Author Topic: My Quit  (Read 1723 times)

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Offline mat1863

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My Quit
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:41:00 AM »
Today is day 1 of forever. I am quit today. I will remain that way. I have chewed since I was 17 and turned 30 a couple of weeks ago. I'm done. I've quit before like many other people here I'm sure. I've even gone as long as a year. One slip, or dip rather, is all it takes to start completely from scratch. I'm looking for to the accountability this community can offer me and plan on honoring my word.

I woke my wife up this morning about an hour early to tell her I had been chewing behind her and our two boy's backs off and on since February. It wasn't until this morning that I realized what a shitty husband and father I was because of my mood swings and desire to get away so I could have a dip. My wonderful wife told me all the motivation I need if I want to chew is to think of that little two year old boy who is literally jumping for joy and yelling daddys home when I get there. Think about not being there for him. I'm man enough to say I'm crying as I type this just like I did when she told me that this morning.

I'm quit for good. Today is day 1 of forever.