Author Topic: Intro  (Read 1685 times)

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Offline TLeah64

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Re: Intro
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2011, 01:27:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Mick!

You have tons of quitting experience and support here. We all want you to suceed.
We have all quit and know how tough it is. But, we are all living proof that it can be done. Your addiction is no different that ours is, you can stop using too!

Get phone numbers, veterans and newbies. Your quit group will become your brothers and sisters, you will watch their backs just as they will watch yours. Get as many numbers as you can out of your quit group. You will need support when the going gets tough. Texting saved my butt many times!

When you get angry, rant in rave on this site. Use the chat or post on the boards. Don't take it out on you family. They don't deserve it, they haven't been putting the crap in your mouth all these years but have had to deal with your addiction. Don't make them suffer through your quit. We all know what you are going through, we can handle you rants and raves.

Last bit of advice, read, read and read some more! This site is full of good advice and inspiration. When you feel the nic bitch whispering in your ear, get on this site and read!

The choice is yours and yours alone. No one or nothing can make you use.
You can do this!

Toni, Quit 6/25/11, HOF 10/2/2011
For the past 30 yrs. I continuously had a dip in my lip from the time I woke up until I went to bed, except for at mealtime. Very few people would of ever suspected it, I hide it well! The deception and guilt is over...I'm one stubborn Chick that will never fall victim to the can again!

Offline AgLawyer

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Re: Intro
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2011, 12:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Mick
After 34 years - up to 1 -1/2 cans day of Cope Snuff, I quit 10/15/11. Gotta do this.
I love the smell of new quit on a Sunday morning. Mick - WELCOME and congrats on making a life-changing choice. Do you know how to post roll? Go to the "Welcome Center" link and start posting roll and reading as much as you can here. Bottom line, this place works. I dipped for 21 years, can a day and today I posted my 81st day nicotine free. The principle is simple, (1) wake up in the morning and post roll on your quit month (which will be Jan. 2012); (2) keep your promise not to use ANY FORM of nicotine for the day; (3) wake up in the morning and repeat.

There is a wealth of information and support here. Drink the koolaid and you WILL succeed.

Offline Mick in Stuart

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« on: October 16, 2011, 11:58:00 AM »
After 34 years - up to 1 -1/2 cans day of Cope Snuff, I quit 10/15/11. Gotta do this.
In the mid 70s, Walt Garrison said it was okay. Just a pinch between your cheek and gums. Been a slave since until joining this fine group.

Quit 12:00 pm (noon) October 15, 2011 after 34 years.
HOF January 23, 2012

It's not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up that matters.