Author Topic: On Day 5  (Read 2891 times)

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Offline srans

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »
Quote from: nicknick

Twenty-three years ago, I was born a dumb, poor redneck in Eastern Kentucky which is a part of the Appalachians. Here, the people are drug-ridden, impoverished hillbillies - including me. I have always been around tobacco, always will be. My friends and I always dipped. Every male member of my family dips. I have even had teachers give me dip during school. Tobacco use is a part of the culture here - for better or worse, or more accurately, for worse.

Through education, I have furthered my career potential. I moved out of Appalachia for undergrad. I will move even further away for grad school. But I am still an Appalachian, through and through. I am so proud of my poor, redneck roots. While I am here, I love dipping, because it is part of the culture. It takes me back to my youth.

One day very soon, I am going to be wealthier and more established than many of my fellow Appalachians. Dipping connects us to each other in a weird sort of way. Some may think I am some hot shot lawyer with his nose in the air. Then, those same people would see me with a dip in, and realize I am still just Nick, the good ole boy from the holler. A good ole boy from the holler is trustworthy.

When I quit dipping, especially when I am far from home, it puts me into some sort of identity crisis.

This may seem stupid or hard to relate to for a lot of you, but that's okay. This is something I deal with during my quit. Please ream me, and pick apart this way of thinking. Because I want it destroyed. I want to know another way to deal with this thought.

I'm camping this weekend on the lake, and I work at the marina on weekends where I get my dip for free. So I can honestly say, my greatest temptation will be this weekend. When I post roll Monday, you all can go ahead and know the hardest part is over.
Bro, you make it sound like your the only one in the world that came out of the womb with a lipper in. Golly gee dude, i really feel for you, almost got a tear.

Now truth time. You aren't the only one that has grown up around the poison. I might end up dying from second hand smoke before its over.

Screw what your family and friends are doing. What a pitiful culture that makes you believe that sticking a mouth full of poison in you mouth is the only way you can be a valued member.

Sounds like its time to join a new culture. One that's not bound, tied and gagged by a poison that only takes. A poison that strips you of : money, integrity and dignity. One day will possibly take your tounge, jaw and possibly life.

Wake up bro or you won't make it through the weekend.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline srans

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »
Quote from: nicknick

Twenty-three years ago, I was born a dumb, poor redneck in Eastern Kentucky which is a part of the Appalachians. Here, the people are drug-ridden, impoverished hillbillies - including me. I have always been around tobacco, always will be. My friends and I always dipped. Every male member of my family dips. I have even had teachers give me dip during school. Tobacco use is a part of the culture here - for better or worse, or more accurately, for worse.

Through education, I have furthered my career potential. I moved out of Appalachia for undergrad. I will move even further away for grad school. But I am still an Appalachian, through and through. I am so proud of my poor, redneck roots. While I am here, I love dipping, because it is part of the culture. It takes me back to my youth.

One day very soon, I am going to be wealthier and more established than many of my fellow Appalachians. Dipping connects us to each other in a weird sort of way. Some may think I am some hot shot lawyer with his nose in the air. Then, those same people would see me with a dip in, and realize I am still just Nick, the good ole boy from the holler. A good ole boy from the holler is trustworthy.

When I quit dipping, especially when I am far from home, it puts me into some sort of identity crisis.

This may seem stupid or hard to relate to for a lot of you, but that's okay. This is something I deal with during my quit. Please ream me, and pick apart this way of thinking. Because I want it destroyed. I want to know another way to deal with this thought.

I'm camping this weekend on the lake, and I work at the marina on weekends where I get my dip for free. So I can honestly say, my greatest temptation will be this weekend. When I post roll Monday, you all can go ahead and know the hardest part is over.
Bro, you make it sound like your the only one in the world that came out of the womb with a lipper in. Golly gee dude, i really feel for you, almost got a tear.

Now truth time. You aren't the only one that has grown up around the poison. I might end up dying from second hand smoke before its over.

Screw what your family and friends are doing. What a pitiful culture that makes you believe that sticking a mouth full of poison in you mouth is the only way you can be a valued member.

Sounds like its time to join a new culture. One that's not bound, tied and gagged by a poison that only takes. A poison that strips you of : money, integrity and dignity. One day will possibly take your tounge, jaw and possibly life.

Wake up bro or you won't make it through the weekend.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2013, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: jayd41
One thing to know is this Nick...when it comes to dipping and your relationship with it, you are no different then the rest of us. Myself, i am from a farming community in Indiana. Almost all of my buddies from back in the day dipped or smoked or did both...i smoke on and off but i always dipped and like you i thought i loved it...some days i think i still do but not as much as i did 73 days ago.

One thing that you have got to get past is that you are no more or less trustworthy or connected to your roots by dipping. The folks i grew up with are trustworthy because their word still means something...not by what the put in their lip. If people think you are uppity because you don't chew, then maybe you are an uppity person to begin with...i don't know you so i have know idea if thats the case or not but i would bet not. The ol boys from the holler as you put it, are mostly good people, again, it has nothing to do with what is in their lip but what is in their heart.

If you are a good ol boy from the holler, then like me, you know the measure of a man and the soul of a man is his word and his actions. If you want to truly honor your upbringing, then honor your word and lead by example.
Thank you, Jay. That really helps a lot. You have no idea.

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2013, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: jayd41
One thing to know is this Nick...when it comes to dipping and your relationship with it, you are no different then the rest of us. Myself, i am from a farming community in Indiana. Almost all of my buddies from back in the day dipped or smoked or did both...i smoke on and off but i always dipped and like you i thought i loved it...some days i think i still do but not as much as i did 73 days ago.

One thing that you have got to get past is that you are no more or less trustworthy or connected to your roots by dipping. The folks i grew up with are trustworthy because their word still means something...not by what the put in their lip. If people think you are uppity because you don't chew, then maybe you are an uppity person to begin with...i don't know you so i have know idea if thats the case or not but i would bet not. The ol boys from the holler as you put it, are mostly good people, again, it has nothing to do with what is in their lip but what is in their heart.

If you are a good ol boy from the holler, then like me, you know the measure of a man and the soul of a man is his word and his actions. If you want to truly honor your upbringing, then honor your word and lead by example.
i meant to say smoked*...i do not do that anymore either....before i get blasted, sorry for the typo ya'll
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2013, 01:11:00 PM »
One thing to know is this Nick...when it comes to dipping and your relationship with it, you are no different then the rest of us. Myself, i am from a farming community in Indiana. Almost all of my buddies from back in the day dipped or smoked or did both...i smoke on and off but i always dipped and like you i thought i loved it...some days i think i still do but not as much as i did 73 days ago.

One thing that you have got to get past is that you are no more or less trustworthy or connected to your roots by dipping. The folks i grew up with are trustworthy because their word still means something...not by what the put in their lip. If people think you are uppity because you don't chew, then maybe you are an uppity person to begin with...i don't know you so i have know idea if thats the case or not but i would bet not. The ol boys from the holler as you put it, are mostly good people, again, it has nothing to do with what is in their lip but what is in their heart.

If you are a good ol boy from the holler, then like me, you know the measure of a man and the soul of a man is his word and his actions. If you want to truly honor your upbringing, then honor your word and lead by example.
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

Offline nicknick

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2013, 01:04:00 PM »

Twenty-three years ago, I was born a dumb, poor redneck in Eastern Kentucky which is a part of the Appalachians. Here, the people are drug-ridden, impoverished hillbillies - including me. I have always been around tobacco, always will be. My friends and I always dipped. Every male member of my family dips. I have even had teachers give me dip during school. Tobacco use is a part of the culture here - for better or worse, or more accurately, for worse.

Through education, I have furthered my career potential. I moved out of Appalachia for undergrad. I will move even further away for grad school. But I am still an Appalachian, through and through. I am so proud of my poor, redneck roots. While I am here, I love dipping, because it is part of the culture. It takes me back to my youth.

One day very soon, I am going to be wealthier and more established than many of my fellow Appalachians. Dipping connects us to each other in a weird sort of way. Some may think I am some hot shot lawyer with his nose in the air. Then, those same people would see me with a dip in, and realize I am still just Nick, the good ole boy from the holler. A good ole boy from the holler is trustworthy.

When I quit dipping, especially when I am far from home, it puts me into some sort of identity crisis.

This may seem stupid or hard to relate to for a lot of you, but that's okay. This is something I deal with during my quit. Please ream me, and pick apart this way of thinking. Because I want it destroyed. I want to know another way to deal with this thought.

I'm camping this weekend on the lake, and I work at the marina on weekends where I get my dip for free. So I can honestly say, my greatest temptation will be this weekend. When I post roll Monday, you all can go ahead and know the hardest part is over.

Offline srans

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Diesel2112
Bro.  You off your iPhone yet?  I am waiting to hear why you LOVE dip still.  Come on man, I don't have all day.  I'm on pins and needles here.

In all seriousity, where did you go?  Don't let us be right about you bro.

Man up and tell me to fuck off or something.
I see you posted role today. Well done sir. I LOVE IT!!!!!
I'm glad to see you posted nick. I might have to Dance around that tree a couple times today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2013, 11:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Bro. You off your iPhone yet? I am waiting to hear why you LOVE dip still. Come on man, I don't have all day. I'm on pins and needles here.

In all seriousity, where did you go? Don't let us be right about you bro.

Man up and tell me to fuck off or something.
I see you posted role today. Well done sir. I LOVE IT!!!!!
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2013, 11:01:00 AM »
Bro. You off your iPhone yet? I am waiting to hear why you LOVE dip still. Come on man, I don't have all day. I'm on pins and needles here.

In all seriousity, where did you go? Don't let us be right about you bro.

Man up and tell me to fuck off or something.
Quit 06/04/12
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20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Jlud007

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2013, 07:35:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars.  

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer.  

I to loved the poison at one time.   Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
First off this is not YOUR house bro. Its a house for people serious about quitting dip. It's OUR house and you're welcome in it and are a part of it now. Nobody in this house loves dip. We all THOUGHT we did at one point, but quitting something you love is damn near impossible especially since you are addicted and dependent on it.

YOU came to US looking for support and you will and already have gotten it. You're just to wrapped up in getting your feelings hurt to see it.

Support comes in many different forms. We don't coddle or suckle nut sacks around here. We call a spade a spade. Not sure why you have to come in here guns a blazing telling people to fuck off and such. That doesn't cut it around here. People are challenging you and trying to get your feathers ruffled a bit...again, another form of support.

If you wanna go some rounds dropping f bombs and calling people who are trying to support you assholes, I'll throw with you, I'm actually pretty good at it. However, I would rather not. Id rather just focus on your quit.

We've seen your intro before, their are many red flags in it. Aside from deterring a total babe and some tooth problems, is there any other reasons you want to quit? Those other reasons are good jumping off points but you will need to dig deeper to truly make this quit work.

Why did you buy a can and I'm anxiously waiting for your reasons for loving dip. Hopefully you will be off you iphone soon so we can get a good synopsis of why you love finger banging that can of posion.

Hopefully you don't disappear. You've been quit 5 days which means you quit on Sunday. The weekend is coming up, which for young guns like yourself usually means some partying /drinking which has killed many a quit before it got off the ground.

You seem to have some fire in you, so Im betting you'll be back with your explanation of why you love dip. (Put your big boy pants on when you do).
Wow dude. I'm really not sure where to start.

First, looking at your intro post, you've got some if the most dedicated quitters on this site reaching out to you. I'm not sure if you have asked for their contact and offered yours, but if not, you should. You know how the president has the "red phone?" Well, dude, when it comes to beating the addiction of nicotine, the people that have taken time out of their life to challenge you and get the wheels turning are extending the red phone to you.

Next, it looks like Srans hit a nerve. This man knows how to quit. He is on this site a lot and helps a lot if us. Including me. And including a lot of others. And from what I've read about him, the only thing in his life that consistently sucks... Is what an addiction to a poisonous cancer causing plant brings to his otherwise fine life.

A bit about me... I'm 42 now and spent closer to 40k on my addiction. And 95% of it was hidden from my hot wife and family/friends. Because I was ashamed and thought that successful business guys don't chew. Not a can a day anyway. Maybe when they hunt or go to games, but not for hours a day. Reading into this, I guess I would have to say that my life sucked. Pretty pathetic really. Bud, here is your chance to turn the tables so that you aren't looking back 17 years later...

My intro read something similar to your. I recall saying something like "time to say goodbye to my old friend - we shared a lot of good times." Man let me tell you - I thought id launched ww3. The responses I got were similar to yours... Welcome, but you better change your mindset because... I was like wtf? 200+ days later, I send out my thanks to those fine men and women. And I hope that 200 days from now you will be doing the same for Srans.

Congratulations on your decision to join. It is a great first step. If I can help in any way, let me know. Sorry for the typos, I'm typing this on my iPhone. Not bad for a middle aged addict at 330 am, right... Legal eagle?
I'm only on Day 4, but I can say should listen to these fellas posting in your thread. They are some bad ass quitters and if you want to quit, really want to quit you'll eventually discover that by calling you out on excuses and addict speak is the greatest form of encouragement they can offer.

I'll quit with you today brother, but you gotta give in to it and drink the KTC Kool-Aid!

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2013, 04:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars.  

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer.  

I to loved the poison at one time.   Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
First off this is not YOUR house bro. Its a house for people serious about quitting dip. It's OUR house and you're welcome in it and are a part of it now. Nobody in this house loves dip. We all THOUGHT we did at one point, but quitting something you love is damn near impossible especially since you are addicted and dependent on it.

YOU came to US looking for support and you will and already have gotten it. You're just to wrapped up in getting your feelings hurt to see it.

Support comes in many different forms. We don't coddle or suckle nut sacks around here. We call a spade a spade. Not sure why you have to come in here guns a blazing telling people to fuck off and such. That doesn't cut it around here. People are challenging you and trying to get your feathers ruffled a bit...again, another form of support.

If you wanna go some rounds dropping f bombs and calling people who are trying to support you assholes, I'll throw with you, I'm actually pretty good at it. However, I would rather not. Id rather just focus on your quit.

We've seen your intro before, their are many red flags in it. Aside from deterring a total babe and some tooth problems, is there any other reasons you want to quit? Those other reasons are good jumping off points but you will need to dig deeper to truly make this quit work.

Why did you buy a can and I'm anxiously waiting for your reasons for loving dip. Hopefully you will be off you iphone soon so we can get a good synopsis of why you love finger banging that can of posion.

Hopefully you don't disappear. You've been quit 5 days which means you quit on Sunday. The weekend is coming up, which for young guns like yourself usually means some partying /drinking which has killed many a quit before it got off the ground.

You seem to have some fire in you, so Im betting you'll be back with your explanation of why you love dip. (Put your big boy pants on when you do).
Wow dude. I'm really not sure where to start.

First, looking at your intro post, you've got some if the most dedicated quitters on this site reaching out to you. I'm not sure if you have asked for their contact and offered yours, but if not, you should. You know how the president has the "red phone?" Well, dude, when it comes to beating the addiction of nicotine, the people that have taken time out of their life to challenge you and get the wheels turning are extending the red phone to you.

Next, it looks like Srans hit a nerve. This man knows how to quit. He is on this site a lot and helps a lot if us. Including me. And including a lot of others. And from what I've read about him, the only thing in his life that consistently sucks... Is what an addiction to a poisonous cancer causing plant brings to his otherwise fine life.

A bit about me... I'm 42 now and spent closer to 40k on my addiction. And 95% of it was hidden from my hot wife and family/friends. Because I was ashamed and thought that successful business guys don't chew. Not a can a day anyway. Maybe when they hunt or go to games, but not for hours a day. Reading into this, I guess I would have to say that my life sucked. Pretty pathetic really. Bud, here is your chance to turn the tables so that you aren't looking back 17 years later...

My intro read something similar to your. I recall saying something like "time to say goodbye to my old friend - we shared a lot of good times." Man let me tell you - I thought id launched ww3. The responses I got were similar to yours... Welcome, but you better change your mindset because... I was like wtf? 200+ days later, I send out my thanks to those fine men and women. And I hope that 200 days from now you will be doing the same for Srans.

Congratulations on your decision to join. It is a great first step. If I can help in any way, let me know. Sorry for the typos, I'm typing this on my iPhone. Not bad for a middle aged addict at 330 am, right... Legal eagle?

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2013, 11:51:00 PM »
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars. 

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer. 

I to loved the poison at one time.  Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
First off this is not YOUR house bro. Its a house for people serious about quitting dip. It's OUR house and you're welcome in it and are a part of it now. Nobody in this house loves dip. We all THOUGHT we did at one point, but quitting something you love is damn near impossible especially since you are addicted and dependent on it.

YOU came to US looking for support and you will and already have gotten it. You're just to wrapped up in getting your feelings hurt to see it.

Support comes in many different forms. We don't coddle or suckle nut sacks around here. We call a spade a spade. Not sure why you have to come in here guns a blazing telling people to fuck off and such. That doesn't cut it around here. People are challenging you and trying to get your feathers ruffled a bit...again, another form of support.

If you wanna go some rounds dropping f bombs and calling people who are trying to support you assholes, I'll throw with you, I'm actually pretty good at it. However, I would rather not. Id rather just focus on your quit.

We've seen your intro before, their are many red flags in it. Aside from deterring a total babe and some tooth problems, is there any other reasons you want to quit? Those other reasons are good jumping off points but you will need to dig deeper to truly make this quit work.

Why did you buy a can and I'm anxiously waiting for your reasons for loving dip. Hopefully you will be off you iphone soon so we can get a good synopsis of why you love finger banging that can of posion.

Hopefully you don't disappear. You've been quit 5 days which means you quit on Sunday. The weekend is coming up, which for young guns like yourself usually means some partying /drinking which has killed many a quit before it got off the ground.

You seem to have some fire in you, so Im betting you'll be back with your explanation of why you love dip. (Put your big boy pants on when you do).
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Nickald

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 11:01:00 PM »
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars.  

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer.  

I to loved the poison at one time.   Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
That's the anger i was looking for. Now your sounding like a quitter. Turn that hate towards the poison and your quit will grow stronger.

You stated you loved something i despise. My life doesn't suck. I'm giving you facts. You may not realize it but your quit just got stronger. Prove to me your not in the 95 percent. I will dance around a tree for a week.

I want nothing more than to see you succeed. Part of you succeeding is getting your mind right. You buying that can and stating your love for the poison was to close. Don't like me, hate me all you want. Stay quit,,,, that's my goal. I'm not hear for your friendship. If i gain another friend that would be great. I would like for it to be a quit friend. I'm quit with you bro whether you know it or not.
Drink the Kool-aide Nick.

You are not special.

Read shit on this site- see a guy with 4000 posts- find his intro and go through it I bet you might learn something that will help you, I sure did. See a guy with 2 posts read what he has to say, might learn something, might have some encouraging words for him. Either way it helps you.

You cant sit back and hope that this quit works. You have to work it every damn day.

Be quit today and make your promise tomorrow. every tomorrow.
Nick - I don't know if you saw my post in Oct. Please do flush that can that you bought.

Is that positive enough for you?

Because it's fucking stupid for someone 5 days quit to be drinking and sitting around the house with a can of chew. You aren't proving shit to anyone. Your quit is not stronger because you are staring at a can. No games. Just quit.

It says a lot that you aren't grateful to srans for spending his valuable time sharing what he has lost to addiction. None of what it says is good. Harden the fuck up and get serious.
Turn your anger aginst your addition. Learn to love yourself.

Offline OneImpressiveBall

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2013, 10:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: srans
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars.  

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer.  

I to loved the poison at one time.   Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
That's the anger i was looking for. Now your sounding like a quitter. Turn that hate towards the poison and your quit will grow stronger.

You stated you loved something i despise. My life doesn't suck. I'm giving you facts. You may not realize it but your quit just got stronger. Prove to me your not in the 95 percent. I will dance around a tree for a week.

I want nothing more than to see you succeed. Part of you succeeding is getting your mind right. You buying that can and stating your love for the poison was to close. Don't like me, hate me all you want. Stay quit,,,, that's my goal. I'm not hear for your friendship. If i gain another friend that would be great. I would like for it to be a quit friend. I'm quit with you bro whether you know it or not.
Drink the Kool-aide Nick.

You are not special.

Read shit on this site- see a guy with 4000 posts- find his intro and go through it I bet you might learn something that will help you, I sure did. See a guy with 2 posts read what he has to say, might learn something, might have some encouraging words for him. Either way it helps you.

You cant sit back and hope that this quit works. You have to work it every damn day.

Be quit today and make your promise tomorrow. every tomorrow.
Nick - I don't know if you saw my post in Oct. Please do flush that can that you bought.

Is that positive enough for you?

Because it's fucking stupid for someone 5 days quit to be drinking and sitting around the house with a can of chew. You aren't proving shit to anyone. Your quit is not stronger because you are staring at a can. No games. Just quit.

It says a lot that you aren't grateful to srans for spending his valuable time sharing what he has lost to addiction. None of what it says is good. Harden the fuck up and get serious.
Proud January 2013 Jackwagin: [color=330066]kicking nicotine's ass since October 3, 2012.[/color]
My 265-Day Late HOF Speech

Offline Dougie

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Re: On Day 5
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: nicknick
Quote from: srans
First off welcome nicnic.  I'm glad to see you've stopped by for a visit.  I say visit because I don't think you will be with us long.  I've seen to many your age in the short time I've been here go back to the're true love. 

I also seen your roll post that stated you bought a can yesterday, but didn't cave.  You stated in your intro that your still in love with the poison.  MAYBE at your young age you'll see the truth before it's to late, but I think the number is 5 percent that successfully quit at  your age.  I wish I would have wised up at your age.  I waited over 25 years and spent over 20,000 dollars.  

I'm 154 days quit and don't know how much longer it will be before I'm back to whatever is left of ME!! 

I'm fearful that a lot of ME will not return.  I've been with the poison for to long not to pay a price.  Will I ever have a day where I feel like a normal person again?  I have been told that this may return with time.  MAYBE!!!

The poison has also damaged me mentally in many ways.  I wonder sometimes if my forgetful nature is because I'm getting older or if the poison has destroyed that very part of me.  MAYBE!!!  I've read that nicotine directly affects memory.  So far
I'm not able to dispute that.  I also am not able to comprehend a lot of things.  MAYBE that will return to normal.

I have a lot of questions that will not be answered without more time being quit.       

I don't know what else I've lost to the poison.  MAYBE I've escaped the cancer that it causes.  I won't know that for 14 or so more years.

I have not mentioned the people the cancer has taken from me.  If your interested in that find my intro.  I've had three people in my life affected by cancer.  All three are and were users.  One is still alive and fighting for his life.  Throat cancer.  

I to loved the poison at one time.   Are you able to tell me why??  I can't tell you.  Not one time did it love me back!!!!!  Quit with you.
Sorry your life sucks, bro.
I'll explain what I mean by I love dipping later when I'm not on my iPhone. In the meantime, if you guys are gonna be assholes, please fuck off kindly. This is my topic about my quit, not your opportunity to show some young buck how big of a dumb douchebag he is. I don't come in your house and shit on your kitchen table. Kicking the habit is hard enough as it is without the negativity. Some encouragement might actually help.

I was under the impression that this forum would help, but I may have it backwards.

Thanks California Slim, I agree. I am anxious for the day when I realize I don't love the stuff and it was just a trick played by addiction.
That's the anger i was looking for. Now your sounding like a quitter. Turn that hate towards the poison and your quit will grow stronger.

You stated you loved something i despise. My life doesn't suck. I'm giving you facts. You may not realize it but your quit just got stronger. Prove to me your not in the 95 percent. I will dance around a tree for a week.

I want nothing more than to see you succeed. Part of you succeeding is getting your mind right. You buying that can and stating your love for the poison was to close. Don't like me, hate me all you want. Stay quit,,,, that's my goal. I'm not hear for your friendship. If i gain another friend that would be great. I would like for it to be a quit friend. I'm quit with you bro whether you know it or not.
Drink the Kool-aide Nick.

You are not special.

Read shit on this site- see a guy with 4000 posts- find his intro and go through it I bet you might learn something that will help you, I sure did. See a guy with 2 posts read what he has to say, might learn something, might have some encouraging words for him. Either way it helps you.

You cant sit back and hope that this quit works. You have to work it every damn day.

Be quit today and make your promise tomorrow. every tomorrow.