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Re: My intro
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2017, 10:16:00 AM »

Welcome to the group.

The main way to be successful is to just decide that you have quit. Once you stop the negotiating in your head as to whether you will do one more or not the rest becomes far more simple.

Next, you will learn to distract your attention from your desire for a dip to anything else that interests you. This ability to change your focus will guarantee your success and make your quit that much easier.

When you place a dip in your mouth, your brain releases sugars. Well, those sugars are now going to be gone.

However, you can replace them with OJ or other fruit juices with sugar. This will provide some comfort, especially in your initial quit days.

Make sure to exercise with weights and cardio when you feel that nagging tension in your muscles, you feel that rage, when you can not sleep and when you can not focus. Exercise really helps.

Here is one that most people overlook. Get at least 3 square meals a day. Hunger can really bring on those urges so squash those urges before they come. Eat full healthy meals and do not let yourself get excessively hungry. You will see this helps a great deal.

I waited until I was 59 quit after using tobacco for 40 years. You are wise to quit now.

I quit with you today.

Dundippin day 808

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Re: My intro
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2017, 10:41:00 AM »
You're getting a lot of sound advice here Gooser! I'm going to double down on the importance of reading as much as you can here. Let this be the place you turn to when your mind is dwelling on dip. As it was mentioned earlier, your wife and children DO NOT DESERVE being victims your quit rage. You are the man that chose to dip and now has to deal with the byproducts of quitting. Believe me though, it's worth it brother! It sounds like you already know the rage is going to happen, so start planning now. This community can provide an unparalleled level of support in your quit. It's all on you brother to take advantage of it! Can't stress enough to get phone numbers. It may sound a little odd, but like others said, no one knows what you're going through better than we do. We're all addicts and we're all trying to recover. Get yourself comfortable understanding that you are an addict. You will always be an addict. This community and the relationships you can build here can help you take control of your addition. However, you're only going to get back what you put into it. Quantify the amount of time you spent each day dipping. Take that number and commit to spending at least that much time her, hopefully more! Post support to other groups, read intros and HOF speeches. There's a wealth of knowledge and quit experience here. My digits are a PM away. I'm proud to quit with you. From everything you've written, your motivations sound sincere. I hope I can help in your journey. Quit on!
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Re: My intro
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2017, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: FLLipOut
Quote from: Gooser77
Samsrs - thanks for the reply. I donÂ’t think I can post roll call until tomorrow, trust me IÂ’m ready! Day 1 of my quit has to be completely nic free. Maybe being too much of a stickler on the rules!
Goose, you didn't have to be nic free all day yesterday for it to be your Day 1. If yesterday you chucked the can into the trash and decided to be quit...well that made it your Day 1. It is KTC math.

Congratulations on making one of the best decisions of your life. You have some work ahead of you, but by posting roll in March 2018 you just picked up a new quit family to take this journey with - you are NOT alone in this anymore!

You can do this. Day 490 nicotine free, and I can't tell you how good freedom is! If you need help and/or would like to exchange digits, pm me. Accountability is a big component of the KTC formula for success.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have to add to FLLip's comments. One of the BEST decisions of your life. I only wish this place had been around when I first stopped....I'd have more than 23 years quit if it were. But at any rate, I have to warn you.... Even AFTER the physical withdrawal is supposedly over, the mental screwing you'll have to deal with will remain. Just remember that no matter how bad the SUCK gets (and it can get pretty bad), NO ONE EVER, EVER died from nicotine withdrawal (at least not that I've been able to find after several hundred hours of interweb searching.) Drink as much water as you can, then drink more. If you pass the toilet without having to go, you're not drinking enough. It'll help flush the toxins. Spend as much time on the pages here as you can....TELL YOUR WIFE what you're doing. Show her the Spousal Support section. When you feel the rage coming, DON'T let it out on your missus OR your wonderful sets of twins. Come in here and fuss all you want. The folks here understand.

I was a complete raging fool for at least a month, but my Sultan brothers (and sister) understood. The folks in March 2018 will too, so come in here and spew whatever you need to get off your chest. Also, build your web of accountability; make it'll need it one day. Get to know your fellow quitters. Over time, they'll become an extended family to you.

I quit with you today. Tomorrow, I'll quit with you then too. Welcome to a better Gooser77!!
Great to have you with us, Gooser!

Everything said above is spot on. The only thing you need to do on this site is simply post your day count and promise not to use nicotine as soon as you wake up each day. It's very simple, but it is not easy.

That's where we all come in. Both the March brothers you will be quitting with, along with the hundreds of vets who have a few more days under their belts are here for you. We want you to succeed. We know it is possible and want to walk with you as you are going to experience some tough times. Exchange digits with your March brothers as well as some vets. PM me if you want mine.

This is all doable. It will suck until it doesn't. And I promise you that there comes a time when the cravings are a faint echo of what you are experiencing now.

From one March brother to another, I'm proud to be quit with you!


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Re: My intro
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2017, 06:25:00 PM »
Quote from: FLLipOut
Quote from: Gooser77
Samsrs - thanks for the reply. I donÂ’t think I can post roll call until tomorrow, trust me IÂ’m ready! Day 1 of my quit has to be completely nic free. Maybe being too much of a stickler on the rules!
Goose, you didn't have to be nic free all day yesterday for it to be your Day 1. If yesterday you chucked the can into the trash and decided to be quit...well that made it your Day 1. It is KTC math.

Congratulations on making one of the best decisions of your life. You have some work ahead of you, but by posting roll in March 2018 you just picked up a new quit family to take this journey with - you are NOT alone in this anymore!

You can do this. Day 490 nicotine free, and I can't tell you how good freedom is! If you need help and/or would like to exchange digits, pm me. Accountability is a big component of the KTC formula for success.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have to add to FLLip's comments. One of the BEST decisions of your life. I only wish this place had been around when I first stopped....I'd have more than 23 years quit if it were. But at any rate, I have to warn you.... Even AFTER the physical withdrawal is supposedly over, the mental screwing you'll have to deal with will remain. Just remember that no matter how bad the SUCK gets (and it can get pretty bad), NO ONE EVER, EVER died from nicotine withdrawal (at least not that I've been able to find after several hundred hours of interweb searching.) Drink as much water as you can, then drink more. If you pass the toilet without having to go, you're not drinking enough. It'll help flush the toxins. Spend as much time on the pages here as you can....TELL YOUR WIFE what you're doing. Show her the Spousal Support section. When you feel the rage coming, DON'T let it out on your missus OR your wonderful sets of twins. Come in here and fuss all you want. The folks here understand.

I was a complete raging fool for at least a month, but my Sultan brothers (and sister) understood. The folks in March 2018 will too, so come in here and spew whatever you need to get off your chest. Also, build your web of accountability; make it'll need it one day. Get to know your fellow quitters. Over time, they'll become an extended family to you.

I quit with you today. Tomorrow, I'll quit with you then too. Welcome to a better Gooser77!!

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Re: My intro
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2017, 09:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Gooser77
Samsrs - thanks for the reply. I donÂ’t think I can post roll call until tomorrow, trust me IÂ’m ready! Day 1 of my quit has to be completely nic free. Maybe being too much of a stickler on the rules!
Goose, you didn't have to be nic free all day yesterday for it to be your Day 1. If yesterday you chucked the can into the trash and decided to be quit...well that made it your Day 1. It is KTC math.

Congratulations on making one of the best decisions of your life. You have some work ahead of you, but by posting roll in March 2018 you just picked up a new quit family to take this journey with - you are NOT alone in this anymore!

You can do this. Day 490 nicotine free, and I can't tell you how good freedom is! If you need help and/or would like to exchange digits, pm me. Accountability is a big component of the KTC formula for success.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
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Re: My intro
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2017, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Gooser77
Hello KTC Community. I know I am going to need help to get through this and based on my lurking on the boards, I have found a great, supportive community. A little about me:

I'm 40 years old
I have 4 children, ages 10 and 7 (yes, two sets of twins!).
Married to my beautiful and understanding wife for 15 years
Have chewed for almost 20 years with the last 10 years chewing about a can of Skoal Mint per day.

In an effort to be honest with strangers who don't have to give a crap about me, but will because they care and understand what I will be going through, I do want to tell you my main motivation for quitting. I am scheduled to have surgery in January and my surgeon will not operate if I test positive for nicotine. Originally, when I thought about quitting I said I would just get through surgery/recovery and determine if I want to start again. The reality is, I don't want to be a slave to the can anymore (it really is empowering just typing that!). I hate that I plan every next step in my head around when I can chew, if I have enough, if I have a spitter, how many meetings do I have today-when can I squeeze one in, etc, all know the drill. I also feel like I am setting a terrible example for so many people, especially my kids.

I know quitting on Thanksgiving isn't the greatest of ideas, but I need the next 4 days to get through the physical symptoms (since I'm off Friday). I can/have gone a day without melting down without chew, so I'm hoping I don't ruin Thanksgiving due to my nic withdrawal.

Sorry for all the rambling....

Goose. Welcome to KTC brother. I quit with you. Today is my 2nd full day nic free. We can help each other through this. No one understands you more than all of us here. When you are ready, post roll in our group March 2018 and message me if you need someone to talk to.

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Re: My intro
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2017, 11:48:00 PM »
Samsrs - thanks for the reply. I donÂ’t think I can post roll call until tomorrow, trust me IÂ’m ready! Day 1 of my quit has to be completely nic free. Maybe being too much of a stickler on the rules!

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Re: My intro
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2017, 11:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Gooser77
Hello KTC Community. I know I am going to need help to get through this and based on my lurking on the boards, I have found a great, supportive community. A little about me:

I'm 40 years old
I have 4 children, ages 10 and 7 (yes, two sets of twins!).
Married to my beautiful and understanding wife for 15 years
Have chewed for almost 20 years with the last 10 years chewing about a can of Skoal Mint per day.

In an effort to be honest with strangers who don't have to give a crap about me, but will because they care and understand what I will be going through, I do want to tell you my main motivation for quitting. I am scheduled to have surgery in January and my surgeon will not operate if I test positive for nicotine. Originally, when I thought about quitting I said I would just get through surgery/recovery and determine if I want to start again. The reality is, I don't want to be a slave to the can anymore (it really is empowering just typing that!). I hate that I plan every next step in my head around when I can chew, if I have enough, if I have a spitter, how many meetings do I have today-when can I squeeze one in, etc, all know the drill. I also feel like I am setting a terrible example for so many people, especially my kids.

I know quitting on Thanksgiving isn't the greatest of ideas, but I need the next 4 days to get through the physical symptoms (since I'm off Friday). I can/have gone a day without melting down without chew, so I'm hoping I don't ruin Thanksgiving due to my nic withdrawal.

Sorry for all the rambling....

Goose - you said you've been lurking here, so you should know that your next step is to post roll in the March 18 quit group. Get on over there and git 'er done!
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
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"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
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My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

Offline gooser77

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My intro
« on: November 22, 2017, 11:26:00 PM »
Hello KTC Community. I know I am going to need help to get through this and based on my lurking on the boards, I have found a great, supportive community. A little about me:

I'm 40 years old
I have 4 children, ages 10 and 7 (yes, two sets of twins!).
Married to my beautiful and understanding wife for 15 years
Have chewed for almost 20 years with the last 10 years chewing about a can of Skoal Mint per day.

In an effort to be honest with strangers who don't have to give a crap about me, but will because they care and understand what I will be going through, I do want to tell you my main motivation for quitting. I am scheduled to have surgery in January and my surgeon will not operate if I test positive for nicotine. Originally, when I thought about quitting I said I would just get through surgery/recovery and determine if I want to start again. The reality is, I don't want to be a slave to the can anymore (it really is empowering just typing that!). I hate that I plan every next step in my head around when I can chew, if I have enough, if I have a spitter, how many meetings do I have today-when can I squeeze one in, etc, all know the drill. I also feel like I am setting a terrible example for so many people, especially my kids.

I know quitting on Thanksgiving isn't the greatest of ideas, but I need the next 4 days to get through the physical symptoms (since I'm off Friday). I can/have gone a day without melting down without chew, so I'm hoping I don't ruin Thanksgiving due to my nic withdrawal.

Sorry for all the rambling....
