Author Topic: Its time!  (Read 1534 times)

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Offline USDeath

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2011, 10:52:00 AM »
Thanks for the kind words and motivation. I was in the military for 10 years, so i know about determination and perseverence, but this stuff has been with me for twice my military career. I WILL quit!! this shit isnt tuffer than i am!!! Oh yeah and this goes out to nicotine LOL your cravings are weining you better step up your game. im on day 4 thats all you got?

Offline minuteofangle

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
Welcome brother. Doesn't it PISS you off to know that US Tobacco INTENTIONALLY created a substance so addictive that you spend hard earned money to pay them for the privledge of slowly killing yourself? They know that they are leaving your wife a widow and your children orphans but they give a shit! They just want your money! They targeted you from your youth. Telling you that all the cool kids (Professional Baseball players, rodeo cowboys, etc.) chew. Dont you want to be cool too? Here try a few FREE samples you'll love it. Set the HOOK! Well I say get fucking mad! It's time to tell UST 'Finger' ! No more of my money FUCKERS!


Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 10:05:00 PM »
Quote from: USDeath
day 3 no dip!!! I need a link to my class please!!!

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Offline USDeath

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2011, 10:00:00 PM »
day 3 no dip!!! I need a link to my class please!!!

Offline nicofiend

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2011, 10:06:00 AM »
USDEATH: Welcome aboard the QUITTERS TRAIN!!! POst roll, promise not to dip that day, repeat next day. Simple, but sometimes not easy, but well worth it!

Offline Radman

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2011, 04:59:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: USDeath
Hello all, I have a can a day chewer for probably 10 years and have been chewing for almost 20. I have finally siad enough is enough and am trying to quit this damned thing. Its day 2 right now 48 hours since i quit. Memorial day was my jumping off day and so far i have held strong. The urges hit me like a freight train without breaks and seem to hit me at just about anytime that bitch nicotine feels the urge to bug me about it. I have went and got myself some mint snuff and that does seem to take the edge off for me. I have gone through half the can already in the 24 hours that i have bought it. Well thats all i wanted to say for now. I hope  and pray that i can kick this habbit. I have had it for way to long!!!!
Welcome USDeath. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way let's get a few things out of the way:

1) We do not TRY anything around here, we DO!
2) I will NOT pray for you!
3) What I will do is be here for you if you post roll every day and keep your word to not dip for the 24 hrs of that day.
4) If you want it you can do it, but you must want it. The success stories here prove that.

If you think you are up to the challenge then please step up to the plate!
I'll add that this isn't a "habit" and "hope" is the name of an ugly girl I went to high school with. You're an addict, otherwise you would have quit years ago and wouldn't be here spilling it on an internet forum. You've got some hard times coming your way, but it's so worth the price of admission.

Make the decision that you are quit. That you are stronger than some chopped up shit in a tin can. That nothing in the world can make you ingest nicotine. After you've done that, go post roll in the September 2011 quit group and make your promise not to use nicotine today.

If I can do this, you can do this. Good to be quit with you.
The word "habit" applied to nicotine use is the worst lie currently in common usage in our society. I used to say that before I quit, and I believed it. After the battle I've fought during the last 260 days, I recognize that lie for what it is. Any substance that can wreak this much havok in it's absence from your body is ADDICTIVE, not habit-forming. Quitting is tough, be prepared for a battle. Quitting is simple, make me a promise every morning then live up to that promise for 24 hours.

Your language indicates you haven't quite got the right mindset. These guys above hit it dead-on. You've got to convince yourself you CAN do this, you WILL do this. If you TRY, you'll fail. Hunker down, settle in, and embrace the suck. Let me know if I can help.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2011, 04:50:00 PM »
Welcome USD

You can do this.

Will it be difficult? - yup

Is it impossible? - nope

Is it worth it? - oh yeah!

We post roll, should be the first thing you do each day - it is a promise that we will not use nicotine for today. That's all we focus on- just today. Tomorrow we wake up and make that same promise. We keep our word.

Congratulations on your decision to be free!

Glad to be quit with you,


Offline Scowick65

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 04:47:00 PM »
I love new quitters. Welcome aboard. A couple of things about us here. We are all drug addicts. We smell bullshit a mile away. We have a plan to quit. Damn simple really. Quit one day at a time. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. I just checked and saw you have not posted roll. I will send you a PM of reading material. Read and roll on over to here and post roll index.php?showtopic=4751

That is how you commit to quitting today. Pretty damn easy. You pledge to quit for one day. You quit for that day. You rinse and repeat. Any questions give me a PM. I am here for you.

Offline G

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2011, 04:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Parputt
Quote from: USDeath
Hello all, I have a can a day chewer for probably 10 years and have been chewing for almost 20. I have finally siad enough is enough and am trying to quit this damned thing. Its day 2 right now 48 hours since i quit. Memorial day was my jumping off day and so far i have held strong. The urges hit me like a freight train without breaks and seem to hit me at just about anytime that bitch nicotine feels the urge to bug me about it. I have went and got myself some mint snuff and that does seem to take the edge off for me. I have gone through half the can already in the 24 hours that i have bought it. Well thats all i wanted to say for now. I hope  and pray that i can kick this habbit. I have had it for way to long!!!!
Welcome USDeath. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way let's get a few things out of the way:

1) We do not TRY anything around here, we DO!
2) I will NOT pray for you!
3) What I will do is be here for you if you post roll every day and keep your word to not dip for the 24 hrs of that day.
4) If you want it you can do it, but you must want it. The success stories here prove that.

If you think you are up to the challenge then please step up to the plate!
I'll add that this isn't a "habit" and "hope" is the name of an ugly girl I went to high school with. You're an addict, otherwise you would have quit years ago and wouldn't be here spilling it on an internet forum. You've got some hard times coming your way, but it's so worth the price of admission.

Make the decision that you are quit. That you are stronger than some chopped up shit in a tin can. That nothing in the world can make you ingest nicotine. After you've done that, go post roll in the September 2011 quit group and make your promise not to use nicotine today.

If I can do this, you can do this. Good to be quit with you.

Offline magnum9

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2011, 04:42:00 PM »
Welcome USDeath,

Do not ever say the word "try" to quit again.

Make the decision right now. Are you quit or not?

If so then just quit. From not on you are quit. Post roll promising that to all of use every morning. It really is that simple. Hard at times but very simple.

Lets get it done!

Offline Parputt

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: USDeath
Hello all, I have a can a day chewer for probably 10 years and have been chewing for almost 20. I have finally siad enough is enough and am trying to quit this damned thing. Its day 2 right now 48 hours since i quit. Memorial day was my jumping off day and so far i have held strong. The urges hit me like a freight train without breaks and seem to hit me at just about anytime that bitch nicotine feels the urge to bug me about it. I have went and got myself some mint snuff and that does seem to take the edge off for me. I have gone through half the can already in the 24 hours that i have bought it. Well thats all i wanted to say for now. I hope and pray that i can kick this habbit. I have had it for way to long!!!!
Welcome USDeath. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way let's get a few things out of the way:

1) We do not TRY anything around here, we DO!
2) I will NOT pray for you!
3) What I will do is be here for you if you post roll every day and keep your word to not dip for the 24 hrs of that day.
4) If you want it you can do it, but you must want it. The success stories here prove that.

If you think you are up to the challenge then please step up to the plate!
QD:  1-13-11
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Offline nomosko

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Re: Its time!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 04:36:00 PM »
Quote from: USDeath
Hello all, I have a can a day chewer for probably 10 years and have been chewing for almost 20. I have finally siad enough is enough and am trying to quit this damned thing. Its day 2 right now 48 hours since i quit. Memorial day was my jumping off day and so far i have held strong. The urges hit me like a freight train without breaks and seem to hit me at just about anytime that bitch nicotine feels the urge to bug me about it. I have went and got myself some mint snuff and that does seem to take the edge off for me. I have gone through half the can already in the 24 hours that i have bought it. Well thats all i wanted to say for now. I hope and pray that i can kick this habbit. I have had it for way to long!!!!
Welcome aboard. I have been quit 116 days but I remember the hell of day 2. I was a 30 year addict. Early on I focussed on staying quit for 10 minutes at a time. All I can tell you is it does get easier. Hang in there it will be worth it. Make sure you post every day.
Never give up!!!
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Offline USDeath

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Its time!
« on: June 01, 2011, 04:29:00 PM »
Hello all, I have a can a day chewer for probably 10 years and have been chewing for almost 20. I have finally siad enough is enough and am trying to quit this damned thing. Its day 2 right now 48 hours since i quit. Memorial day was my jumping off day and so far i have held strong. The urges hit me like a freight train without breaks and seem to hit me at just about anytime that bitch nicotine feels the urge to bug me about it. I have went and got myself some mint snuff and that does seem to take the edge off for me. I have gone through half the can already in the 24 hours that i have bought it. Well thats all i wanted to say for now. I hope and pray that i can kick this habbit. I have had it for way to long!!!!