them what I just went through. I "got away" with it for 30+ years thinking that it can't happen to me - a first class denial idiot.

I'd like to join a post group and contribute, but I'm struggling to survive at the moment. Ever since I quit, I've had crippling insomnia, which I've never had in the past. I'm not sure if nicotine was the cause or just a contributing factor. 4 months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Every night I'm waking up at 2,3, or 4 AM, tossing and turning for hours, and gauging whether or not an extra 20 minutes in bed might get me some rest, so logging on to a website every morning is beyond my capacity. I'm a walking zombie and it's taking everything I have to keep it together with the job, wife and kids. I had 3 doctor appts last week trying to figure out my chronic pain and sleep issues. I did this to myself and I'm facing the consequences. As soon as I get that squared away, I'm hoping I can be active here.
Understand my friend, I will be waiting, get your shit straightened out and come in !
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline kramer

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2015, 08:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Hawseman
Quote from: redtrain14
Welcome to the site brother, glad you found us!

Head on over to the May 15 quit group and introduce yourself. These guys are in the same point in their quit as you are.


You caught the attention of some badass quitters here....head their advice.
Yes, come over and join us in May, SiE. We got some great quits there. Link is in RT's post above.
Absolutely. Get in with the Fn' Misfits.

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2015, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Welcome to the site brother, glad you found us!

Head on over to the May 15 quit group and introduce yourself. These guys are in the same point in their quit as you are.


You caught the attention of some badass quitters here....head their advice.
Yes, come over and join us in May, SiE. We got some great quits there. Link is in RT's post above.
My dad always said, "Nobody likes a quitter"...imagine if I quit quitting? everybody would really farkin' hate me then.

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2015, 06:30:00 AM »
Welcome to the site brother, glad you found us!

Head on over to the May 15 quit group and introduce yourself. These guys are in the same point in their quit as you are.


You caught the attention of some badass quitters here....head their advice.

Offline Skoal_is_Evil

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2015, 03:19:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.
Rdad is a great mentor and quitter man. Quitting as a team is a lot more effective than quitting alone.

Your story and mine are very similar. Kodiak is evil too.

This place will be a great tool in your toolbox.
38 year dipper here. 156 day's dip free now. You think you the only one that's had the shit scared out of them or kids you want to be here for or whatever. ....not being an ass here it's just we hear that story over and over and some guy's make it on there on but very few. Why take the chance ? Quitting daily with brothers and sisters it takes maybe 2 damn minutes to post and a helluva alot less time to pack a fatty! Come on dude you can afford 2 minutes a day out of your life! Post roll and share your story here whenever you want and always have help on those rough day's! I quit with you today!
Fair enough pab1964. I definitely don't think I'm alone with regards to a cancer scare or children, just trying to explain my wake up call. I know how hard it was to quit without such a scare and hope I can help some others that haven't been down that road yet. I see people buying cigarettes and dip every day and resist from telling them what I just went through. I "got away" with it for 30+ years thinking that it can't happen to me - a first class denial idiot.

I'd like to join a post group and contribute, but I'm struggling to survive at the moment. Ever since I quit, I've had crippling insomnia, which I've never had in the past. I'm not sure if nicotine was the cause or just a contributing factor. 4 months of getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Every night I'm waking up at 2,3, or 4 AM, tossing and turning for hours, and gauging whether or not an extra 20 minutes in bed might get me some rest, so logging on to a website every morning is beyond my capacity. I'm a walking zombie and it's taking everything I have to keep it together with the job, wife and kids. I had 3 doctor appts last week trying to figure out my chronic pain and sleep issues. I did this to myself and I'm facing the consequences. As soon as I get that squared away, I'm hoping I can be active here.

Offline Skoal_is_Evil

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2015, 03:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
I too was a master ninja. Whatever you did, I did it better and whatever I did there's guys on her who outdid me.

Somewhere on here I told the story of pouring out a full jug of windshield washer fluid at 70 mph on the expressway because I needed a spitter. It SOAKED my sleeve and the side of my car was a mess. But I made up a story that my wife believed.

I used to hide my tin inside the sleeve of my tire jack which was held in the wheel well of my trunk. Wasn't good enough. I was convinced my wife would somehow find it so I started hiding my tin under a plastic gas station garbage can. I used to start every morning by pulling into the gas station, tilting up the blue garbage can, and grabbing my tin of kodiak. The looks I used to get.

TO THIS DAY, I still get a sinking feeling when my wife drives my car or comes home unannounced. Like I'm going to get "busted".

Yeah...I was an addicted fucking idiot who convinced himself that type of behavior was normal.

So the fuck what.

I'm not anymore. I'm fucking quit now. Will be 3 years Thursday, in fact.

Don't let the dumb shit you used to do define you. You weren't even in control of YOU then. You were truly under the influence.

Take back control and redefine yourself. Fuck the past and fuck the future. Focus on being a champion TODAY. Because today is all that's guaranteed and all that matters.

You can do this. You WILL do this. Right the wrongs, pal.

Quit on...
I had to laugh at your stories because I did the tire jack wheel well thing also.... We went on a Memorial day cabin trip last year and I hid my can in her car's wheel well. Then, I would take my big exercise walks every day to get my fix. I could get two big old wads processed in an hour walk. Or I'd find a reason to not go down to the lake until "later" to get my fix. Fucking pathetic. I haven't come 100% clean with her because it has affected our relationship for 15 years and I'm not ready yet to face the music. But what I can say is that my relationship with her and my babies have improved tremendously because I'm not always looking for that time away to sneak a dip.

And I was always finding some reason to check in on my wife to see when she might be coming home so I wouldn't be caught. She knew why I didn't want her in my car, but we were both playing the denial game. I'm sure she probably knew why I always wanted to know when she was on her way home also. I look back with incredible sadness and guilt at how it messed with our relationship. It feels good to not be constantly paranoid about being "caught" and not constantly checking on her to avoid being caught. At least I know I'm an addict and don't live in denial about that fact.

Thanks for the insight, wisdom and encouragement. Congrats on 3 years; I quit with you today!

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2015, 11:44:00 PM »
I too was a master ninja. Whatever you did, I did it better and whatever I did there's guys on her who outdid me.

Somewhere on here I told the story of pouring out a full jug of windshield washer fluid at 70 mph on the expressway because I needed a spitter. It SOAKED my sleeve and the side of my car was a mess. But I made up a story that my wife believed.

I used to hide my tin inside the sleeve of my tire jack which was held in the wheel well of my trunk. Wasn't good enough. I was convinced my wife would somehow find it so I started hiding my tin under a plastic gas station garbage can. I used to start every morning by pulling into the gas station, tilting up the blue garbage can, and grabbing my tin of kodiak. The looks I used to get.

TO THIS DAY, I still get a sinking feeling when my wife drives my car or comes home unannounced. Like I'm going to get "busted".

Yeah...I was an addicted fucking idiot who convinced himself that type of behavior was normal.

So the fuck what.

I'm not anymore. I'm fucking quit now. Will be 3 years Thursday, in fact.

Don't let the dumb shit you used to do define you. You weren't even in control of YOU then. You were truly under the influence.

Take back control and redefine yourself. Fuck the past and fuck the future. Focus on being a champion TODAY. Because today is all that's guaranteed and all that matters.

You can do this. You WILL do this. Right the wrongs, pal.

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
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Comma 02/28/15
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16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline pab1964

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2015, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.
Rdad is a great mentor and quitter man. Quitting as a team is a lot more effective than quitting alone.

Your story and mine are very similar. Kodiak is evil too.

This place will be a great tool in your toolbox.
38 year dipper here. 156 day's dip free now. You think you the only one that's had the shit scared out of them or kids you want to be here for or whatever. ....not being an ass here it's just we hear that story over and over and some guy's make it on there on but very few. Why take the chance ? Quitting daily with brothers and sisters it takes maybe 2 damn minutes to post and a helluva alot less time to pack a fatty! Come on dude you can afford 2 minutes a day out of your life! Post roll and share your story here whenever you want and always have help on those rough day's! I quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2015, 09:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal_is_Evil
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.
Rdad is a great mentor and quitter man. Quitting as a team is a lot more effective than quitting alone.

Your story and mine are very similar. Kodiak is evil too.

This place will be a great tool in your toolbox.

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2015, 08:52:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.
Thanks rdad. I know it's never "over" because I've relapsed several times after long quits. That said, this time is definitely different because I had the shit scared out of me, I have children to worry about now, and I know from experience that one dip is all it takes to get hooked again. This quit has been the easiest by far with the exception of incredibly bad insomnia, which I think was nicotine related at first, but more psychological now. I'll consider joining a roll posting group, but with 2 babies, insomnia and other life stresses, I don't think I'll be able to logon every morning. Thanks much for caring and inviting me to join. Not sure where I go with this, but I was hoping at least to be available to others that are struggling. A cancer scare was eye opening and I'm hoping I can illustrate that to others in denial like I was.

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2015, 07:42:00 PM »
A little more rambling...

I've read many posts about loved ones and how they react to our addiction. I kept telling my wife I was quitting and I would always tell her the truth if she would ask. She knew that I was hiding it and would avoid "surprising" me because she knew it would upset her if she caught me dipping. She knew I was weak, and didn't want to be disappointed again, so she would wait months to ask if I'm clean. A couple weeks ago, for the first time in our 15 years together, I could look her in the eyes and tell her that I'm done with this poison and that I've been screened for cancer. The relief in her eyes tripled my resolve to stay clean permanently.

It embarrasses me to confess these weaknesses, but I know that many of you understand and maybe it will help one more person recognize what they are doing to themselves and their loved ones.

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Re: Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 07:38:00 PM »
Man your story is so much like mine except for the ninja part. My wife hated it but I was so addicted I told myself it was her problem. I too quit when I had no place to put a dip that's wasn't sore and tore up. Over 500 days and I'm still here because this place gives me strength and I want to help even just a little bit. As far as I'm concerned you are more than welcome brother. 125 days on your own is awesome. It's not over tho. Why not learn how to post roll and join in? For now you can post with me in March 2014. You are officially in May 2015. I'm sure they would welcome you if you promise to post roll with them everyday.

Offline Skoal_is_Evil

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Ninja/Closet/Ashamed Addict
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:21:00 PM »
Hello KTC community. 30+ year addict here. I quit chewing tobacco (for the last time) 125 days ago and just found this website. I was looking for a place to share stories and maybe help some others. As I read through a lot of material today, I 'm not sure where I might fit, but am open to suggestion. Because of my situation, I'm not worried about a relapse (yes, been there before), so I'm not sure about joining a daily roll call; although I absolutely get the value of it. I wish I would have had that 124 days ago.

I was a classic and worst case example of a ninja dipper. The things I would do to sneak a dip (or many dips) was astounding and embarrassing. I would go for long "exercise" walks in the evening so I could squeeze in 3 good dips. "Honey, I need to run to the store to get XYZ, you need anything?" = one good solid dip. I'd stay up late paying bills or lie about doing other productive stuff at my computer, so I could get in a couple hours of dipping while she was sleeping. Landscaping - she would never come out while I'm doing that - thus great time to sneak some chew. Toothbrush and gum in the car to erase any signs. Gum on hand at all times otherwise. I was pathetically addicted.

It's affected my health, my sleep, my relationships, my career and more. Despite all of that, it was persistent mouth pain that finally woke me up. I told myself I would quit when my first child was born...not. Definitely when my second child was born...not. But around November 2014, I started getting mouth pain that would come and go. It got worse through the next couple months. As an addict - which I'm sure many of you can appreciate - I was living in denial. I kept telling myself that I'll just quit and whatever it was will probably heal. I was in SO much denial, I wouldn't even inspect my mouth for sores. I wouldn't google for symptoms of cancer, for fear it would match my symptoms. That's the level of denial an addict is capable of...

I started thinking about the fact that oral cancer is extremely fatal by the time you have symptoms. I didn't have as much life insurance as I would like. If I went to doctor or dentist and cancer was confirmed, I would never be able to increase my insurance. So, I started calculating the value of my life versus insuring for a better future for my wife and children. I felt that I could accept my own death, but didn't want them to pay for my sins. How fucking stupid can we be as addicts?

I finally quit on Jan 27, 2015. Within a couple months, the mouth pain subsided quite a bit, but didn't go away. I slowly started inspecting my mouth and googling about mouth cancer. I can't tell you how many times I woke up in the middle of the night with tears in my eyes about how I screwed my life and my family's life just for a stupid addiction. I was convinced that I probably had cancer. That realization changed my life. My kids are very young and I started to think that they might not even remember me. It was a horrible thought. I had insomnia for months just thinking about it.

As of right now, I've had a thorough exam for oral and throat cancer and I don't have any obvious cancer. Thank God. But, I'm suddenly extremely aware of the emotions surrounding the idea of cancer. I was in fear and denial for six months before facing reality. That seemed like a lifetime. I got lucky because of that chronic mouth pain of unspecific origin (Burning Mouth Syndrome) that finally woke my ass up.

Anything I can do to help encourage others to quit, I would be happy to do. I wish all of you the best!!!!