Author Topic: time to quit for good  (Read 1105 times)

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Offline pab1964

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2015, 10:42:00 PM »
Quote from: shanesaw
Quote from: beast42a
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: jbryan
Quote from: futurebanker413
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
Just posted roll man, ready to do this thing! I'll be cheering for you as well, I know we can beat this. It isn't going to be easy, but it's sooooo gonna be worth it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Had a few cravings today, but able to overcome. I keep telling myself I'm doing this for me, and I've written down a bunch of the reasons that I am quitting, to remind myself when I have a bad crave. But I'm not gonna cave, nothing is gonna make me go back through this fog I'm feeling. This sucks so bad I sure as hell don't want to do it twice. One day at a time!
'dance' Posting Roll 'dance'

I quit with you today!

Rawls 258
Good decision to kick that bitch to the curb. Just remember, even though you hate her, she still loves you.
You will be addicted to nicotine for the rest of your life. I can't attest to what its like after 99 days because that's where I'm at. But I can tell you that nicotine takes any opportunity she can to make herself look all sexy for you. Even now in my quit does she come calling in different forms. BUT, because Ihave posted roll as soon as I wake each morning and I have promised my quit brothers to not cave, I overcome. And you will to, if you use the tools and follow the methods provided here.
I know from experience that drinking early on in a quit can be dangerous. Try to take it easy for a bit.
It sounds like you mean business anyway and I look forward to quitting with you.
As for those reason that you wrote down, I'm sure the folks in your group would love you to share those with them.
Quit on bro.
Hop on the beast back he can carry you to freedom! Got some badass quitters supporting you! Do your part and I can promise you they will! Quit on my brother!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline shanesaw

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2015, 10:05:00 PM »
Quote from: beast42a
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: jbryan
Quote from: futurebanker413
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
Just posted roll man, ready to do this thing! I'll be cheering for you as well, I know we can beat this. It isn't going to be easy, but it's sooooo gonna be worth it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Had a few cravings today, but able to overcome. I keep telling myself I'm doing this for me, and I've written down a bunch of the reasons that I am quitting, to remind myself when I have a bad crave. But I'm not gonna cave, nothing is gonna make me go back through this fog I'm feeling. This sucks so bad I sure as hell don't want to do it twice. One day at a time!
'dance' Posting Roll 'dance'

I quit with you today!

Rawls 258
Good decision to kick that bitch to the curb. Just remember, even though you hate her, she still loves you.
You will be addicted to nicotine for the rest of your life. I can't attest to what its like after 99 days because that's where I'm at. But I can tell you that nicotine takes any opportunity she can to make herself look all sexy for you. Even now in my quit does she come calling in different forms. BUT, because Ihave posted roll as soon as I wake each morning and I have promised my quit brothers to not cave, I overcome. And you will to, if you use the tools and follow the methods provided here.
I know from experience that drinking early on in a quit can be dangerous. Try to take it easy for a bit.
It sounds like you mean business anyway and I look forward to quitting with you.
As for those reason that you wrote down, I'm sure the folks in your group would love you to share those with them.
Quit on bro.

Offline beast42a

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »
Jbryan....Congrats on posting your day 3 today...this will be the best decision you've ever made....I dipped Copenhagen for 29years and have been quit for 230 day...IT CAN BE DONE !! i never could have imagined myself being quit for this long ago and i never would have been able to that if i hadn't bought into this site.....The most important thing we do here is Post Roll...we do that Every Dam Day (EDD)....we wake up / piss / post your roll first thing in the morning....this is your promise to yourself and your quit room that you will not use nicotine that day......Take it "One Day At A Time" (ODAAT).....then repeat the next day

They say that it take 3 days to rid your body of nicotine......this in no way means you are cured...its only the start to a really shitty roller coaster ride....Buckle Up and hold on! can do this....the fog will lift after about 10 - 14 days....the key to all this is take it one day at a time....minute or hour at a time if you need to......get involved with your quit room....make comments....say what you think.....let your rage out in your quit room....

Here are some things you need to do that will help you succeed:
* Tell all your friends and family that you are quit and you are never going to use nicotine again
* drink shit loads of water.....i mean lots
* work out / exercise....go the gym and sweat your ass off
* don't worry about eating too much right now....
* find an alternative...lots of guys use the fake...gum...seeds...hard candy....use what ever works for you and use what ever keeps the dip out of your mouth
* start building a network of accountability ..... get involved with your quit room - trade your phone # with other quitters
* alcohol - DONT.....DONT Drink any alcohol for at least 2 weeks.....the longer with out booze...the better...Many a good quitters have cave after getting a buzz on....
* Read...Read...Read...everything on this site....any free time you have - read...lot of great stories of quitting and stories of how different quitters were successful

Bottom Line - this will not work unless you are 100% committed .... you have to want this more than start that by Posting Roll first thing every morning....never are an addict and every time that you let up - just a little....that little nicotine bitch that hides in the back of your head will start to whisper in your ear and justify to you that is OK to dip....Never let her in
Despite all my Rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
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This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read here in a long, long time. - Nolaq


Offline beast42a

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2015, 09:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: jbryan
Quote from: futurebanker413
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
Just posted roll man, ready to do this thing! I'll be cheering for you as well, I know we can beat this. It isn't going to be easy, but it's sooooo gonna be worth it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Had a few cravings today, but able to overcome. I keep telling myself I'm doing this for me, and I've written down a bunch of the reasons that I am quitting, to remind myself when I have a bad crave. But I'm not gonna cave, nothing is gonna make me go back through this fog I'm feeling. This sucks so bad I sure as hell don't want to do it twice. One day at a time!
'dance' Posting Roll 'dance'

I quit with you today!

Rawls 258
Despite all my Rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
KTC is a Team Sport....There will be no Individual Events today
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read here in a long, long time. - Nolaq


Offline Rawls

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2015, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: jbryan
Quote from: futurebanker413
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
Just posted roll man, ready to do this thing! I'll be cheering for you as well, I know we can beat this. It isn't going to be easy, but it's sooooo gonna be worth it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Had a few cravings today, but able to overcome. I keep telling myself I'm doing this for me, and I've written down a bunch of the reasons that I am quitting, to remind myself when I have a bad crave. But I'm not gonna cave, nothing is gonna make me go back through this fog I'm feeling. This sucks so bad I sure as hell don't want to do it twice. One day at a time!
'dance' Posting Roll 'dance'

I quit with you today!

Rawls 258
I believe.....

Offline jbryan

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2015, 11:11:00 PM »
Quote from: futurebanker413
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
Just posted roll man, ready to do this thing! I'll be cheering for you as well, I know we can beat this. It isn't going to be easy, but it's sooooo gonna be worth it.

Thanks for the inspiration guys! Had a few cravings today, but able to overcome. I keep telling myself I'm doing this for me, and I've written down a bunch of the reasons that I am quitting, to remind myself when I have a bad crave. But I'm not gonna cave, nothing is gonna make me go back through this fog I'm feeling. This sucks so bad I sure as hell don't want to do it twice. One day at a time!

Offline futurebanker413

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2015, 08:14:00 PM »
hey jbryan!

Today is my quit day, i haven't packed all day. I am worried about the fog but am determined to push through. Have you posted roll today? Post roll with me, lets help each other quit man! We both don't need this shit, we're better than a tin of dirt.
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Offline pab1964

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Drewdrew
Quote from: jbryan
I've been lurking around this forum for awhile as I've summoned up the courage to join and final admit I have a problem. Anyways, 2 days quit - I had my last chew on Friday, July 30th. I'm 26, started smoking when I was about 16, smoked cigarettes for a few years. Then I decided that was going to kill me, so switched to snus, and in the last few years, to dip. I had a pretty strong attachment to Copenhagen going, was doing about a can and a half a day up until recently. My wife hates it, but I finally realized that I can't do this for anyone other than myself. I've quit before, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but always go back to it. But all that's done, I need a change and I'm fucking fed up enough to make one.

I'm in the fog BAD right now, the last 2 days have been a blur. Almost driven off the road a few times, but I've read how the fog comes and goes, so I'm pushing through it. Been using Smokey Mountain just so I have something to do with my fucking lip, the oral fixation drives me nuts. Drinking lots of water, slept for 12 hours last night it was great. I know peer pressure and drinking are my two biggest obstacles to this, but I want to do it finally. Sick of how nicotine makes me feel. The first rush is great, then it's all downhill and I just crave it more and more. I want to get in better shape and take control for once in my life. Gonna be a long road, but it's day by day, minute by minute.

Looking forward to some great support for you guys. Joining a quit group right after I finish posting this.

Great man. The bettering yourself and getting into shape will come. Work on this. Day 2 you are in thick ass fog. Keep on here. It gets empty on weekends, but we are here. Know that you can do it, and make small 5 minute goals.
You're an addict my friend! I'm an addict myself and always will be, why without help this is damn near impossible. Post roll let's get you some badass quit going! I quit with you!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: time to quit for good
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2015, 08:03:00 PM »
Quote from: jbryan
I've been lurking around this forum for awhile as I've summoned up the courage to join and final admit I have a problem. Anyways, 2 days quit - I had my last chew on Friday, July 30th. I'm 26, started smoking when I was about 16, smoked cigarettes for a few years. Then I decided that was going to kill me, so switched to snus, and in the last few years, to dip. I had a pretty strong attachment to Copenhagen going, was doing about a can and a half a day up until recently. My wife hates it, but I finally realized that I can't do this for anyone other than myself. I've quit before, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but always go back to it. But all that's done, I need a change and I'm fucking fed up enough to make one.

I'm in the fog BAD right now, the last 2 days have been a blur. Almost driven off the road a few times, but I've read how the fog comes and goes, so I'm pushing through it. Been using Smokey Mountain just so I have something to do with my fucking lip, the oral fixation drives me nuts. Drinking lots of water, slept for 12 hours last night it was great. I know peer pressure and drinking are my two biggest obstacles to this, but I want to do it finally. Sick of how nicotine makes me feel. The first rush is great, then it's all downhill and I just crave it more and more. I want to get in better shape and take control for once in my life. Gonna be a long road, but it's day by day, minute by minute.

Looking forward to some great support for you guys. Joining a quit group right after I finish posting this.

Great man. The bettering yourself and getting into shape will come. Work on this. Day 2 you are in thick ass fog. Keep on here. It gets empty on weekends, but we are here. Know that you can do it, and make small 5 minute goals.
Quit: 7-23-17 at 8:30am.....after a cave

Offline jbryan

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time to quit for good
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:51:00 PM »
I've been lurking around this forum for awhile as I've summoned up the courage to join and final admit I have a problem. Anyways, 2 days quit - I had my last chew on Friday, July 30th. I'm 26, started smoking when I was about 16, smoked cigarettes for a few years. Then I decided that was going to kill me, so switched to snus, and in the last few years, to dip. I had a pretty strong attachment to Copenhagen going, was doing about a can and a half a day up until recently. My wife hates it, but I finally realized that I can't do this for anyone other than myself. I've quit before, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but always go back to it. But all that's done, I need a change and I'm fucking fed up enough to make one.

I'm in the fog BAD right now, the last 2 days have been a blur. Almost driven off the road a few times, but I've read how the fog comes and goes, so I'm pushing through it. Been using Smokey Mountain just so I have something to do with my fucking lip, the oral fixation drives me nuts. Drinking lots of water, slept for 12 hours last night it was great. I know peer pressure and drinking are my two biggest obstacles to this, but I want to do it finally. Sick of how nicotine makes me feel. The first rush is great, then it's all downhill and I just crave it more and more. I want to get in better shape and take control for once in my life. Gonna be a long road, but it's day by day, minute by minute.

Looking forward to some great support for you guys. Joining a quit group right after I finish posting this.
